Part 3

Dazed and Confused

This had got to be the longest day of your life. After eating some quick convenience store ramen you and the boys were quickly whisked away to the location of a small interview in a park that lasted a solid two hours.

At last you departed to the final destination of the day: Incheon airport. There you boarded the plane and was conveniently placed in the seat right next to B.I as YG commanded. Across from you sat June and Donghyuk and in front of you was Chanwoo and Bobby, the other members were in front of them. As final preparations and tasks before takeoff were being completed you began to grow anxious, you were never a fan of flying and the prospect of flying over water terrified you more.  Usually when flying you took special pills and had a bag of lavender to sniff to calm you, but due to your short amount of time getting ready for the voyage, those items completely slipped your mind. You deeply regretted it now as the plane roll out to the takeoff strip.

Just regulate your breathing. Told yourself as you leaned you head back on the headrest and closed your eyes as you felt the roar of the engines increased in magnitude.

You squeezed your eyes until you see colorful spots on a background of black. Your hands gripped the sturdy plastic and metal of the armrests until one of the cold hard armrests was replaced with the soft warmth of a hand.

“Breathe in triangles, in for 6 seconds, hold for 7, then breathe out for 6,” said B.I softly as he rubbed the back of your hand in a circular motion with his thumb, “Does music help calm you down?” he asked. You nodded and breathed as he had told you.

Not letting go B.I slipped his free hand into his bag under his feet and brought out his phone and headphones. He placed both of them into your ears and released a smooth melody into your ears.

With your eyes still closed you realized how sleepy you were and soon gave into your exhaustion and you let yourself be taken to dream land for the rest of the flight.


You woke up to the plane stopping with a stiff neck. It wasn’t just kinda stiff like your pillow wasn’t adjusted right stiff. But this was like you neck just went through 5 different kinds of apocalypses then Dr. Frankenstein decided to take it off your body and stich it backwards, that stiff.

You sat up from your position of slouched forward with your head resting on the armrest and wondered how you ever manage to get in such an uncomfortable position.

“Your head kept on falling on my shoulder and it annoyed me so I made sure it didn’t happen again and pushed you over,” B.I explained like he was reading your mind, “Serves you right if your neck is sore.”

“Thanks,” you said through gritted teeth and you tried to straighten your neck.

“You’re welcome, now hurry on and get off the plane before I step over you and leave you here,” he said already standing, “Oh and you owe me for all I did for you during takeoff, I used 30% of my battery playing music for you, you should thank me by the way. But don’t expect that ever happening again, it was a one-time deal”

“Thank you?” you said as you hurried off the plane but immediately stopped once you were in the gate. This was your first time in a long time back in America. You were finally back in your homeland, and you now had the home field advantage over B.I. This was your house, and you were filled with a sense of power. You felt hands push your shoulders from behind making you stumble forward.

“Come on we don’t have all day,” B.I said as he pushed past you and moved toward where he thought baggage claim was.

“Well you can have fun going wherever you think you’re going without having a clue how to speak English, or you can follow me and actually go the right way,” you retorted back.

“I don’t know about you B.I, but Y/N seems like the better option here,” Bobby said moving by your side and looking at you, “Show us the way boss!”


You were never more excited to see a hotel in your life. The giant structure towered over you and the boys as you stepped out of the taxis you traveled in to get here. It’s sleek stone walls were gracefully accented with gold lettering of Marroitt sprawled in sweeping cursive. This hotel was exclusive and known for housing the best and most prestigious celebrities in the world. You had lived in LA for most of your life and never once came close to the large structure but heard stories from friends of what the inside holds.

Going inside felt so surreal, you had only dreamed of this moment and now it was actually coming into fruition.  Seeing it for the first time your expectations were above exceeded. The foyer was so grand, double the size of all your apartments you’ve ever had combined. Lush sofas and love seats arranged around a grand fireplace created a cozy environment while the members and you waited for the managers to check in.

“Well this is kinda embarrassing to admit,” June broke the silence addressing you, “but I don’t know like any English.”

“Like none?” You responded, “What basics do you know?”

“Does ‘turn up’ count as basics?”

Everyone cracked up at June’s joke but before you could respond the managers came up to the group looking a bit disheveled. 

“So we have a bit of a problem,” they said, “it looks like something in the computers went screwy and we only got 2 out of our 4 rooms reserved and are unable to get anymore.”

YG could probably hear the groans from Korea. 

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” B.I said, “That’s 5 to a room.”

“I know it’s not ideal-“

“Not ideal?” Bobby cut him off, “That’s practically impossible, there’s no way Y/N can stay in a room with 4 other boys!”

“There’s nothing we can do, I suggest you accept the cards that were handed to you. We aren’t even going to be in the rooms for long anyway.” One of the two managers said handing Bobby a card.


You ended up splitting up with the two managers, Jinhwan,  Chanwoo, and Yunhyeong in one room and you, B.I, Bobby, June, and Donghyuk in the other. The rooms were spacious enough but never meant to fit 5 people in them at a time. There were two kings size beds with white fluffy pillows and blankets on them. They looked like heaven after the long day of traveling you just had.

B.I’s phone went off unexpectedly as you were all standing in the doorway of the room looking at the beds longingly. He looked at the caller ID resentfully before picking it up.

“Hello YG, I assume you’ve heard of our predicament,” B.I greeted, “Yes…but sir! …I understand but… yes sir… okay…bye.”

He ended the call and immediately glared at you, “It sounds like princess here gets first priories on the beds.”

“No really, I’m fine sleeping in the bathtub, you guys should get the beds,” you protested.

“The boss has spoken,” June said, “and besides, the last thing you need for your neck is to sleep in the tub, you can barely move your head with that thing.”

“Hurry up and choose so I can get to bed, apparently Bobby and I are sharing with you,” B.I spat at you.

Upon hearing this you became severely distressed.  No way you would share a bed with two men you barley knew!

“I swear to God if you don’t pick in twenty seconds I will through you out the window,” B.I grumbled behind you.

“Geez mister grumpy pants, take a chill pill. Why do we have to follow his instructions anyway, YG isn’t here, he wouldn’t know if we did sleep in the same bed or not,” You proposed to the group.

“Y/N you don’t know YG he will somehow find out about it before morning and personally fly over here to poor ice water on us,” Bobby said nudging you forward, “Just pick a bed.”

“Fine,” you said and plopped on the bed closest to the window.

Bobby then flopped next to you as B.I got things ready for a shower and June and Donghyuk fought for the T.V remote.

“Your neck isn’t looking so good, do you want me to massage it to get some of the kinks out?” Bobby offered watching you rub your neck, obviously in pain.

“That’s fine,”  you blushed, “I’m sure it will be fine be tomorrow.”

“No, I insist, the stress from us is probably making it ten times worse, let me help just this one time.”

Bobby didn’t give you an answer as he grabbed your arm and pulled you into a sitting position in front of him on the bed and gently began to knead the tightness away from your neck.

“Tomorrow is our first concert,” Bobby began explaining to you, “now some of our English is better than others, we will mostly need you when we are playing games on stage or telling stories, in total you will probably be helping us for about 10 minutes. In between you working there will be a special spot for you in the wings near the managers where you can watch out entire performance. Just beware of the costume changes that you don’t get in the way, they stylists can get pretty about that, but other than that tomorrow should be a piece of cake. Are you ready?”

“I think so, everything this seems pretty straight forward,” you replied, “what are were going to do before the concert?”

“You tell us, you’re the one who lived here for more than a decade,” Bobby giggled spinning you around to face him, “now how does your neck feel, all better?”

You twisted in neck and surprisingly it was all better, “Dude you must have some magic hands, thank you!”

“Well the ladies do tell me my fingers have some pretty amazing abilities, I wonder if that’s what they are talking about-Hey don’t hit me! After all I’ve done for you!” Bobby cried holding his upper arm where you hit him, “You owe me big time!”

“Oh yeah? What exactly do I owe you?”

“Well… I don’t know right now, but with the time comes you better be ready to carry out any request.”


“Even a kiss if I ask for one.” Bobby said seriously not breaking eye contact with you.

“Woah woah woah, let’s not get a head of ourselves here!” You exclaimed feeling your cheeks heat up.

“I’m kidding, don’t worry, I just like to see you get flustered that’s all,” Bobby said breaking into his award winning grin, “now get to bed, you have a long day dealing with B.I tomorrow, I suggest you get plenty of sleep.”

“Aye Aye captain,” You said gathering your things to get ready for bed as B.I came out of the bathroom. As you passed each other he grabbed your upper arm and leaned so close you could feel his breath on your cheek.

“I swear if you even kind of snore or keep me up in anyway, I will smother you with a pillow,” he threatened and backed away looking you in the eye to show you he meant business.

You gulped and tried to keep a brave face but as soon as you shut the door the panic and anxiety set in.

How were you going to deal with B.I for an entire month?

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