That Tear

That eye

uhhm uhhhm 

hello everyone I'm amber
I didn't understand life yet but I'm trying to 

and.. * the doors open O.O *


amber: AAAAAaaaaaa >.<

seung gi: yo amber I want to see your face, you didn't miss oppaaa!!

~amber: what the hell

seung gi: I got promoted at work, now give me a kiss on my forehead

~: for reaaallll ^hugs^ wohooo congraaaatzzz ^.^ I'm so happy for you oppa .

seung gi: oppa wants a gift

~: ^chu on his forehead^ you did your best oppa <3

seung gi: yeah I did 

~: I'm gonna cook dinner, lets celebrate! where is eric and dad!

-while making dinner-

eric: dad did you see that drama about that killer! who was involve ?

dad:@#$%^&*( << blah blah blah lol

~: oppa I was thinking about life, what is life ??

seung gi: weird question hmmmm well it depends on you, what you choose and how do you react towards destiny, for me life is family.

Dad: Amber can you please bring me a glass of water

~: okkk dad 

~: here you go

seung gi: why did you ask?

~: I guess I'm growing up pfffft lol

seung gi: dummy just think of it in a good way 

-while eating dinner-

eric: I saw the new neighbors they seem kind

~: new neighbors ??

dad: yeah the father is the CEO of mimi company

~: ohh kris, dad did you visit them?

dad: yeah I was passing jeonghan's house to greet them they told that they're visiting the new neighbors and asked me to come with them, they seemed weak somehow, they'r really friendly, also they asked us to visit them again.

~: oh 

seung gi: yeah I saw kris at the park, I greeted him and we had a small chat, he told me that he is in the same school as amber.

~: yea and same class.

eric: so you knew about it

~: my friends were talking about that

dad: try to make friends with him 

eric: dad you want him to date amber?

dad: stupid its not like that, he is new and has no friends in school.

~: ok


hmmm finally back to writing

so when I asked my oppa about life he gave me an inspiring answer 
I gotta be careful of what I choose and react I guess 

-amber's room-

ALARM: t t t t t t t t t t

~Amber: ooh what is itt -.-
~: oooooh I'm laaaate
why rapmon didn't waked me >.<

^open lights ^

dad dad dad wake up


OMG seeeeunnnng gggiiiiiiii 

why is everyone sleeepingggg

eric: whats with you?

~: cant you see we are late!!!

eric: late???


dad: its still 2 AM

~: whaaat 

dad: its sti...

~: I know I know how did I saw it 10 AM!

eric: maybe your eyes is full of mucus go wash it

~: hahaha 

dad: you laugh ?! 

seung gi: just close the lamp and door and get lost please

^tack tack^

*what is going on *

ill just drink water then sleep


O.O I cant sleep

^ phone ring ^

* oh rapmon at this time *

~: yeah 

R: Amber gotta talk to you, come outside!

~: its too late

R: I know just hurry up !

~: whats wrong rapmon !

R: you will know just come outside for a little bit.

~: ok

* I'm worried, something bad! something bad * >.<

-outside the house-

~amber: Rapmon what is it !!

R: I'm sorry

~: whattt!

R: just take a breath

~: ............. 

R: uhm bobby's father died

~: no

R: he had cancer a fourth stage bone cancer, it was too bad for them

~: T.T

R: just stay calm

~: T.T

R: we will go tomorrow to help them in the funeral after school okk

~: T.T .................

R: Amber..

~: uhm Oo Uwaaaaaaaaaaaa T.T

R: ok ok , its ok ok ^ pat her head^

~: why he didn't tell us and cry about it

R: its ok calm down

~: mmmmm T.T


- 5 min later

~: umm just go sleep tomorrow will be a long day

R: ok you too sleep ha!!


R: Amber!!

~: I don't think I can, i'll try

R: ok see ya !

~: umm

I'm totally shocked about what he told me
it was just yesterday, we saw him and had fun with him though his sick but he was smiling and talked to us T.T

OMG my tears wont stop

-phone ring

rapmon: hello

~Amber: ummmm

R: yaaa sleep already!

~: I cant, my tears wont stop falling T.T

R: hey, its ok life is like that people die and born and so on, we gotta stay strong okk!

~: I'll do my best.

R: Amber call me if you need to talk

~: ummm

-phone close

To think about it rapmon was always there for me always, even when my mom died he took care of me when my dad and bros were busy.
he was always there for me, being neighbors made us so close. 
when my mom died, he was only 6 years old 
but he did understand how I felt, always try to makes me smile eat and sleep.
I think that's one of the reasons why I loved him, though sometimes he look so savage and creepy but deeply he's so gentle.
oh yeah I confessed already,,

I confessed to him at second year of secondary school 

- flashback-
~*so scared*
Amber: hey rapmon I have something to say to you, can I talk to you alone?

R: yeah yeah ofcourse

-heading to the rooftop-

~Amber: Rapmon After telling you what I want to say,I think that I'm gonna feel so freaking stupid but yeah I don't care, though I'm too afraid to say what in my mind, 
I'm saying it so I'll feel relief.

R: tell me its ok.

~:I tried to just keep it but I think I cant 
have you asked your self why did I avoid seeing you the past few days?

R: yeah I kept on thinking about what did I do that made you mad.

~: no uhm its not like, its just that, Rapmon  I LIKE YOU.

*R freezed*

~: I know that your in love with another girl 
And I know that she's so perfect for you, I really wish you all the best, I cheer up for you!
yeah I'm ready to get rejected. 

R: you're amazing amber, I love you as my lil sis , I'm really sorry

^tears begins ^

~: bleeeh you'll gonna regret this I'm sure :P now just leave me alone for awhile :)

R: ok, lets go back home together 

~: yeah ofcourse, treat me for an ice tea

R: ok, then I'm heading back to class


_ R leaves_

uuhhhhhhhhh uwaaaaaaa T.T
*good job amber, you did your best*

-end of flashback-


^amber breathed in >.<^

eric: you're toooooo late wake up

^amber got up so quickly and run to get prepared for school^

dad: Amberrrrr! Rapmon is waiting for you hurry !

^Rapmon eating breakfast in amber's house ^

~amber: okkk okkk

-after 5 min-

~: I'm dooone, rapmon lets ruuun

^while amber wearing her shoes eric is fed amber quickly^

~: I love you eric, dad we're  going to school <3 

R: yeah see you later

- arrived on tiiime-

~Amber: yessss, we did it ^high five rapmon, and smiled^

Rapmon: I'm glad that you're smiling ^mumbling^

~: hmmm!!?

Rapmon:  nothing

~: * I'm good at acting clap clap*


^got in the class^

bi and 3J : oh AMBER!

~Amber: hmmm!!

Rapmon: afterschool, we're going to bobby's house.

~: yeah I know

*bi and 3j were worried about me cuz they know that when its about death I cant stand it, I really cant stand it but for bobby and his family , i'll do my best to stay strong and help them  *

~: lets do our best! and stay strong!

Bi: yeah we gotta stay strong 

jea rim: I hope that his ok 

joon-yeol: he is going to be ok 

~: yeah

^Amber looked away and saw kris^

*oh kris came!*

~Amber: hey kris good morning!

Kris: yeah good morning

^ teayeon glanced at them^

~: hey we gotta talk to the class about what teacher jessi told us.

kris: ummm

~: the paper is with me, come on the board.

kris: ok

^ teayeon extend her foot to obstruct amber^

~: ouch

T: ops sorry

~: come onnn !

T: what!

* I really don't want to start a fight cuz I cant concentrate about anything I'm trying to be ok*
^ ignored her and went to the board ^

~Amber: heeey everyone!!!! can you pls be quiet 


~: so, T(jessi) gave us a paper full of the activities for this year.

luna: whatever!

~:.......................* whats with her!*

Kris: so we must pick up one of them, discuss it , make a plan then do it

Jun-hyung: like we care?

~:..........................* is he serious ? I want to shout on his face but I think tears will fall * 

rapmon: Jun-hyung pls shut up

^ 3j looked at eachother^ and said: WE CARE!

^ amber looked stressed out and trying to calm, kris noticed that ^

kris: ok what ever, to who cares we are going to right the topics on board, after the break, please draw a star under the topic that you want to choose, that's all.

^amber begun to write on the board ^
-break time starts
kris: amber you can go i'll write the rest

~: ummm

Rapmon: amber lets go to the cafeteria 

~: ok 


^ kris went to the rooftop sleeping^

someones open the doors and rrrrun and shouted >o<

~kris:...........*oh that was amber*

Amber: ^tears drops^ T.T

^ kris just watched and couldn't say a single word, after 5 min of her crying kris stood up, amber noticed kris but didn't care and continued crying^
^ kris wiped her tears and told her 
kris: those are precious, cry for the  precious ones

Amber: ha!! T.T

kris: nothing just take your time and let it all out, I'm going to class.

Amber: T.T ummm

^kris on his way to the door but he pause, then turned around and hugged her ^

kris: though there is nothing between us, but yeah cheer up !

^ kris went to the class^


kris:..... * whats with the load voice *

^kris got in the class^

^ amber friends were shouting at some classmates ^

^ kris looked at the board , they drew and wrote bad things about amber ^

kris: Who did this !!!!!!


T(jessi) came 

T(jessi): who ever did this i'll find you and I will deal with you, everyone back to their places.

^amber went home early^


amber was standing in front of the door

~:* why I didn't come with rapmon I think his already in* as I thought I cant get in.

^kris with his mom and lil sis behind amber^

kris: why you cant?

Kris's mom: oh my~ we cant go in?

Amber: no no its ok you can, I'm just....

kris: mom go first,

Kris's mom: ok, 


kris: amber are you ok?

Amber: ............... its just that I was stressed out and my mind was a mess

kris: I didn't asked why did you cry though.

amber: lol you're right, but i have a question, do you hug random people!

kris: yeah, lets go in

Amber: oh ok

-bobby's house-

bobby: amber over here!

amber: everything is going to be alright and..

bobby: amber I'm ok don't be worried 

amber: yeah,

-amber's bedroom-

the funeral was blue, but we will be alright and we will stay strong together <3

tack tack
^knocks the door^
seung gi: amber!! 

^opens the door^

~: yeah

seung gi: I cant go out with you on weekend, our date  T.T

~: >.<

seung gi: you know oppa wants to, but I have to work extra hours on that day

~: *sigh*

seung gi: how about you go with eric or one of your friends 

~: I want oppa 

seung gi: >.<

~: I'm kidding bro, its ok it cant be helped just focus on work ok! and do your best!

seung gi: here is the tickets, invite anyone.

~: ok


to be honest I didn't want to go, but I think I'm going alone, so I will clear my mind and wont waste those tickets,
So, everyone is searching for rest, though getting rest for a long hours makes you tired,
can we really finds it ?

*​please tell me your opinion on everything *

```ch4 teaser

kris; oh its amber

haru: she's cute

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krisber_1806 #1
Chapter 11: uuuwwwoooo good job kris....
cant wait to read krisber dating.
dont take a long time yaaa author-nim
krisber_1806 #2
Chapter 10: ohhhh i think ber already bit feel in love to kris.
and kris too.
update soon kayyyy im waiting
krisber_1806 #3
Chapter 9: What is with taeyeon?
Omg is the activity is do the drama musical?
If yes please be krisber
Murni_asih #4
Chapter 9: why amber's heart suddenly beat fast? omg i'm so curious..... is it caused by kris? hehe
Sina_neiyz #5
Chapter 8: Hahahaha... cuteeeee~~~~ cant wait for next update.. thanks
krisber_1806 #6
Chapter 8: omg cant wait for the next chap.
i think next chap is krisber story beginning
krisber_1806 #7
Chapter 7: why so short author-nim?
hhhuuummm do you have a writing block?
yappp nope at least you update...
tifani_anyber #8
Chapter 6: I really love your poster
That cool~
krisber_1806 #9
Chapter 6: hhhhuuummm so cute when the part of haru and amber...
so amber will work with amber and lee hi.
hhuuummm cant wait for the next chapter