
where flowers bloom

It was just a cough. That's all it was, Jeongguk reassured himself even as he was hunched over the sink, something forcing itself up his throat. He refused to believe that he was falling victim to the damn flowers.

It was just a cough.

Yet here he was, staring at the three Amaryllis petals laying innocently in the sink, acting like they didn't just claw their way up his throat.

He supposed the crimson petals were fitting, they were reminiscent of blood after all.

Gingerly picking up the petals, Jeongguk placed them in a roll of toilet paper before placing them in his pocket. Maybe it was morbid to keep them around as a reminder of his own stupidity but he couldn't care at this point. It was time to admit it anyway.

Jeongguk was in love with Taehyung.



Meanwhile, Taehyung was in the bathroom of his own apartment, trying to fight the petals down so he didn't wake Jimin. He didn't need the questions.

Not when he was throwing up white carnations into the toilet.

He didn't even have to guess who it was. He already knew.

It wasn't like the younger male wasn't plaguing his thoughts and dreams, oh no. Why would anyone think that?

When the coughing stopped, he saw ten petals in the bowl. He knew he had been pining for a good while now, but he didn't realise it was this bad.

The worst part about this is that he was sure Jeongguk didn't feel the same way. He shied away from his hugs, but gladly accepted them from Jimin and Hoseok. It hurt to think about and it threatened to bring a new wave of flowers, so he tried to distract his thoughts as he flushed the toilet and stood up, grabbing his tooth brush and brushing his teeth to clean his mouth.

Nothing could distract his thoughts about the younger male and he hated himself for it.

Taehyung was in love with Jeongguk.

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Chapter 1: great one!!