Final Boss

Brilliant Recrudescence

Chanyeol finishes his shower and sits rump on the side of his bathtub, just thinking.

Holy , was that real?

Then he hears a knock, and Yixing’s muffled voice calls out to him. “Master, are you done with your shower?”

Chanyeol’s eyes widen in shock. It can’t be.

He throws on his change of clothes, and steps out of the bathroom. Sure enough, Yixing is there; but curiously Baekhyun is also there on his bed with the virtual reality headpiece on him.

His eyes blink and he sees Baekhyun as how he’d designed him in the game. Another blink, and Baekhyun is back to his own self.

Chanyeol can’t process this, he walks over to Baekhyun to study his crush’s face. The sight horrifies Chanyeol.

For a whole ten seconds, Baekhyun switches from a creation in a game to reality, back and forth. Finally, Chanyeol’s eyes stop making him see flickering images of both, and instead distorts Baekhyun’s face to be split; equally representing both sides.

Chanyeol’s mind can’t take it, and he curls into a ball; desperately protecting himself from the person he desires the most.

A tap on his shoulder halts the mess on the ground, and Chanyeol turns his head to face Yixing.

“Master, how’re you holding up? You seem a bit pale, and I know you’re looking forward to meeting Baekhyun this day.”

Chanyeol grips onto Yixing’s shoulders and focuses onto his face. “Are you real? Is any of this real?!”

Yixing looks back, obviously confused. “Well, get ready. Baekhyun is coming later to meet you and discuss the game.”

Chanyeol takes three deep breaths, dusts his pants off, and walks out of the bedroom door. He descends the stairs, and sees a gloriously bedazzled throne in the middle of the living room.

“Wait, that’s real?” Asks Chanyeol to himself.

“Yeah, that’s real, dummy.” Comes an unexpected voice from behind Chanyeol’s back.

Chanyeol turns abruptly to find Baekhyun, normal Baekhyun, facing him with an impish smirk.

Baekhyun continues, “You showed me all this a long time ago, don’t you remember?”

Chanyeol decides to go along with the situation. “Uh… Yeah, sure I remember. When did I do that again?”

Baekhyun pouts. “On our anniversary. Wedding anniversary, I’m disappointed you didn’t remember.”

That’s right, Chanyeol married Baekhyun somehow. When he tries to recall such a memory, all he can pull out is a scene where Baekhyun is crying tears of joy up close to Chanyeol’s vision with a wall of white behind him.

Chanyeol suddenly feels himself slap his own cheek, and there’s a ghostly sensation of liquid running down his chin onto his neck.

Chanyeol is assaulted by a wave of despair. “I feel sad, Baekkie.”

The scene cuts and Baekhyun is suddenly the reason for the wetness on his neck, bawling his eyes out on top of Chanyeol. There are beautiful white flowers in vases surrounding the space right behind Baekhyun.

Baekhyun is burrowed deep into the crook of Chanyeol’s neck and doesn’t ever look up to gaze into Chanyeol’s alert eyes. How did I get here?

Reality distorts again, and Chanyeol is back to where he was in his house right before he goes to shower. He turns around instead of walking into the bathroom, and attempts to interrogate Baekhyun.

He sees Baekhyun mouth the words, “I’m sorry,” over and over again.

There’s something definitely wrong, but Chanyeol just can’t put everything into focus. Then he remembers the week after their anniversary.

Chanyeol got a call to create a game from scratch asap, and he poured all his effort into finishing it. The game would be an integral piece in a business deal within his company, and the CEO was freaking out.

Chanyeol decided to make the game a sequel to the one he made before that started his relationship with Baekhyun. It was fitting due to the timing after all.

Due to the high standards and the time crunch, Chanyeol shut himself inside his bedroom to work continuously without disturbances.

He remembers now that he made it to the seventh day, finishing up 95% of the game already; and just putting in finishing touches. Then, when he was done he collapsed.

Based on the flickers he is getting of Baekhyun surrounded by flowers, Chanyeol can conclude he’s in a coma currently in a hospital.

Now with that realization, his mind is devoid of any images. The emptiness is all that fills his consciousness, and he just stays there. Trapped between the states of consciousness and unconsciousness.

Until he processes something, a sound. Baekhyun voice in the midst of sobbing calls out, “I’m sorry Chanyeol, I should’ve done something. Anything, to make you stop and take a rest. You were always so dedicated to your work, but you never learned how to pace yourself.

Well, your game is great *choking sob*, it reminds me of the first time we really met. Did you really put that in mind when you made it? It’s nice, but all I want is for you to wake up. Just *sob* wake up Chanyeol.

Your game is what made your company super successful now, and they’re paying all your hospital fees. As if that will ever be able to heal the damage their selfishness caused.

It’s our third anniversary today. *sobbing violently* All I want is for you to wake up. The doctors said it’s a miracle you held up for a year, and it’s going to a larger miracle for you to come back.”

Baekhyun’s voice stops then, and all Chanyeol can hear is his crying.

Then Chanyeol can feel the river of tears running down his face. They’re warm and make his neck feel icky where they are already drying up.

Chanyeol’s breath becomes ragged, and his expression twitches.

Baekhyun is in disbelief. “Chanyeol, you’re awake? You can’t be.”

A tear pools in the corner of Chanyeol’s right eye and slides down his face. Right before he opens both of his eyes.

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Chapter 3: ........./blinks
At first two chapt i was like wtf then at the end i just

Ahhhh hhhhhhhh h hh h i get it i gotchu fam

This is really good, very creative too.