The Ghost from the Vodka Bottle
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I woke up immediately after my alarm clock rang its first few beeps. I closed my eyes shut feeling a stinging pain in my head. Just what did I do last night? The last thing that I remembered was that I was by the river bank I always go to and I saw that...


My bedroom door suddenly slammed open revealing my group of friends who just decided to barge themselves in my house uninvited. The light coming from the kitchen made me squint my eyes and huddle back under my comforter. 


"Well look who's conscious and still alive." A deep voice mocked monotonously. "I didn't take you for an alcoholic that party hard's alone, Jiyong-ah."


I felt my blanket getting pulled from my grip forcefully and when it was successfully taken away from me, I saw Seungri looking at me triumphantly while holding on to my blanket. I snarled at him and went into a fetal position and hid my face from the light that was stinging my eyes. I felt so groggy and my senses felt extra sensitive today that I can almost taste colors. What the hell is happening to me? 


"I don't think that he's going to come out anytime soon." I heard Youngbae tick his tongue. 


I felt someone tickling my bare foot and I kicked their hand away and grunted. 


"Wah, is this Jiyong-ah?" Daesung chuckled. "Jiyong, you're already out of your schedule. It's 10:34 on a Saturday. Isn't it time for you to take your morning discharge?"


"Shut the up, Daesung. I'm not in the mood." 


Collective gasps reverberated around the room. I peeked over my shoulder and saw them all with their hands to their chest while looking at me appallingly. I heard Daesung sniffing, and then he dashed out of the room while covering his face. Seunghyun shook his head at me with his permanent straight face and followed Daesung out the door. 


God, why is everyone so annoying early in the morning. 


"Jiyong hyung... what about your schedule?" the walking eye bags incessantly nudged my shoulders. 


I glared at him but he didn't look like he was bothered. I peeked over at Youngbae and found him rummaging through my drawers and checking what was on there. 


Holy--- everyone's so ing irritating! What the hell is there problem?!


"Yah, is that how you talk to your friends, lightweight?" A girl's voice remarked. 


I instantly perked my head up and searched on where that voice was coming from. Youngbae and Seungri looked at me confusedly with a hint of amusement in their eyes. I ignored them and stood up cautiously, not minding that I only have a pair of boxers on. 


"Oooh, spicy!" the voice whistled. "SpongeBob boxers, huh?" 


I snapped my head to the direction of the voice. I peered at the seemingly empty space that I was looking at and tentatively looked at my surroundings. 


"Did you hear that?" I whispered. 


"Hear what?" 


"A shrill voice of a woman.."




"THERE! Did you hear that?!" I hurriedly went up to the two and shook them. They looked at me as if I was a mental nutcase that was in an institution. They both carefully removed my hands from them while giving me an awkward smile. "Please tell me you heard it too!" I begged. They nodded, clearly uncomfortable with the scene that I was making but I had to do it. This familiar voice has been bugging me in my sleep! I tossed and turned throughout the night because of that voice's incessant yammering. And when I open my eyes, I would always see nothing. Just the darkness of my room and nothing else. When I close them back, she starts yammering and yammering again. These guys should've heard her too! She was basically shouting earlier! Oh please tell me they heard it too. For the sake of my sanity, at least!


Youngbae looked at me pitifully and sighed. What was that all about? "I think Seunghyun's calling for us." he said. Youngbae suddenly grabbed Seungri's arm and they both left me alone in my room. He slammed the door closed but I could still hear them whispering from the other side.


"This was going to happen soon enough." I heard Youngbae sigh again. 


"So he finally went crazy, huh?" Seungri chimed in. 


I'm not going crazy!


"Keep telling yourself that, cupcake." she laughed






Jiyong quickly went through one of his drawers and sighed in relief when he finally found what he was looking for. he held up a rosary that his mom secretly slid on his suitcase as he did a cross sign with his arms. He was an atheist but he couldn't help but to ask his bro from the heavens for help. Good thing he didn't throw that rosary out. Who would've thought that he would use it some day? 


"Get back, you demon!" He chanted while swinging the rosary towards her direction. 


Dara looked at the crazed man incredulously and floated towards his bed. She took out the vodka bottle from yesterday that she hid under her breath and took a big and satisfying gulp of it. 


He was now an arm's reach away from her. He was shielding himself with his make-shift arm cross while continuously swinging the rosary to her face. Since his eyes were firmly shut, he didn't notice that he was hitting her face but it would always pass by through it. She let out a contented sigh when she felt her favorite drink pass . She leaned on the bed's headboard. just enjoying the insane man by the name of Kwon Jiyong. "Go back to the depths of hell were you came from!" He shouted. 


"Dude, stop. That doesn't work on me." 


He opened his eyes and found her looking at him while continuously sipping on her bottle. He peered at her and she just raised a brow at him. He shook the rosary on her head and he saw that it would only pass through her. The way he shook it violently made her head look like it was distorted which made him more scared to his wits. He cautiously stepped back and slumped down on the floor. 


I'm not seeing things, huh? She really is a ghost. 


"I already told you that but you didn't listen." she shrugged. 


He flinched when he heard her speak. How did she hear that? He was sure as hell he didn't say that out loud. 


You can hear my thoughts?


"Unfortunately yes, Mr. Detective man." 


He released an irritated groan and she jokingly copied him which just added more to his irritation. Still feeling tired, he opted to lie on the floor just waiting for this nightmare to end. 


"Why are you here?" He mumbled, his eyes firmly shut. 


"You were holding on to Vladimir really tight." She snorted. "Do you really think you could get away with stealing my prized possession?" 


He glanced over at her and rested the side of his head on the palm of his hand. "Who's Vladimir?" 


She then merrily held up the glass bottle while giving it audible kisses. Of course. 


He felt a migraine coming on and he decided to lay back down on his bed but her ghostly figure was stopping him. He looked at her blankly while she looked at him with a big grin, He suddenly waved his hand on her face which resulted in her distorted face again. 






He continued messing the structure of her face up and after a few minutes she finally left his spot and floated down to the floor right next to him. He threw himself on the bed and looked at the white ceiling in front of him and ask himself what he' had done to get this kind of punishment. When he was asking for change, he doesn't mean this kind of change. Was normal change too much to ask?


They were quiet for a few minutes. The only thing they could hear were the loud murmurs coming from outside his room. He covered himself with a blanket when he just realized that he was still half-. He looked at the wall clock on his room and it read 12:37. He was already way too late to do anything on his daily schedule. He guessed that this was the start of the change that he was hoping for. With a dejected sigh, he rolled himself to his left so that he can face her. They shared a good amount of eye contact before Jiyong interrupted their staring contest. 


"You have your booze now. Why are you still here?"


Dara shrugged and just leaned her head on the wall. She was definitely not human.. well she was, but she wasn't 'alive'. Her complexion was abnormally whiter than normal and he has yet to see her shadow. 


"I don't even know why I'm here." she muttered under her breath. "I don't know where to go." 


"Do you remember anything before you became like that?" 


She was silent for a minute then he heard her laugh almost bitterly. "I was at a bridge somewhere and I was drinking Vladimir then I..." 


He suddenly shot up and looked at her wide-eyed. "Did you commit suicide?!" 


"I don't know? Maybe? It sure would explain the fact that I'm a spooky ghost now." 


"Why... why'd you do it though?" 


"I don't remember... The only thing in my me

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Chapter 23: Kyaaaaaaah!!! This is so lovely!!
Chapter 22: Dara is a ...Why dara-ya~
Chapter 20: I knew it! She was the drunk lady holding a vodka in the Han river in the last part of TDTB that Seungyoon called out..
Aigoo~ just how great is that...
And finally! Dara remembered! I hope she'll find her body, so she can go back...
Chapter 19: Wake up Daraaaaaa
Chapter 17: Awwww~ my daragon heart is bleeding..wahhh!
Chapter 16: I knew it! Bom is that office lady ..
Aigooo~ my Ssangpark heart.
Chapter 13: Shes really dead?
Chapter 12: Oh my! Daraaaaaaaa!!
Chapter 5: I agree Jiyongie~ Dara indeed is a big fat pain in the here hahahahaa
Chapter 28: There's nothing i love more than this chapter rn (´⊙ω⊙`)