The Ghost from the Vodka Bottle
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What brings you here today, sir?


I... I don't even know. Boredom, I guess? 


There must be a reason, right? My shop isn't really one that you can find anywhere else. Surely you have done some research about this... and about my job, I presume?


... Alright. You got me there. I want to go back. 


And why, sir?


There's this girl that I see... everyday and every night... I can't get her face out of my mind. It's always there. Her expression was contradicting what she did. She was smiling at me—it's sad if I tell you the truth. She's not supposed to smile but she did, and she did it at me. I... ... I can't get that face out of my head. It's haunting me. 


And there is a problem, yes?


She's dead. It's been more than a decade since she committed suicide on that bridge but I still remember it... clear as day. 


And you want to go back so that you can save her and put your mind into rest, yes? May I ask if she was a relative of yours, a wife or a girlfriend maybe? 


No, she was just a stranger. Actually, she was more of a long-lost acquaintance. We met a couple of years prior the incident but we talked... just for a few minutes though. She left soon after... I bumped into her before she jumped and I wasn't able to recognize her because I was too caught up with myself. I wasn't able to do anything before it happened. 


I see that your guilt has been eating you up for a while now. 


Yeah. I didn't come out of my house for almost a year because her face kept flashing in my mind. No one should look that happy after they just do that to themselves. She was so young... she needed to have a second chance but that was impossible. 


And why do you think what we're about to do isn't impossible? What gives you the idea that I can make your wish come true? You seem like you are not a native of this place. I see that you have traveled far just to get to me.


I got desperate. It's either this or I kill my own self. 


... You are joking, sir? 


Yes. I'm just trying to light up the mood. Don't worry. 


Ahhh, a very terrible joke, sir. Please don't use that again. 


I was never good at making jokes. I'm sorry. 


It's alright, I was joking as well. Please don't be intimidated with how I look. I have heard that a lot of my customers get scared of me. 


It's alright. You look fine to me. 


My gratitude, sir. Anyways, please give me your hands and we will begin. 




Now please, close your eyes and describe the event that you want to get back to the most. It would be good if you could describe all the little things that you can remember. It would help alter the memory and make it a reality. 


Okay... I was walking in Seoul, South Korea... near the Han River by the biking lane that had that weird blue mark on the sign instead of a yellow one. Someone just handed me a flier...























"I told you that I don't want it." Jiyong said as he handed the flier back to the poor college student who's just doing this for a favor. 


"C'mon dude, don't be such an ." the man said and shoved the paper back to Jiyong's chest. "Just take it and walk away like a normal person. Is that too hard for you to do?" 


The clearly too-tight-for-his- Jiyong stared at him unbelievingly and pushed the flier back to him. "You're wasting my time right now. I'm leaving. I don't want it." 


He then started stomping away when the guy ran towards him, put the flier inside his shirt and ran away. Cursing, he pulled out the crumpled paper out of his clothes and didn't even spare a glance at it. Now he was made to find a ing paper recycling can so that he could put his mind to rest. God ing damn it.  He didn't have a single time for that. 


He could really just leave it on the ground and walk away but no, his uptight self just had to recycle. One would think that an like him wouldn't care but he did. Hell, he cared a little too much that people always thought that he smoked way too much crack. He doesn't smoke crack. It's too expensive and he doesn't have time for it. He doesn't have time for anything. Not even his family. Not even the noisy old people that wouldn't stop talking so ing loudly in a public place.


"Yah!" The tall old guy yelled. "Kids like you shouldn't be drinking out in the open—"


He looked at him but found him talking to the girl who stopped a few feet in front of him. Before he knew it, everything around him suddenly stopped and he froze, his eyes dilating and his mouth slightly agape. Everything went black for a second but then he closed his eyes and blinked to see a different scene in front of him, the same but different girl and the same but different him. 


What the hell...?


He looked around the area and jumped when someone suddenly walked past him with ease. What the heck was going on? The sun was high up in the sky but he was so sure that it was already well over the night just a minute ago. He peered at everyone and everything, looking for answers in all the wrong places. 


And then he looked ahead of him. 


He looked much younger, more innocent, and more cheerful than he was now. The girl beside him look vaguely familiar. She looked relatively different from the person he saw earlier but she had the same reserved air around her. He saw himself sit closer to her but the girl moved away, clearly uncomfortable. His young self chuckled and nod in understanding. The girl tried to look away and act like he was nothing but air, however, he could see how the corners of her lips slightly tug up when he was swinging his legs like a child beside her. 


"I just moved here a few weeks ago." he told her. "My name is Kwon Jiyong by the way."


He closed her eyes and blinked again. He was was back to the present. Wait... why did he even go back to the past? He looked ahead of him and saw the girl dutifully ignoring the old crew and continuing to walk away. Jiyong was still frozen on his spot when she accidentally bumped into her. He didn't do anything right then. He was still too confused on what just happened. He remembered her a little because of that memory but what did that have to do with anything? 


He closed his eyes even longer and then blinked again. He was still in the same spot from where he was before, standing upright holding a flier in his hand and letting the incessant breeze mess with his hair. 


What's happening? 




















Time travel was truly a strange thing. It was still impossible despite the advancements through the years but they were somehow able to prove that wrong. At least now someone definitely proved that wrong. His hands were turning faint against the shopkeeper's own. 


It was working. 


One downfall to this was if a client wished to go back, the person they were now would ultimately disappear and be replaced with the new version of themselves that they wanted to change. This was a reason why the shopkeeper strictly wanted payment first before anything else... that was also the reason on why only a few had come to their shop. It was almost too hard to believe.


But they wouldn't know unless they tried, right? 


I never knew her name...


You will soon, sir. 


His memories and his future were slowly altering. The process was already hard and complicated by itself and this altering doesn't tend to go with what the client had in mind. Nonetheless it still somehow does its job by flashing important memories that would help change the client's past, present, and future.


The clients usually come to their shop because of a great regret or a great loss that they want to remake or relive. But this client... 


She still had the same long hair from way back then.


Even after a decade, he still couldn't get over the loss. Their clients typically don't wait for that long until they came to the shop but he did. He must've thought long and hard about this.


And that decision would somehow always wind him back to this girl. 


The shopkeeper has seen him before in another life. He was with the same girl, both were happy

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Chapter 23: Kyaaaaaaah!!! This is so lovely!!
Chapter 22: Dara is a ...Why dara-ya~
Chapter 20: I knew it! She was the drunk lady holding a vodka in the Han river in the last part of TDTB that Seungyoon called out..
Aigoo~ just how great is that...
And finally! Dara remembered! I hope she'll find her body, so she can go back...
Chapter 19: Wake up Daraaaaaa
Chapter 17: Awwww~ my daragon heart is bleeding..wahhh!
Chapter 16: I knew it! Bom is that office lady ..
Aigooo~ my Ssangpark heart.
Chapter 13: Shes really dead?
Chapter 12: Oh my! Daraaaaaaaa!!
Chapter 5: I agree Jiyongie~ Dara indeed is a big fat pain in the here hahahahaa
Chapter 28: There's nothing i love more than this chapter rn (´⊙ω⊙`)