The date

Fudanshi world

Some days passed and Jungkook and V became really good friends. They talked about lots of stuff and they never felt uncomfortable with each other. It was really funny and interesting speaking with his new hyung. 

They were very similar in a lot of subjects and that was quite a surprise for Jungkook, because he never had met someone that had so much things in common with him. Both of them were fans of the famous group "Big Bang", they liked the colour black, V told him he watches minimum one Anime chapter per day (fithout fail!)  and Jungkook totally agreed with it, they liked the same animes, etc.

Jungkook was very happy that he met a such a wonderfull person and couldn't hide his excitement from Jimin. Every time he met with his best friend he talked non stop of V and that  became a little annoying after a few days. 

JM: Oy Jungkook!!! Your getting really annoying talking all the time about that V!

JK: But Jimiin~ I can't help it!! He is really hot and cute at the same time, it's imposible not to talk about him!

JM: It's still "hyung" for you, you brat! Man, it seems you really are in love with V, aren't you?

JK: Wh-what are you saying!?? Lo-love?? No way!

JM: Look how cute! Little Kookie is blushing! 

JK: I'm not blushing!

JM: Yeah yeah, don't matter what you say, it's impossible to hide the fact that you are high over heels with that V

JK: Thats not true!

JM: Yes it is

JK: No its not

JM: You know it's true, stop hiding the fact!

JK: Maybe it is a little true, but only a little!

JM: You see! It's better not to lie to yourself

JK: Yeah, but... I don't even know him in person! How can I fall in love with him? 

JM: Why don't you ask him on a date? Like that you can meet and get to know each other in person

JK: Ok, sounds like a good idea so why not? 


Jungkook is a little nervous to ask V if he wants to meet. He knows that his new friend lives in Seul, not so far from were he lives, and it won't be so difficult to meet, but he doesn't know what they could do on a date without being uncomfortable. He made a little research but cinema it's a little to typical for his taste. It should be a place that can be romantic without being expensive, because, you know, Jungkook is a little broke right now.

After a lot of thinking, he comes to the conclusion that they could meet in the park, get to know each other a little and afterwards they could go to the mangashop nearby, like that it won't be a reall "love date", they will have things to talk about and he will discover his reall feelings towards V. 

It's a perfect plan, Jungkook is sure that it won't go bad if he stays calm and let the things go smoothly and naturally. 

Now the only struggle is to ask V if he wants to meet Junkook in real life.


Kookie: Hiiiii

V: Hiii👽

Kookie: How are youu??

V: Im fine, youu?

Kookie: Me too, I wanted to ask you if you want to meet me in person?

V: Sounds nice! I want to know if you are so hot in real life or if its only photoshop XD

Kookie: Me too! Then... How about meeting in the grand park near the lake, at the ice shop?

V: Perfect! What day, what hour? 

Kookie: Tomorrow, 5 pm?

V: Okie dokie! See you then

Kookie: Can't wait!!


OMG! He would really meet with this hot boy...TOMORROW!!!!!!!

Jungkook couldn't believe it went so well. Hopefully the date would also go that well.

Jungkook quickly called Jimin to help him choose a outfit for his first "date". The older was exited and couldn't believe his baby Kookie was growing up so fast. He chose carefully the clothes: a smexy strip shirt, some black tight jeans and cool black boots.

Jimin was really happy for his best friend. Jungkook really deserved to be with someone, and hopefully that V guy wouldn't be an that hurt his Kookie. Well he seemed like a nice guy, so Jimin were quite sure he would be a perfect fitting person for Jungkook.

The day passed real quick and it was night. Jungkook couldn't sleep and instead of sleeping he began to read some ty fanfiction. All the time, the face of V appeared in his mind and that made him feel flustered. He really couldn't wait to see him.


It finally was the day!! Only one hour left till the date begins. Jungkook was really nervous. He quickly put on make up and went to the park. He was 15 minutes to early but he didn't care because better early than late right? 

Only 5 minutes passed till he heard someone calling his name. It was a wonderfull deep voice, he really liked that beautifull voice. Jungkook turned around and saw a handsome and hot boy.  Wow...he was more handsome than in the photos if that really was possible.

V: Hii I'm V! But you can call me Tae

JK: Hii, I'm Kookie, nice to meet you

V: You are really cute Kookie

JK: Th-Thanks! You are really handsome -//-

V: Me? No way! XD

Both of them felt quickly comfortable with each other and took a little walk around the park. Later Tae invited Kookie to ice. First of all the younger complained but the older insisted and let Kookie no choice. They enjoyed the ice and even shared with each other. Jungkook couldn't help it to blush by the thought that it was an indirect kiss. Later they went to the mangashop and V showed him his favorites mangas. He told Kookie that he planed to be rich in the future and then he would buy all the mangas and figurines.

V was a really funny boy. The time passed flying and they soon had to return home. V accompanied Jungkook to his house.

V: It was really cool hanging out with you, I really like you

JK: I like you too Tae! 

Taehyung came closer to Jungkook and gave him a peck. It was a real quick kiss, but both of them could clearly feel it. Jungkook was surprised and all red, but the kiss hadn't really disgusted him, in fact, he liked it. He looked Tae in the eyes and the older began to blush. He pecked him again and ran away. Jungkook entered his hous with a blushing face and quickly went upstairs to his room. Once there, he covered himself with the blanket and tried to remember the taste of his very first kiss.

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ninin25 #1
Chapter 4: <3 sweet fluff, is really cute actually
ninin25 #2
Chapter 3: I liked this one, i felt it a little rushed, and i think that the way you write fluff is really good so you could have dragged that a little more but overall i think is good ^-^ i hope you keep writing this cute fluffy ship
ninin25 #3
OMG so sweet <3 <3 <3
Hana_xo #4
Chapter 3: Sooooo sweet :) Author-nim you're doing good job! Keep up with that :D Can't wait for another chapter, please update soon :)