Chapter 3

i'm broke but i'm cute

“you have it so bad.” jimin says and taehyung nods next to him as they stare at his phone lock screen, completely forgetting the existence of their paperwork.

“this photo was like from, three years ago. when we went to a beach. how did you even see this? you know how he uploads photos in his facebook every hour.” taehyung asks, amused by jungkook’s lock screen which shows a topless seokjin in a beach.

“it just showed up in my feed, okay?” he snatches his phone from jimin who lets out an undignified scream. he covers his mouth realizing that they’re in the library.

“you mean, you stalked his profile.” taehyung snorts, patting jimin on the back.

“i did not!” he definitely did, but no one needs to know.

taehyung moves closer to jungkook and gives his shoulder a squeeze. “why don’t you just ask my brother out? i won’t get angry.”

“are you serious?” jungkook’s eyes widened. “do you seriously want me to be rejected that bad?”

“who said you’ll be rejected?”

“he has a son and i’m a starving college student. i don’t think he wants to date anyone like me.” he puts his hands up in the air dramatically as an act of surrendering all his emotions and feelings.

“you’re so dramatic.” taehyung rolls his eyes.

“but it’s true. seokjin hyung is way out of his league, it’s like wanting to date an idol.” jimin shrugs, the ever helpful friend that jungkook had the misfortune to befriend.

“i’m just trying to be realistic here. not everything is a walk on rainbows and clouds like how the two of you ended up.”

taehyung and jimin groaned at the same time. jesus christ.




seokjin rubs his temple as he walks in circle in the living room with namjoon trailing from behind with his ryan stuffed toy.

“mom,” seokjin hisses on the phone, “for the nth time, i’m not interested.”

“seokjin, you’re twenty-five and it’s not your fault your last relationship was a horrible one.”

“i really don’t care, mom.”

“listen, you’ll like her. you just have to meet her once for a dinner! that’s it!”

“this will not work.” he sighs.

“it never worked because you keep on saying that. give this one a chance.”

“why do you keep insisting me to go on random dates?”

“i’m just worried about joonie.” a pause, seokjin can hear the faint sound of a printer dying in the background. “isn’t he asking where his mother is? he’s a smart kid, i’m sure he’s confused.”

seokjin turns to his son who is staring up at him with a determined look. as if he’s trying all his best to understand why seokjin looked like a wreck at the moment. his hair sticking up to all places, his shirt inside out, and is holding a toothbrush with his free hand.

“he’ll be more confused if i just introduce a stranger to him.”

“it doesn’t need to happen overnight, he can adjust.”

“mom, i know you have good intentions despite your endless nagging about this but let me do this on my own. and with joonie too. he has the every right to approve who i’ll date.”

there was a moment of silence on the other line, the printer probably officially died as seokjin waits for an answer. “fine.”

seokjin sighs in relief. “thank you, mom. love you.”

“i love you too, tell joonie i love him!”

seokjin pats namjoon on the head. “grandma says she loves you.”

the boy smiles wide and jumps excitedly. “tell mooma i love her too!! lots!!”

seokjin chuckles before he turns his attention back to his phone. “did you hear that, mom?”

there was a sigh. “yes, such an adorable kid. bye!”

the line died before seokjin could even let out a proper goodbye. he sets his phone down on the coffee table and walks back to the bathroom to fix himself.

“papa!” namjoon follows him to the bathroom, trying to match his father’s steps.

“yes, joonie?” seokjin opens the door to the bathroom and opens the faucet on the sink.

“why was papa frowning a while ago? are you tired?”

seokjin looks down at the worried boy. “oh, joonie” he murmurs before he lifts the kid so they’re both facing the mirror. “i’m okay, as long as you’re with me.”

namjoon lets out a loud giggle before he pokes seokjin’s face with his stuffed toy. “and ryan too! ryan will make you happy!”

seokjin laughs. “yes, and ryan too. but you know what will make me feel better?”

“what is it?”

“if we go to the zoo!”

namjoon gasps. “we will go to the zoo today?”

“yes! don’t you want to?”

“i want to go!! will i see those lions i see from the books i read?”

“yes! and giraffes too.”

“wow.” namjoon’s eyes are as wide as saucers. “what about your work?”

“work can wait. my joonie is more important.”

the young boy smiles. “is uncle kookie coming?”

“you know you can call him hyung, right? like your taetae hyung?”

namjoon shakes his head. “don’t wanna, it doesn’t sound right.”

“why is that?”

the young boy stares at his father with a serious look and leans it to murmur. “this is a secret, okay?”

seokjin blinks. “what is it?”

“don’t tell anyone!”

“i promise.”

“ok.” namjoon nods and he stares at seokjin like he’s about to drop the wildest mixtape of the century, “i think uncle kookie likes papa.”

there was a moment of stunned silence, courtesy of seokjin whose mouth is gaping wide before he laughs. he puts namjoon down to put toothpaste on his brush.

“that’s not possible, honey.”

namjoon makes dissatisfied noises because his father is saying that he’s wrong. “why not?”

“because…” seokjin says, “it’s not possible.”

“you’re not making sense.” namjoon pouts as he storms off to the living room, probably to sulk. seokjin stares at his reflection on the mirror before he brushes his teeth.


“zoo?” taehyung’s face brighted up like you just turned 100 light bulbs on at the same time. “and joonie wants jungkookie to come?”

seokjin raises an eyebrow at his brother. don’t get him wrong, he loves his brother but he just doesn’t trust him. especially when he smiles bright like that. “uh, yeah. i think he’s really attached to jungkook.”

taehyung scratches his chin as if he’s in deep thought. “you know how joonie was already three and he still doesn’t like me. i think he still doesn’t trust me until now.”

“because you’re taehyung.” the older male sighs. “and your point?”

his younger brother grins. “i’m just saying. did you tell jungkook already? it’s almost twelve in the afternoon, you should be going.”

“taehyung, i just can’t call him out of the blue and asks him to accompany joonie to the zoo. i’m sure he has classes today.”

“he doesn’t. he’s just lazing around in the library because of the air conditioning unit.”

“well, he’s busy. just come with us, i’m sure joonie wouldn’t mind.”

“psh.” taehyung waves his hand. “give me your phone.”


“just a minute.”




and there it is. the puppy eyes that always gets into seokjin. he prays for his soul before he hands him his innocent phone.

taehyung’s boxy grin almost reached his ears and if that’s not enough of a warning then seokjin doesn’t know what else to expect other than the doom that he’ll be experiencing after all of this.


jungkook’s mouth was wide open when he received a message from seokjin just thirty minutes when taehyung left with the excuse that his brother is a pathetic piece of who can’t operate a stove on his own.

definitely ignoring the universal truth that seokjin is a famous chef.

jimin peeks at the phone with the almost falling apart screen and chokes on his saliva.

from seokjin: i’m really , come here.

jungkook accidentally sent his phone flying to the shelf fifteen steps away from him and the last thing he heard before the thump on the floor was the screen breaking. his phone is definitely a goner at this point.

he swears his heart is going to jump from his chest and his face feels way too hot despite the cold temperature in the library. he hears jimin slowly recovering from his near death experience and starts laughing.

“. that’s definitely taehyung,” jungkook says as he grabs his bag to go to seokjin’s place.

(because what if that wasn’t taehyung and is actually seokjin holy he’s not going to miss that opportunity.)



it was taehyung. the moment jungkook steps into the humble kim household he sees taehyung kneeling on the floor with a piece of paper taped on his forehead that says:

‘it was me who sent the message and i’m very sorry.’

jungkook tries so hard to hide his disappointment.

“what a bummer.” he hears jimin behind him, welcoming himself into the large and expensive apartment. “jungkook thought he was gonna get laid now.”

taehyung laughs so hard the paper fell on the floor and he rolls on his stomach.

“ you! i wasn’t! and i knew it was your ty excuse of a boyfriend!”

“but that didn’t stop you from running out like there was an emergency to go to seokjin hyung’s!”

jungkook yells, jimin screams, and taehyung laughs louder and it was enough to have seokjin running to see what the commotion was all about with namjoon dressed in red jumper and black shirt on his arms. the kid looks like mickey mouse.

“what’s going on?”

taehyung almost told seokjin that jungkook thought he was getting laid but he stops himself when he saw his nephew.

“aw isn’t namjoon an adorable mouse.”

“i’m not a mouse! i’m iron man!”

“what?” taehyung asks, confused.

“he doesn’t have any clean white shirts.” seokjin explains as he puts namjoon down.

the kid runs to a very confused jungkook and grabs his hand. “we’re going to the zoo! i’m gonna adopt a giraffe.”

“we’re going to what?” jungkook looks up at seokjin. he wasn’t expecting that they will go to the zoo (and no he wasn’t expecting that he’ll get laid. no).

“i sent you a message after taehyung sent you the embarrassing one. did you receive it?”

“oh no.” jimin butts in, laughing. “he threw his phone in surprise and now it’s beyond help so no, he didn’t see.”

seokjin gasps in horror and sends taehyung a glare. “i’m so sorry about it. i’ll buy you a new one.”

jungkook can feel the heat crawling up to his cheeks and taehyung didn’t waste any time to yell about it.

“hyung! you don’t need too—i’m planning to get a new one anyway.”

“you don’t have money for it.” jimin, the ever helpful friend—

“yah, just let jin hyung buy you one to make his sugar daddy status official.” taehyung the ever helpful friend that he is—

“excuse me?” seokjin says, his eyebrow raised.

“sugar daddy?” namjoon asks and taehyung gets kicked out.



namjoon looks amused about the giraffe and the fact that he’s not allowed to adopt one didn’t stop him from naming the three giraffes.

popo 1st, popo 2nd, and popo 3rd.

taehyung was busy taking photos of his nephew with jimin holding two bottles of water next to him. jungkook fans himself with the map for the zoo. he was sweating like a mad man and how seokjin managed to still look fresh and ethereal like a ing god in this heat is way beyond his human knowledge. he’s officially convinced that seokjin is indeed some kind of a (greek) korean god. whatever.

seokjin is wearing a white shirt with yellow and pink horizontal line in the middle and ripped jeans and what the there’s a large hole on his thigh dangerously close to his ing crotch jesus ing christ.

on the other hand, jungkook is wearing his white and yellow baseball stussy shirt and ripped jeans. they look like a ing couple and in all honesty he had no idea that the color motif for today was white and yellow with washed out ripped jeans.

(he swears this was a coincidence and at least he looks decent next to the actual god seokjin and not some kind of a beggar.)

“kookie, you okay? you look like you’re going to faint.”

(kookie? oh my good kookie.)

“yeah i’m fine.” he smiles as he fans himself with the map harder, and harder, and harder, because standing next to kim seokjin makes him feel hot. he fans harder until the map escapes from his grasp and flies to the business man in a crisp black suit in next to him. .

why is he wearing a black suit in this heat? in the zoo?

the man was on his phone when the map hits him square on the face and the innocent piece of paper falls on the ground. there was an awkward silence that consists of jungkook staring at the man with wide eyes like a deer caught in the forest and seokjin with both of his hands frozen midair.

the man picks up the map and gives it to jungkook. “this is yours?”

“ah…yes, sorry.” jungkook takes the paper with shaking hands. the man looks like he can send jungkook to jail by accusing of attempted murder.

the man gives them an annoying (judgmental) look before he huffs and turns to leave. seokjin was still looking at the spot where the man was with squinted eyes.

“he looks familiar.”

there was a scream that sounds awfully familiar and both males turned their head to taehyung whose face is covered in something…sticky.

“the giraffe thought it was hilarious to spit on me!”


after calming down an angry taehyung courtesy of jimin cuddling him, it was now jungkook’s job to take photos. the camera was a bit heavy on his hand but this isn’t a foreign feeling to an arts student like him.

he sees namjoon on seokjin’s broad shoulders as he stares at the monkeys in awe. he points to one of them and says something along the lines of ‘it looks like taetae hyung!’ before seokjin breaks into laughter.

jungkook unconsciously grins and watches them from the viewfinder of the camera. he hears the faint sound of the shutter of the camera as he presses the button again, and again, and again, until all he can see in the lcd is seokjin and namjoon’s animated smiles captured in every frame in their every movement. the photos looking like pages from his animation project.

he feels all sorts of warmth as he looks at the photos. he probably looks like a love-struck fool and yep.

he got it so bad.


it was now jimin’s turn to piggy back namjoon after taehyung whined that his back hurts and he feels gross and seokjin’s shoulders started aching from lifting namjoon.

“he’s growing up so fast, he’s heavier now than he was last week.” seokjin murmurs to no one in particular, probably to the ice cream he’s holding because his 100% attention was to it. who knows.

jungkook looks at his own ice cream, slowly melting because of the heat of the sun and brings it closer to him to the cone. he hears seokjin make strangled noises before he turns his attention to the older male who is currently looking at him like a disappointed mother™.

“you’re a messy eater! look, you got chocolate all over your mouth.” he sighs and gives a tissue to jungkook.

the younger blushes in embarrassment as he wipes his mouth clean, glancing at seokjin every now and then before he throws the tissue on the nearest trashcan.

“you missed a spot.” seokjin laughs.

“what?” jungkook panics as he wipes his all corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, his ice cream now long forgotten on his left hand.

“stop! i’ll remove it for you.” seokjin leans closer and wipes the corner of his mouth with his thumb before he leans away like nothing happened. “there, all done.”

jungkook’s mind literally stopped functioning at this point. he’s frozen and the ice cream is melting and the weather is too hot he wishes he’s melting like the ice cream too. this is way too embarrassing he couldn’t believe—

“earth to jungkook? earth to jungkook! hey!” seokjin shakes him back to reality.

“oh, sorry i just—sorry.”

“your face is red. sorry, you actually didn’t miss a spot i just needed a reason to touch your face…” seokjin murmurs, he probably thought he embarrassed jungkook by telling him he was a messy eater.

but that didn’t make things any better as jungkook drops the ice cream cone on the floor and he wants to die right on the spot. .


the day went on without any further flirting from kim seokjin which made jungkook feel relieved and disappointed at the same time. relieved because has no idea how the is he supposed to respond because hello? that’s kim seokjin. the great kim seokjin that he’s head over heels for. and disappointed because that’s kim seokjin. the great kim seokjin that he’s head over heels for.

despite the mixed emotions and confusion that he felt throughout the day (because? kim seokjin the man he’s head over heels for lowkey admitted he wanted to touch jungkook’s face? who wouldn’t be confused? psh, jungkook got it so bad) he arrived home with full stomach and a brand new iphone 7 plus. not just any phone. an iphone 7 plus.

jimin sulked when they got home and the first thing that he did was to borrow jungkook’s brand new (expensive) phone. he didn’t even bother to remove his shoes. he just walked in with his shoes and flopped on the couch as he takes the phone out of jungkook’s tight grip.

“if i see a single ing scratch on the screen i’m going to kill you and bury you under my ing bed.”

“shut up, why are you so lucky? ahh i wanted this phone so bad and you got it by acting cute!”

“i wasn’t—“

“ah, jungkookie is so lucky. can you ask seokjin hyung for a pair of timberland shoes in my size? pretty please?”

“shut up.” he grabs the phone and stares at it like his newborn child. “you have taehyung. remember when he gave you that expensive sweater? that sweater that’s more expensive than our tuition fee?”

“you know i love taetae, i don’t care about expensive gifts.”

“of course.” jungkook rolls his eyes. “i’m going to take a bath. i feel gross.”

“don’t use all the hot water, you brat! i know what you’re planning!” jimin removes his shoes and runs after jungkook in the bathroom. “i’m taking a bath with you!”

“get out!” he pushes the older male out of the bathroom. “i won’t use all the hot water!”

“i don’t trust you!” he pushes himself back in, locks the door, and strips his clothes off.

“we’re to grown up men here! we won’t fit in the bathtub!”

“we’ll fit! me and taehyung can fit and still have space to—“

“oh my god.”




yoongi glares at the phone as he drinks his coffee. “where did you get that? do you even have the money to buy that? you didn’t steal that, didn’t you?”

“what’s wrong with you, hyung.” jungkook stares at his older cousin with a hurt look as if he just kicked a puppy.

“no it’s just, nothing. never mind. i don’t even want to think about it.”


“nothing. i know you want to have expensive gadgets too and i won’t judge you, alright? it’s fine. it’s normal, i mean some students even use that method to pay for their school fees. it’s okay, jungkook.”

“what are you talking about?”

“i just want you to be careful, alright? you don’t know what this man could be planning he could be nice to you right now but what if he—“

“hyung, what the are you talking about?”

“i trust that you found this sugar daddy in a safe place and not to some sketchy website.” he continues as if he didn’t hear jungkook.

“i don’t have a sugar daddy!” jungkook yells a bit too loud and a few people in the coffee shop actually turns to their direction. an old man with a mustache chokes on his coffee and a younger female student rushes to his side and pats his back in a comforting manner.

yoongi stares at him like he grew another head. “you don’t have one?”

“no! oh god.”

“where did you get that? you didn’t steal that, right?”

“no! seokjin hyung got it for me because i broke my phone and he felt guilty about it.”

yoongi lifts his coffee to take another sip but he stops midair. “seokjin who?”

“uh, kim seokjin? i don’t know how to explain this but i’m babysitting his son—“

“kim seokjin? the restaurant owner? the ridiculously photogenic rich guy with lips?”

jungkook stops for a second to think about how yoongi just described him but he nods his head in agreement. it’s true.

“this can’t be possible. you sure about that? i mean, there’s like thousands of kim seokjin in south korea we can’t be talking about the same person here.” yoongi shakes his head and puts his cup down. he probably forgot that he was about to take a sip.

“i’m sure we’re talking about the same kim seokjin here.”

the elder sighs and rubs his temple. “did you feed him some weird mushroom to buy you an expensive phone?”

“uh, no? is this not normal?”

“no. he’s normally not generous. listen, he’s my roommate back in college and i know him like the back of my hand and you literally had to blackmail him before he buys you a drink.”

jungkook frowns, confused.

“he’s the one who was supposed to tutor you because he owes me something.”

“oh.” he’s not even surprised with that information. he’s more surprised about the fact that yoongi had a literal god as his roommate and never bothered to inform him. what the . where did the bros before hoes golden bro code went? traitor.

before he can even speak his mind about this unforgivable information, yoongi’s phone starts to ring in the tune of descendants of the sun ost.

“shut up, it’s seokjin. i’ll put him on a speaker.”

he puts his phone on the table, right in the middle and answers the phone on speaker.

“hyung? what’s up?”

“ahh, yoongi.” he can hear seokjin’s voice. this is literally the same kim seokjin that they know. “am i on speaker? you sound like you’re ten feet away.”

“i’m grading some papers, what do you need?”

“oh! i just wanna know when’s your cousin available? you know, the tutor thing. i’ll do my best to help him, i just need to clear my schedule.”

“oh yeah, about that… it’s cancelled.”

“what?” seokjin asks at the same time jungkook mouths a what?

yoongi puts a hand up to stop jungkook. “yeah, sorry. are you free tonight?”

“huh, why?”

“let’s drink out, it’s been a while. your treat.”

there was a chuckle. cute. “under my dead body, yoongi-chi. you know me well to know i’m not very generous with my money.”

“of course. i’m just asking in case you had a change of heart.”

jungkook tunes out the rest of their conversation. what? seokjin literally gives him money for doing nothing in their house so what the is this.

he doesn’t notice when yoongi ended the call until the older male hits his head with his hand.


“you’re spacing out. now you know what i mean?”

jungkook rubs his head, he was sure he lost half of his brain cells. “yeah i get it! why is he being generous to me though? he even gives me money for not doing anything in his house because his son is not really much of a trouble.”

“i’m worried about that. the last time he spent too much on a person that’s not taehyung or namjoon was his son’s mother.”

jungkook doesn’t know why but he suddenly felt something in his stomach like he just drunk a gallon of gasoline and decided to set himself on fire. it’s definitely not a good feeling. 

Note: I'm so sorry for the super late update!! I'll do my best to update more TT TT 

anyway, this is what their outfit looks like~

Click me!!

I mean, they're so cute look at them holding hands TT

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Trngmy #1
This is so ing cute! Too bad it has been 3 years since the last chapter. Maybe someday you find your motivation to continue this? Until then, I'll be waiting for your update..........patiently ??
Not_A_Robot #2
Chapter 4: Please update!!!!!!! I love your writing!!!!!!! I miss your stories!!!! We are close to a year since you last updated this one, please continue it
Alfiya_kook #3
It's so cute! Esp namjoon . Waitingfor ur next update
taejin4ever #4
Chapter 4: Okay this is just precious. My cup of kookjin fanfiction and its sooo good and fluffy and namjoon baby is so eprfect. Im so happy i checked out fanfictions at 3 in the morning with a reporting and quiz to make. Haha. Thiz makes it all worth it. Sooooo good. Omg. Please update soon author-nim.
Ohhhhhhhhh and is this gonna be r rated or nah? If it would be it would br a blessing(forgive ne for Inahve sinned) 0
Fighting ฅ'ω'ฅ
JinsPinkprincess #5
Chapter 4: thsnk u for updating. lol this was cute so much happened. love you this is so cute
Not_A_Robot #6
Chapter 4: Yah!!!! I was missing this story. Thank you for the update, loved the whole chapter!!!
Natashabird #7
Chapter 4: Hahahahahaha. The ending, it was just so funny. I'm glad the feelings are mutual!! Hurray!!
Can't believe that Jin just left without paying the bill;)
Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 4: I'm happy that your feelings are mutual JungKook-ie
& I felt bad for you to handle the bills.. KKK
Keep strong KooKie-ah

Update soon again please???????
Chullie98 #10
Chapter 3: This story is cute.. Please update soon. <3