A Dancer's Secret

~ Author's POV ~

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Jessica," she greeted Nicole, sticking her hand out as she offered a hand shake.

Nicole examined her and hesitatingly shook her hand, "Nic, nice to meet you."

"I'm sorry for our rude behavior," Jessica politely apologized.

She was quite pretty, having long blonde hair and fair skin. The rest of the girls were quite pretty also, but not really comparable with Jessica's appearance. 

Nicole gave a polite smile, "It's fine."

Jessica smiled back, "You do know it's bad for a boy to be on campus, right? You could get into a lot of trouble."

"Chincha? I didn't know," Nicole rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

Jessica giggled, "Don't worry I won't tell."

"Than-" Nicole began to thank her but was cut off.

"But you have to do a favor for me," Jessica added.

Nicole looked at her with confusion, "Favor?"

Jessica nodded, "I want you to help me go on a date with Hongki Oppa."

"I don't know," Nicole responded with a unsure expression.

Jessica then turned to the group of girls, who were watching, "I guess we need to report to the teacher about him."

Nicole grabbed her arm, "Wait! Fine I'll do it."

With a wide smile planted on her face, Jessica faced back to Nicole, "Great."

Jessica napped her fingers and in the matter of seconds, her friends grabbed Nicole. They quickly dragged Nicole into ,what seemed like, a board room. 

"Now shall we think of a plan?" Jessica took a seat while the other girls left the room with only Jessica and Nicole in it.

Nicole stared at her with a bewildered expression, causing Jessica to laugh.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you," Jessica assured as she flipped her hair.

Cole waved her hands, "Aniyo, I'm not worried. It's just that why do you want to have a date with Hongki so badly? And how do you know me?"

"You've been quite a hot topic among the Seika Boys Fanclub," Jessica folded her arms, "so I know all the information from them."

Surprised that she is quite popular here, Nicole 'oh'-ed but realized Jessica didn't answer her first question, "What about Hongki?"

Jessica shyly looked down at her lap, "We've known each other for a long time but when I confessed to him, he didn't accept my feelings. So I was hoping you could help me out."

Nicole laughed, "You're so cute. Don't worry I'll help you out."

Jessica blushed at being called cute but thanked Nicole with a big smile on her face. They soon talked about their plan for an hour and finally agreed on an idea. Nicole then walked back to her dorm room, where Hongki was lying on his bed with his laptop in front of him. 

"Welcome back," Hongki greeted.

"Kamsamnida," Nicole thanked as she took off her shoes. 

Being a bit tired, she fell onto her bed with an exhausted sigh, "Ya, Hongki~"

With his attention still on his laptop, he answered, "Hmm?"

"Can you help me with something?" Nicole tried to grab his attention from his laptop.

"What is it?" he still didn't look at her.

Nicole took a deep breath, "Can you go on a double date with me?"

With the question said, his head automatically turned to Nicole's direction, "Double date? Wae?"

She started to play with her fingers, trying to act shy, "Well, I asked Gyuri on a date and she said that she will only on a date with me if it's a double date."

"Why don't you ask the other guys? I bet they will agree to it," Hongki passed on the offer.

Nicole violent shook her head, "I don't want the others to know, it's too embarrassing for me, even my brother doesn't know yet."

Hongki heaved out a sigh, "Fine, but you owe me one."

"Thanks you're the best!!" Nicole thumbs up, "the date is tomorrow at 2 PM. We are going to meet up at the front gate of the girl's school, ok?"

Hongki nodded and returned back onto his laptop. She got up and went into the bathroom to talk to Gyuri on the phone privately. After confirming everything will be fine with her, all that Nicole needed to do was now finished. 

~The Next Day at 12 PM~

Nicole was at Jessica's dorm room, waiting for her to finish changing for the double date. Gyuri was going to meet up with them at the front of the school, while Nic came by to make sure everything was fine so far. The bathroom door creaked open, telling Nicole that Jessica had just finished changing. Jessica was wearing a long sleeve dress and leopard fur vest over it. Her hair was down with slight curls at the end of the tips of her hair. 



"How do I look?" Jessica shyly asked as she turned around in a circle for Nicole to take a look at her better. 

Nicole smiled, "You look great!"

Shyly blushing, Jessica thanked her, "You look good too, Nic."

Nicole wore a long sleeved black plaid shirt with a sweater over it and a pair of blue jeans. 

Long-Sleeve Knit Top.

"Kamsamnida but aren't you going to be a bit cold," Nicole pointed to her rather short dress.

Jessica quickly covered her legs, "Aniyo, don't worry."

Nicole laughed and patted her head since she was a bit taller than Jessica, "You don't have to act so shy, you might become my roommate's new girlfriend."

Giggling to the thought of it, Jessica smiled, "Neh, Oppa."

After they finished making final plans, they walked to the front of the girl's school. Gyuri was already there with her goddess flow effecting the whole place. She was wearing black one piece with a grey cardigan over it.


Nicole ran towards her, giving a big hug. 

"Annyeong Gyuri," Nicole greeted in her ear.

Smiling, Gyuri greeted back as she patted Nicole's back. 

"Thanks for doing this for me," separating from the hug. 

She laughed, "Don't worry about it. This might be a fun and interesting memory for me."

Jessica watched them silently with an awkward expression on her face. Noticing it, Nicole chuckled and pulled Jessica to come near them. 

"I forgot to introduce you two," Nicole scratched the back of her head, "Jessica this is Gyuri. Gyuri this is Jessica."

The two girls politely shook hands with each other and greeted each other with a smile on their face. 

"Neh, we know each other," Gyuri said.

Nicole's eye brow raised up, "Chincha?"

Jessica nodded, "She's pretty famous around the school."

"Jessica-shi is also," Gyuri added. 

"That's good then, we all know each other without a problem," Nicole clapped her hands.

Hongki soon arrived, wearing a black shirt with a grey plaid shirt over it with a pair of jeans. 


"Hyung, you're finally here! What took you so long?" Nicole playfully punched his arm.

Rubbing the back of his head, "Mianhae, I over slept."

Gyuri giggled, "It's fine but next time don't over sleep too much." 

Nicole nudged Jessica to stand in front of Hongki since she was hiding behind her and Gyuri. 

"Jessica will be coming along to our double date also," Nicole innocently smiled.

Hongki's jaw dropped as he stared at her, making Jessica rub the back of her head nervously.

"I'm going back to the dorm room," Hongki turned around but was stop by Nicole's head lock.

Nicole quietly talked to him, "Yah you said that you will go on the double date with me."

"Yeah, but I didn't know that I would have to be with that girl."

"Oh come on, just for a while please," Nicole used her best puppy eyes. 

Staring at her eyes, Hongki tsked, "Fine."

Turning him around, Nicole gave a wide smile, "Let's get this date started."

The 2 girls nodded and the 4 set off to eat lunch at a near by cafe. Gyuri and Nicole held hands and acted like an actual couple, while Jessica and Hongki awkwardly walked behind them in silence. 

Gyuri nudged Nicole and mouthed, "They aren't talking."

"I know, I wonder why. She said that they've known each other for a long time," Nicole mouthed back.

The two sneaked a look behind them to find Jessica trying to start off a conversation but failed to do so because of Hongki's short answers. It was like an animated sweat drop came down from Nicole's face as she looked at them. They soon arrived at the cafe and took a seat. The waiter only left 2 menus on the table so Gyuri and Nicole shared one while Jessica and Hongki awkwardly shared one. Pointing out what they want, Gyuri and Nicole started to act love-dovey so Hongki could catch on the feeling. 

Nicole mouthed to him, "Do the same thing!"

Hongki greatly rejected the idea and mouth backed, "No thank you."

Pouting, Nicole went back to the menu and started to talk to Gyuri. Jessica tried her best to start at least an interaction by asking him what kind of food he wanted and so forth but to only recieve a gesture or a 4 worded answer. Hongki decided to call the waiter so Gyuri and Nicole secretly cheered Jessica on with a 'hwaiting' hand motion. 

The waiter took out a pen, "What would you like to order?"

"4 waters please," Gyuri answered. 

"One salmon with white sauce pasta," Nicole pointed to the picture on the menu that she will be sharing with Gyuri. 

Jessica showed the waiter the menu, "One pasta with salad."

"And a club sandwich," Hongki added.

Writing it down, the waiter then excused himself to the kitchen. The waters came first then the food came after a 9 minute wait. They all ate their food with a few conversations here and there. 

Nicole noticed some sauce caught on the corner of Jessica's lips, so she reached forward and helped wipe it, "You have some sauce on your mouth."

Jessica's cheek turned bright red as she quickly covered and used a napkin to clean the sauce. Hongki smirked at Nicole's innocent action, trying to surpass his laughter. After paying the check, they decided to hang out at the park near them. As soon as they got there, Jessica and Gyuri decided to go on the swings while Hongki and Nicole walked and talked. 

"Aren't you being a bit harsh to Jessica?" Nicole pouted.

Hongki stuffed his hands in his pants pockets, "Nope I don't think so. Wae?"

Nicole rolled her eyes, "Of course because she likes you. Why can't you at least have a decent conversation with her."

Realizing what Nicole was now setting up, "So this wasn't just a date for you and Gyuri, it was a set up date for Jessica and I?!"

Nicole bit her lip, trying her best to hide her nervousness, "Ani, what are you talking about? It's just that I don't like it when girls are treated that way that's why."

Not believing what Nicole said, Hongki sighed, "Even if you try to set me up with her, it's impossible for me to go out with her."

"Wae?" Nicole looked at him with curiosity.

"She's my cousin," Hongki said.

Nicole's jaw literally fell open in disbelief, not knowing if he was telling the actual truth. 


Hongki nodded, "Chincha."

Face palming herself, Nicole muttered, "No wonder she's known you for a long time."

"So I pretty much can't return the same feelings towards her, but I don't think that will be a problem anymore," Hongki grinned.


Hongki snickered, "Don't worry, you'll find out."

Gyuri walked over to them, "Nic, Jessica wants to talk to you about something."

Nicole looked over at Jessica, who was still swinging on the swings, "Alright then. I need to talk to her about something also."

Walking towards the swings, Gyuri and Hongki watched her as Gyuri sighed, "He has no clue what he got himself into."

Agreeing, Hongki laughed, "I wish him luck."

Nicole sat down on the swing next to Jessica as she waits for her to stop swinging.

Slowing down, Jessica looked at Nicole, "I have something to discuss about."

"Same here. But you could go first," Nicole said.

Jessica heaved out a sigh, "I don't think this date is going to work out."

"Yeah, about the date," Nicole rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

Before Nicole could finish her sentence, Jessica cutted her off, "I like you."

Nicole's eyes widened in shock while her jaw dropped wide open, while Hongki and Gyuri watched and laughed in the distance.

"I'm sorry but I can't return those feelings towards you," Nicole awkwardly apologized.

Jessica forced a smile, "It's fine."

Getting up from the swings, Jessica flattened down her dress, "I think we should get back to the dorm room, since this plan was obviously a fail."

Soon the 4 walked back to their own dorm room, returning to their normal routine. Nicole just finished taking shower while Hongki was out playing basketball with few of his friends. Drying her hair she heard her phone ring, telling her she just received a message. 

From: Myungsoo

I'm going to pick you up at 6 to eat dinner so be ready by then. I won't take no for an answer alright? Be sure to dress like a girl please. ^^

She started to write a reply.

From Nic:

Fine.. (not like I have a choice) I'll be waiting outside at the front gate.

 Nicole sighed as she checked the time to find out it was 5:30 already. She searched her closet drawers to find her emergency girl clothes and went to the bathroom to change and attached a few extensions in her hair.  She wore a loose black shirt with a orange tank top underneath and pair of shorts. Adding a few long dark brown extensions so it could mix with her black hair, she quickly grabbed her black Converse and exited out of the dorm room before anyone could see. 


She waited outside at the front gate of school, where most of the boys were coming back from going out some where. They whispered to each other and pointed to her, as if she was some kind of special specie. One of the boys started to walk towards, making Nicole scared if he figured out who she was.

"Are you waiting for someone?" the boy asked.

Nodding, Nicole looked at him in the eye, "I am."

"Is that someone your boyfriend?" he then questioned.

Nicole shook her head, "Aniyo, I'm just waiting for a friend."

The boy than smirked, "Then how about going out with me?"

"No thanks," Nicole slowly stepped back from him.

Before the guy could say anything else, he was acut off by a familiar voice, "Nicole!"

The boy and Nicole turned around to see Myungsoo coming towards them with a very strict face. 

"Mianhae, I'm going to go," the guy quickly apologized and ran away from her.

Myungsoo stared at the guy who just left, "Did he do anything to you?"

Nicole shook her head, "Ani, I'm perfectly fine."

Sighing in relief, Myungsoo looked at Nicole, "This is the reason why I wanted to pick you up at the dorm room."

She giggled, "I'm perfectly fine, you don't have to worry about it."

Myungsoo cracked a small smle and pulled Nicole's arm to follow him. They then rode on Myungsoo's motorcycle again to ride to their destination which is a small restaurant near the school. After getting parking, they jumped off of the motorcycle and headed inside the restaurant. The worker in the front of the restaurant guided them to their seats and placed the menus on the table, leaving Myungsoo and Nicole alone. 

"Since you invited me out, does that mean you're going to pay for everything?" Nicole grinned.

Myungsoo smiled, "Of course, this is a date isn't it?"

"Bwoh?" Nicole's cheeks turned bright red.

"Isn't it?" he innocently asked again.

Nicole shook her head, "You could take this as a date but I'm taking it as a friendly dinner."

"Fine with me," Myungsoo then looked back into the menu.

Nicole blushed behind the menu as she stared at it. 

"Myungsoo?" a voice called him out, causing him to turn his attention off the menu.

Then a second voice pitched in, "Omo, Myungsoo what are you doing here?"

Myungsoo just flashed a polite smile as he muttered to himself lowly, "Why can't I hang out with you alone, peacefully."

"I can't believe we ran into you here," footsteps got closer to them, making Nicole wanting to look who it was.

She turned around to see 2 guys in front of her, giving her the same surprised expression on their faces.

"Annyeong, Sungyeol Oppa and Woohyun Oppa" Nicole bowed to them.

Sungyeol and Woohyun greeted her and Myungsoo also. 

"I didn't know you were out with Nicole," Woohyun poked Myungsoo, who just smirked in response.

"Are you also eating dinner Cole?" Sungyeol placed his hand on her shoulder casually.

Myungsoo stared with jealousy in his eyes as he curled his fist under the table. While Woohyun was also jealous but hid it, not wanting to show it to his friends.

Nodding her head, "Are you eating dinner also Oppa?"

Sungyeol smiled and  nodded, "Me and Woohyun just finished acting classes earlier."

"Do you think it's ok if we eat with you guys?" Woohyun hesitatingly asked.

Nicole looked at Myungsoo to see if he was ok with it, but she wasn't able to tell from his expression since he had a straight face. 

"Umm," Nicole said, "you just ask Myungsoo, he's the one who invited me."

Woohyun and Sungyeol stared at Myungsoo, waiting for an answer from him. Heaving out a loud sigh, he just nodded and gestured them to get seats. Nicole never noticed that this is going to be an interesting memory for her, eating dinner with an ex-boyfriend and 2 boys that like her. 


Updated, finally! I'm going to try to add more MyungCole, SungCole, and WooCole scenes in the next chapter so please look forward to it. ^^ I finally got a trailer for the fanfic! Keke x) It's going to take me a while to update with school already starting. Please be patient for the next update!

Kamsamnida to all my subscribers and commenters!

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Christie887 #1
Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Woahhhhhh! Please update soon and I wonder what myungsoo will do ^^
Chapter 26: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa woocole~~~ so happy <3
thanks for updating~
update soon~ :)
Chapter 26: I want my nicole and L!
Christie887 #4
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!! And I hope you can finish the fanfic. MYUNGCOLE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!
Chapter 25: PLEASE UPDATE!!!~~~ please TT_TT
Chapter 25: Author please update soon
I want to read this fanfic so bad!
Chapter 25: author please update this fanfic soon
this is the only way for me to rated this fanfic
this fanfic was really interesting and I'm sure you can finish this fanfic and give a great impact to all the readers
vampycatty #8
Chapter 1: So cute, plus I like the whole Kevin brother interaction
KrisCole #9
Chapter 25: Update soon
i love you story update soon