▹ 2. 중독 -overdose-

Don't Cry ♬
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[CONTENTID1] -I can't sing.  [/CONTENTID1]



”That was weird” she thought to herself, watching him walk to his group of friends. She didn’t recognize the ones he was talking to, so s must be somewhere else. Sori shook her head, adjusted her gray zip-hoodie and continued her way to the audition screen. It was an overhead and the monitor was almost impossible to notice, but it hanged on one of the pillars further away in the lobby. There was no information whatsoever except for the word “audition” so if this was the wrong way she would be completely lost. She walked in the direction the arrow pointed and carefully looked around in the white, narrow hallway she ended up in. No doors, no windows. After a few meters the hallway turned right and led to a door, a plain white one, no window, just a doorknob. She started thinking about hospitals, but worse than hospitals since you didn’t get a sight of the outside, not even some border on the walls. She took a deep breath and tried to kill the butterflies in her stomach. She stared at the doorknob before carefully grabbing it and moved closer to listen if there was anyone inside. She didn’t hear anything so she didn’t even bother to knock; she opened it and went inside.

Loud music hit her straight in the face as she opened the door. “That is some soundproof ” she thought. The fancy lobby nor meeting one of Korea’s hottest males didn’t even impress her, but she was actually a bit struck about the quality of the soundproofing. She stood in the doorway and let out another sigh of relief. She knew she was in the right room because of the dance floor, mirrors, ballet bars and people stretching so now she only had to worry about making an impact on the judges. Sori were one of the ten that had passed the first audition a few months ago so today was her last chance. She sat down in the corner of the room, observing the others while stretching her legs. As any other human being she had her good days and her bad days, and it was just excellent that the same day of her final audition was one of her rare bad days. First thing in the morning was to oversleep so she didn’t have time to shower, next thing was spilling ou

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