The Ghost from the Vodka Bottle
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I freaking hate my life. To those 21 (oh my god I'm triggered) people who viewed this ahead of time, I'm sorry for spoiling you TT^TT Sorry it took so long btw. I hope you guys like this~





The bus rattled endlessly and the people were either looking down on their phones or minding their own businesses. I took the opportunity to just look at the window and watch as the water droplets hit the glass. My finger tapped impatiently on my umbrella handle. I shouldn't have worn a dress today but I really didn't have any other choice. The therapist said to wear less restricting clothes from the waist down so I could get better movement and sadly, pants are out of the question... most of the time anyway. 


We came to a halt at a bus stop and I peered outside to see that it was my cue to go. I hoisted myself up with the help of the handle bars and tried to balance myself while walking on the aisle. I noticed that I was the only one left that had to go out and some some eyes looking up at me and asking what was taking me so long. I staggered and held on to the railing when the doors suddenly closed and the bus moved. Alarmingly, I pushed the button to tell the driver that I wanted to stop and thankfully some passengers decided to help out. 


"There's still someone that wants to get off, ahjussi." 


At the sound of other people's voices about me, the bus came to another abrupt stop which almost sent me to the ground. My heart pounded from fright and the doors opened again just from my side. I glanced behind me and gave an apologetic smile to everyone and I saw them look at me from head to toe before stopping on the braces that I had hidden beneath the skirt of my dress. I used the umbrella as a second cane since the one crutch that I had wasn't helping. I ended up walking out of the bus and completely disregarding the rain that poured down on me.


I trudged towards the bus stop just so that I could take a few minutes to rest when I saw him looking like he was taking a nap. Unconsciously, my footsteps got quicker in spite of the shakiness I was feeling from earlier. With a thump that almost made me wince, I plopped down beside him and tiredly put my head on his shoulder. I could feel him shuffling and yawning beside me. Soon, a warm arm draped over me and pulling me closer to feel the kiss he put on my head.


"Where did you go this time?" he asked with another yawn.


I looked up at him and wiped his closed eyes with the pad of my thumb and I got some puckering pursed lips in return. A giggle escaped from my lips, making him open his eyes and look down with a smile.




"Aisht chincha," he ruffled my hair teasingly and I could only whine, defenseless. He laughed as soon as he was done torturing me and then his gaze mellowed down and his happy expression turned melancholic. "I saw what happened there." he smiled sadly. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to—"


"Kwon Jiyong." I interrupted. "It's okay. It happens. I'm getting better." I smiled and then shook my head. "I swear I feel like we changed positions. It was always you that told me it was okay while I was the whiny one." 


"Oh? Finally admit that you were whiny?" 


I shot him a glare and his hand grazed on my wet hair, smoothening it out. One of my eyes closed as he continued to pet my head like a puppy. Ugggh I remembered how I hated puppies. Those little devil spawns. I felt him tipping my chin with his eyes looking down at me with amusement. 


"What's with that grumpy look on your face?" he mumbled, getting closer to my lips. My breath slightly hiked up and I'm just hoping that he didn't notice. 


"Puppies." I replied dumbly and he chuckled. Oh god, why is my brain not working? Puppies?! Can't I have answered something more eloquent like the downhill slope of the economy or the stock market—


"Oh yeah, you still hate puppies huh?"


I chose to remain silent because I couldn't trust the connection between my brain and my mouth. He waited for an answer but all he got was silence. You can really tell that I'm not good at these type of things. I shifted uneasily under his gaze but then he bent down to give me a kiss and I just felt a sense of relief flood through me. 


It's been more than a year since I woke up and since Kwon Jiyong came into my life. Truthfully, I'm still a bit guarded around him. Yeah, coming from a girl that was momentarily lost in his lips, I was so guarded. Anyways, I'm accepting little by little that he has become a staple in my life. Although it had already been a year, I have just gotten out of rehab maybe like a month ago, I believe. He's been there through most of my sessions and I just found myself getting more and more attached to him. 


Jiyong was an annoyingly persuasive one. Every time I wanted to do something 'mundane' according to his standards, he would counteract and it would eventually lead to an argument where he wins in the end. This is what I call a total abuse of power. You know why? It's because he always throws in those stupid three letter words that never fail to catch me off guard. I admit that I'm weak to that word and when I see the sincerity in his eyes I just... melt?


I also admit that Kwon Jiyong exposed me to an array of very colorful words. I should be disgusted or angry whenever I hear him cursing so much but I just found myself adopting this 'Jiyong language'. If you hear me talking about Seungri being a that has an for a mouth... blame Jiyong. Although I wouldn't necessarily call Seungri that. He's a cute, little thing... that may or may not have an for a mouth.


We parted with a loud popping sound. Before I could wrap my head around that tingly feeling inside me, I felt someone looming over at me. 




Jiyong snarled beside me and hit Seungri with my umbrella. I giggled like the carefree schoolgirl that I apparently had become when my eyes darted to Seunghyun. He was looking intently at me and I kind of had an idea why he was looking so serious. 


I've been doing my best to avoid Bom for the past few weeks since she was starting to get closer to me. I don't think I'm ready for her yet. She always saw me at my weakest and didn't do anything. Now that I'm on the way to recovering, she just magically things that everything is alright with us. Well it's not. I thought she would help me out back then because she was my sister and I considered her as my only friend. But in the end she just looked over on the sidelines like she'd always been. I looked away from Seunghyun and focused back on Jiyong and Seungri when I felt a poke in my cheek. 


"Hey how are you?" 


I smiled at Youngbae, touched by his thoughtfulness. "Recovering." I shrugged. 


The braces I had in my legs were definitely a give away on my sorry state. It's not like I asked for this. I mean who asks for being paraplegic? I admit that the tough times outweighed the good but thankfully I was able to live through that. 


"I can't do this!" 


"You can, Dara. Listen to me... Believe in me." Jiyong replied with a restrained voice. 


The physiotherapist waited patiently for the couple to talk it through while simultaneously holding on to Dara's hand as a guide. Denial during rehab is very common and she was already used to it but she still couldn't wrap her head around the tears. She had always been weak at the sight of tears and as much as she doesn't want to cry at the sight of the arguing couple, she sniffled and her lips trembled. 


"See what you're doing? You're making the nice lady cry!"


The physiotherapist stilled and stifled a sob seeing how Dara got her teary eyes directed to her now. Dara hiccuped and wiped her eyes before forcing herself to smile at her. The girl raised a brow and looked at her boyfriend only to be met by a smirk and a wink. She blushed but then it was replaced by laughter when Dara struggled to march towards him and hit him in the face.


After a few more hours of rehab, the two helped Dara back to her room so that she could rest and they saw how she immediately crashed as soon as her head hit the pillow. Jiyong shook his head and smiled while the older woman smiled at the lovely couple. 


"She told me that she didn't want to see people crying anymore." The woman turned to him questioningly and he went on, staring at the sleeping girl. "She told me that she was sick of it... but she didn't tell me the reason." 


The lady sighed and looked at Dara. "Maybe it's best if you just wait a little longer. I know she'll trust you wholeheartedly one day. Just be patient, Jiyong-ssi."


Patience. Jiyong breathed audibly. He seems to have become a master at that.


"Did you wait long?" I turned to Jiyong. 



He shook his head and remained quietly looking, almost observing her. Dara's face formed into a slight snarl, a habit she got because of Jiyong. She pushed her hand on to his face and she felt him pucker in her palm, making her squeal and take it away. The guys could just disgustedly groan. 


"You look more beautiful every time I see you." he said nonchalantly. 


Before Dara could blush, Seunghyun and Daesung helped her up and they all walked away, leaving Jiyong in the bus stop. 


"YAAAAHHHHHHH!" they heard him faintly shout. 


"Blink twice if he's forcing you out of your will." Youngbae joked. 


Dara could just shake her head and looked back to catch a glimpse of him running up to them. It was nice getting a new batch of friends at such a short span of time. Her relationship with Mihyun was getting better but whenever Jiyong got in between, she'll go in defensive mode and unconsciously keep him within arm's reach at all times. And she still says that she wasn't the jealous type. 


They all stopped by Jiyong's parked car while the owner panted and huffed to catch up to them. "What am I, your chauffeur?!" he tried to catch his breath. 


He put his head on her shoulder and shook as if he was having a tantrum. The guys cringed yet again while the girl tried so desperately to get him off of her. 


"Kwon Jiyong!" 




"What the hell happened to you, man?" Youngbae gave him an amused shake of the head. "Did you grow a or something?" That earned him a hard punch in the back. 


"At least I have a girlfriend, you stupid ." Jiyong spat.


Dara suddenly stopped on her tracks, making the rest stop too since they were guiding her. They all gave her curious glances while the girl just stared blankly at the drops of rain meeting the ground. Her stillness made them uneasy, especially her boyfriend who looked like he was in the brink of hyperventilating. 


"What's wrong—"


"Did you date anyone before... me?" she asked, her big eyes looking glassy and her lips protruded into a slight pout.


Daesung put a heavy hand on Jiyong's shoulder and gave him a 'you're totally ed' massage. Seungri was in full smiles and mischievous thoughts. Seunghyun cleared his throat and gave them his usual 'I'm judging you' look. Youngbae looked away and bit his lip to stop himself from laughing at Jiyong's white as sheet face. 


"Would you feel happier if I told you that you were the only one that I really loved and still love. I love you, Dara." it came out as desperate and the boys completely lost it. Who knew that the callous, tight- Jiyong would turn into a panic-stricken idiot? He snarled and hit all of them, only causing another batch of loud and boisterous laughter. 


"...How many...?" she mumbled. 


"Okay okay." he raised his hands as if he was negotiating with a guy in a bomb vest. Things were clearly serious here and it explains why the rest where smiling evilly. "There was only two... but we really didn't go out! We were just friends hahaha! I love you, Dara. I didn't date them, only friendship, baby." 


 "Yeah, friends with benefits." 


A bitter smile unconsciously donned her face while Kwon Jiyong tried to beat Seungri but the Seungri protection squad wasn't letting him. 




"It's true!" Seungri answered, looking at Dara. Oh poor innocent, Seungri. "I walked in on them once... was it Kiko or Taeyeon... actually I think it was Nana—" he was cut short when Jiyong was able to grab his neck and strangled him frantically.


The boys were too caught up fighting and watching the commotion happening. Dara on the other hand could just stare at them wordlessly. She admits that her heart ached at the fact but she had already told herself that Kwon Jiyong wasn't hers first. She also couldn't help but go back to that dark place. And she says she wasn't the jealous type. 


She started walking away from the group and using the umbrella as the crutch. You know what, screw Jiyong, she frowned. And just when she reached the bus stop, the bus came and she went in without finding out where it's going. 




She was nowhere in site when he turned around. 





I swear to god. 


"Why the did you do that, man?!" 


These four looked at me as if I was the one who made a mistake! What kind of backwards world is this? Now she's gone and I don't even have the slightest clue where she is! Well... I might know but still, she's not here!!!!


"You deserve it, you jackass." Youngbae snickered. 


Seunghyun added, "Those girls looked really pitifu

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Chapter 23: Kyaaaaaaah!!! This is so lovely!!
Chapter 22: Dara is a ...Why dara-ya~
Chapter 20: I knew it! She was the drunk lady holding a vodka in the Han river in the last part of TDTB that Seungyoon called out..
Aigoo~ just how great is that...
And finally! Dara remembered! I hope she'll find her body, so she can go back...
Chapter 19: Wake up Daraaaaaa
Chapter 17: Awwww~ my daragon heart is bleeding..wahhh!
Chapter 16: I knew it! Bom is that office lady ..
Aigooo~ my Ssangpark heart.
Chapter 13: Shes really dead?
Chapter 12: Oh my! Daraaaaaaaa!!
Chapter 5: I agree Jiyongie~ Dara indeed is a big fat pain in the here hahahahaa
Chapter 28: There's nothing i love more than this chapter rn (´⊙ω⊙`)