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Once upon a time there was a man who had a beautiful daughter. As time passed and the daughter grew older he decided it was time to remarry so the daughter could get some female influence. Even though the daughter protested, his father was stern and soon married a lady with two daughters: Shindong and Yesung. Not long after their marriage the father died in an accident and his daughter was left alone with the stepmom, Zhoumi, and his two new stepsisters. As the stepsisters were jealous of his beauty they called him Heerella as a nickname and his real name was soon forgotten since he never saw anybody but his stepmom and the two ugly stepsisters. Even though he was treated as a servant he still had not forgotten how his father had spoiled him rotten and he still had a diva-ish touch every once in a while.


"Heerella, why did you buy last year's fashion?!" Zhoumi shrieked, as he held up the new dress, cut after last season's trend. "What am I supposed to wear to Prince Siwon's party next week now?!"


"I don't know, Zhoumi. But this is very pretty too, though," Heerella tried even though he knew it was a lost battle.




"Well, I thought Shindong or Yesung were supposed to catch the prince's eye," Heechul answered dryly, since that was all the ugly sisters could talk about recently.


"Don't be a pabo, I am way prettier than both of them put together!" said Zhoumi. "Here, you can give the dress to Yesung. Go find me a new dress and do try to find something for Shindong that will not make him look like a mountain"


"That is easier said than done," Heechul snickered as he exited the room. He was pretty tired, and he felt like throwing a fit, but the idea of having any of the stepsisters or Zhoumi marrying the prince meant them all leaving to live at the castle and hopefully he would then be left alone. All good comes to he who waits. Though, he was a bit depressed over missing out on the chance to go to a real party since he had heard some of the others in town talking about the wild parties that took place down at Kibum's tavern.


Soon the day for the party came with a lot of stress and chaos at the little house.


"I really don't see why I have to wear this," Shindong said while holding up a corsage.


"To make you look less like an elephant," said Yesung menacingly.


"Besides it is very high-fashioned this season!" said Zhoumi, who was dressed in a beautiful and rather big deep-blue ball gown.


"You know, you cannot bring that thing to the party," said Shindong thoughtfully, while looking at his sister, who was wearing a light green dress and holding a turtle tightly to his chest.


"Well, you never know if the prince appreciates the wonders of the magical animal that is the turtle!" exclaimed Yesung. Heerella had been fixing a hair here and a dress there while listening to the conversation. He began to seriously doubt the sanity of the oldest stepsister even though his obsession with turtles was not new. When the family left in much chaos Heerella was left back and sat down pouting while thinking about all the cool music and the funny dances he was probably missing out on. When he had been pouting for a while, he heard a shout from the kitchen and decided to hurry down there to see what was happening.




He stood frozen for all of two seconds before bursting into laughter. The person who had successfully smashed all the porcelain was clad in a light pink dress the size of a small tent and was wearing a crown, which was currently tilted to the side. On his back was a pair of glistening wings. As Heerella laughed the person turned around and huffed.


"YAH! If you want my help to get to that party, you might not want to laugh that much!" he said.


Heerella held back his laugh and smiled slyly at th

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Chapter 5: This is priceless! Each Heestory outdid others in craziness. Beautiful!
Chapter 5: Haha, the nicknames xD Yesung is just awesome xD perfect ending, I can't anymore, unnie!xD
Chapter 4: Haha, that's EunHae xD oh god!
Chapter 3: Can it get even crazier?xD
Chapter 2: And you tell me you were not ob drugs?xD what did you drink, unnie?xD
Chapter 1: Oh god, unnie!xD what the- my poor Wonnie! It's supposed to be SiChul!
-Dany_Sol- #7
Chapter 5: BAHAHAHAHAHHAA. XDDD I bet The Prince is Siwon!!! KYAAA~ I LOVE THIS!!
Chapter 5: I would have liked it better if I knew who the prince was... ._. But it was still amazing and now I'm trying to get my coughing under control. xD
20 streak #9
Chapter 5: Haha!! Great story! And Great laugh I had from it! It's such a long time since the last chapter in this story line :D