Part 1

Dazed and Confused

It has been exactly one year since you had moved to Korea to pursue a job in radio. One year since you last saw your family. One year since you said your goodbye’s to your closest friends. One year since you last pet your dog. As sad as it was leaving all those that you loved behind, this past year has been the best one of your life. There aren’t many phenomenons in life, but you can’t help to think that this is one, as cliché and cheesy as it sounds. This past year you landed a job at Arirang Radio and Television starting off as a simple intern, working your way up to your very own radio show, and you continue to rise as your Korean skills develop. Your work environment is a dream, understanding boss, helpful co-workers, non-stressful and enjoyable work load. It was all blue skies and rainbows ahead. But what you forgot is that rainbows can only form once storms have parted.

Your day could only be summed up using one word: uneventful. It wasn’t bad by any means! It just had no outstanding factors that made you go “Wow I’m so glad I didn’t skip my coffee this morning so I can be wide awake for this!” Even with this mood of mehhhh surrounding you, you decided being successful is better than twirling around on your office chair in your cubicle all day. Just as you were starting to work on your script for next week’s show, one of your co-workers, Jimin, came hauling around the corner.

“Y/N I need you to cover for me,” She pleaded as she frantically checked her watch, “I need to go soon but it’s just for this week, all you have to do is read off a script, which you do regularly anyway, for one night, then do follow up paper work. Please Y/N there’s some things I need to get squared away with the 15& comeback and I can get off this week only if someone covers for me. You want a promotion anyway, this is a great way to show boss what you’re made of.”

Upon seeing your unconvinced face Jimin dropped to her knees and clasped her hands, “I’ll do anything you want for the week after, I’ll get your coffee for you and file papers for you if you need me to, anything Y/N I’ll do anything, just please could you do this teeny tiny, itty bitty, little favor?”

“Make it two weeks and you have a deal.”

“It’s a deal then!” Jimin exclaimed as she backed up out of your cubicle, “If you have any questions ask Kevin, he’ll help you through everything. Thank you so much Y/N!”

And with that she was gone leaving you only slightly confused as you carried on with your work. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hours as Jimin’s favor was pushed to the back burner in your brain, it was only till it was time to leave that you remembered the request and proceeded to seek out Kevin for more details.

As you emerged from the hall into the shooting studio where you knew Kevin would be you couldn’t help but to take a small step back; the spacious area never failed to take your breath away. You heard Kevin before you saw him, his bubble laughter filling the expanse and leading you right to his side.

“Then he decided that community service wouldn’t be too bad,” He said finishing up his story and turning to you, “Hey Y/N! You’re just the person I wanted to see, I need to talk to you about our schedule. Come with me for a sec.” He said leading you down a hallway very similar to the one you came in from and into his office that doubled as his makeup room. “Honestly, Jimin picked a dreadful time to take off, this week we have some of the pickiest guests coming, things need to go exactly their way or else they’ll report to their CEO and with go down. I need you here bright and early tomorrow to help me make sure that everything is in order, I’m really relying on you for this one Y/N, don’t let me down.” And with that he proceeded out of the office leaving you standing there with more questions than you started with.

You woke up the next morning way too early to your liking and put your make up on perfectly and construct your outfit consisting of your favorite flowing black, backless top, white pencil skirt, using a red belt to tie it together and black pumps. You gave yourself a once over before leaving out the door.

Upon arriving to Arirang you were surprised to see so many flashing cameras, the lights from them almost blinded you as you headed into the building. Inside is no better, everyone seemed to be in a panic rushing from place to place, pushing people out of their way if need be.  As you made your way to the studio the hall became more and more crowded. Tempers rose higher and higher with every step, and your good mood was spoiled by the even more contagious bad mood. When you stepped into the filming room you’re absolutely scowling until you saw who else resided there.

Standing in all their idol glory was iKON all 7 of them. You were watching the boys have their mikes put on them when Kevin came barreling toward you.  “You’re late! Even told you to get here early,” He pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke, “Look today I can let it slide since it’s just rehearsal but tomorrow I really need you here early, go put your mike on and then find me, we need to go over the script.” Then for the second time in 24 hours he left you looking like a kicked puppy.  

“Looks like someone forgot to take their happy pill this morning,” You grumbled to yourself overlooking the irony of the statement as you stalked over to the tec in charge of mikes, giving the boys a halfhearted bow as you waited for them to finish up. The silence was sticky and awkward and you realized that you needed to say something to end the heaviness in the air before the rehearsal began and it only got worse. You turned to them, this time giving them a deep sincere bow before saying,

“Hello I’m Y/N the stand in MC let’s have fun today!”

The only response you got was a scoff from the leader. Alright let’s try this again, you thought to yourself as you faced the boys once again,

“You’re Bobby right?” You asked going down the line receiving a nod, “And you’re Chanwoo, June,” You started getting nervous as you confirmed their name and didn’t even receive a glace in response, “Jinhwan, Yu-Yuhyon-“

“It’s Yunhyeong, not much of an MC are you? Not even bothering to memorize your interviewees’ names before the show, so unprofessional.” Butts in B.I who was formally silent getting his mike checked. His eye roll could be seen a mile away.

“I’m sorry, but to my defense I didn’t know you were the special guests today, hell, I didn’t even know I would be doing this job till yesterday!” You shot back trying to look as strong as possible despite the embarrassment filling your body. You turn to Yunhyeong and bowing say, “I genuinely apologize for mispronouncing your name, I promise I will do better next time.”

“You better, out of the kindness of our hearts we agreed to do this pitiful show; we expect to be treated correctly.” B.I interrupts yet again.

“Excuse me, but you’re in my house right now and I demand to be treated with respect,” You raged, unable to take B.I’s rude behavior you stalk away but not before retorting, “You know, it isn’t a surprise that your name is just one letter from being BS.”

“That was a little rude, don’t you think B.I, clearly she was new, you didn’t need to snap at her like that, it didn’t bug me,” Yunhyeong said to B.I after you left, “I think you should sit down and calm down.”

“I am calm!” B.I snapped at Yunhyeong, “Wait till YG hears about this, she’s gunna get it.” He said more to himself then his bandmates as he dials his bosses number.

You had to have your friend hold you back from tearing into everything in sight back at your cubicle, furious would be putting it lightly.

“You have to go back, it’s your job, just take some deep breaths, you’ll be fine.”

“I don’t think you understand. I literally called their leader , how am I going to recover?” You said holding your head, “I can never show my face near them again.”

“You’re overacting; I’m sure he regrets somethings he said too. There’s just a bad air all about today, you’re fine.”

“But I’m not-“

You were interrupted by a knock at your cubicle entrance and your boss standing there nervously.

“Y/N rehearsal is canceled; instead YG wants to meet with you.”

Your mouth turned dry at his statement.  Well better say my goodbyes to everyone, no way I’m getting out of this alive.

“Al-alright.” You hastily agreed, your voice giving away your nerves.

“He said he will be here in 15 minutes, you can wait in my office for the time being and he will go there when he arrives… Good luck Y/N.”

And with that closing statement he left, leaving just you and your mind to imagine all the terrible awfuls that could occur during this ‘meeting’ as you make your way to the room that might decide your future.

“Did I keep you waiting long?” YG’s voice echoed off the walls of your ears as you try and bring yourself back to reality after playing every possible situation that could happen in your head like a movie.

“Oh! Not at all,” You said jumping up to bow, “Please have a seat.”

As he took the seat next to you, you finally took the time to look around the office which had been redecorated since the last time you were in it. The walls were a calming shade of brown, which had no effect to calm you. There were two ceiling to floor length bookcases hold not only intellectual reads but also every album imaginable. A cherry desk sat in front you both, neatly organized to your bosses liking. In between you and YG sat a small coffee table with a pitcher of water which your company was currently pouring into two crystal glasses.

“Water?” he asked holding out one of the glasses.

“Yes please,” You replied taking it very carefully trying not to show how bad your hands were shaking.

“Well, as you probably know I’m not one for small talk, so I’m going to cut straight to the chase.” YG said as soon as you took the glass out of his hand, “You have a very gutsy personality Y/N and an even bolder mouth-“

“Sir I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to come across as discourteous I just-“

“Y/N it’s very rude to interrupt someone. Especially since I don’t want your apology. You see I could use a girl like you in my company, You say exactly what you’re thinking even if it could get you in trouble and I like that about you. You set my Hanbin straight today and I like you even more because of it. You see, I want you, I need you in YG. You’ll flourish! I can double your pay and work a deal out with your current boss that will keep you within Arirang, just with more… flexibility. I already had my secretary type up a contract for you and it is just waiting for your signature. What do you say?”

“Well sir, this is very tempting, I don’t think I’m thinking straight currently. Can I sleep then return to you tomorrow with an answer?” You proposed feeling quite dizzy with all your emotions swirling around in you.

“I’m afraid I need an answer today, this hour in fact, I have plans for you Y/N and without you I need to find someone of your caliber to fill your spot.”

Plans for me? Already? Wow someone is ambitious.

“Since you put it that way… I am found of having a secure future… Yes, I’ll sign,” You complied as YG pulled some forms from his bag you didn’t realize he had next to him. He cleared his throat after you were done initially and signing every last slot.

“Well it’s time for me to get going. Y/N I expect you to be outside YG entertainment building 6 am two days from now in something stylish with a bag packed for at least 5 days travel.” With that he was gone leaving you in a confused daze.

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