Chapter 2

Sorry, It's A Little Windy

    Wonwoo ambled down the school hallway, deep in thought. He didn’t really know how he could go on a date with Mingyu if he had no way to contact the boy. Suddenly, there was a shout up ahead. Wonwoo shook his head and peered past the other students, curious. With a gasp, he hurried forward. Lee Seokmin, Soonyoung’s boyfriend, was sitting on the floor, rubbing his side. “Seokmin! What happened?!” 


    The brunette laughed, “I was walking and the door flew open. It hit me pretty hard. Someone REALLY wants to get home.” He smiled brightly. Nothing could get this boy down, and Wonwoo stared at him incredulously.


    “Omo! I’m so sorry! Are you alright?” Wonwoo looked up - and froze. Standing above them, hand over his mouth, was Mingyu. “Wonwoo?”


    “Mingyu? I-I didn’t think I’d see you again so soon…” Wonwoo dragged Seokmin to his feet, not bothering to be gentle.


    Seokmin looked back and forth between them. “You two know each other? Hey, you’re in my Maths class. Kim Mingyu, right?” Mingyu nodded, a little surprised by how quickly Seokmin forgot about the door incident. “I’ll catch you later! I’ve got a date!” Seokmin ran off after exchanging a quick hug with Wonwoo, leaving his awkward friend alone with Mingyu.


    The two shyly nodded to each other, and Wonwoo moved to continue on his way. But Mingyu grabbed his arm, pulling him back. “Hey umm… Do you have time? Maybe we can…umm… go somewhere?” Wonwoo smiled softly, relaxing under Mingyu’s touch. The tall boy started to babble nervously when Wonwoo didn’t respond. “If you don’t want to, that’s fine too. Ah, why did I ask? It’s too soon, it’s too soon. Stupid, stupid, stupid…” Mingyu started to hit his own forehead and continued to call himself stupid.


    “Mingyu, Mingyu, Mingyu, slow down,” Wonwoo grasped his wrist, stopping his hand. Mingyu looked at him innocently, his lips starting to form a pout. “Yes, I have time. Where do you want to go?” Mingyu stared at him dumbly, Wonwoo’s response sinking in slowly. His lips formed an ‘oh’ after a moment, and his rabbit smile appeared. 


    “Can we just wander around downtown? I don’t spend much time down here except for school, and my friends told me about some cool places.” Wonwoo nodded, a smile tugging at his lips, and he let an excited Mingyu pull him to the school doors. Oh, wait. His locker. Oh well. He didn’t need anything from it anyway. 


    The pair arrived at the street and paused. Mingyu swung his head back and forth, like a dog. His lips turned down in a frown when he realized he had no idea where to go. Wonwoo chuckled and took the lead, tugging Mingyu by his sleeve. The taller boy grabbed Wonwoo’s hand and held it tightly, his smile brighter than the sun itself. He skipped a little as he walked hand in hand with Wonwoo, not noticing the older boy’s rosy cheeks.


    Time seemed to fly by, and Wonwoo and Mingyu found themselves huddled in a small cafe not even Soonyoung had been to. (Soonyoung and Seokmin had made sure to go to every single cafe, restaurant and shop in Icheon, just so that they could tell their friends pointless facts about these places. That, and it was fun.) Mingyu tipped his head to one side, “Hyung… I never see you hanging out with people, besides Soonyoung-hyung and that other boy - Seokmin, is it? - Why?”


    Wonwoo thought for a moment, but he already had an answer on the tip of his tongue. “Well, to most people, I’m a little scary, stand-offish. I’m not easy to approach. If it weren’t for Soonyoung and Seokmin, I would have no friends. I don’t mind it, honestly. I’m used to being alone, so it doesn’t bother me.” He ended his mini speech with a slightly forced smile.


    Mingyu gasped, eyes comically wide. “Scary?! How can someone think you’re scary? I think you’re a cute fluffy bunny!” Wonwoo arched his eyebrows at that. Bunny? That wasn’t exactly the first thing that came to mind when he looked in the mirror. 


    “Really? You think so? I think you’re more of a bunny. I’m more of a grumpy old cat.” Wonwoo frowned at his own statement.


    Mingyu’s gaze softened and he reached out to touch Wonwoo’s hand. “Hyung, it’s okay. You don’t need to feel bad about that. Even grumpy old cats get loved, by their grumpy old cat mates. You will meet someone who will love you with so much passion!” Wonwoo smiled slightly. Mingyu’s words cut right through him, but it didn’t hurt. He liked it, he liked Mingyu. He could admit it now. He was drawn to the boy, with his radiant smile and shining personality. His big, sweet heart and generous spirit. He was everything Wonwoo needed, and everything he couldn’t have. Wonwoo was too emo, too hard to understand or bond with.


    While he was pity-partying by himself in his head, Mingyu had moved his chair closer, so that they were sitting side by side. Wonwoo, of course, got the scare of his life when he started paying attention again. Mingyu leaned in… and kissed Wonwoo’s cheek. “Hyung, even if people think you’re scary or whatever, I think you’re a cute puppy on the inside. Thank you.” Wonwoo stared at him in shock. Wonwoo should be the one thanking Mingyu, not the other way around. 


    Mingyu’s shining smile lit up his whole face. Wonwoo didn’t think he deserved this, but that’s okay. He’s perfectly happy at Mingyu’s side. 


    Maybe being in a relationship wasn’t so bad.

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 5: my babiesヾ(´A`)ノ゚
Fatimaa #2
Chapter 5: Awh that's so sad /:
Canxiubemybaby #3
Chapter 2: Aww that was so cute!
Lacoursiere #4
Chapter 2: Cuteeeee~!!!!
haminnie #5
Congratulations on being featured! I know you worked hard to get here!
Lacoursiere #6
Chapter 1: Sequel!!!!
Chapter 1: Awww~ this was so cute! A sequel maybe? But this is just perfect as it stands alone. Definitely a keeper
shineeyukee #8
Chapter 1: this is a great story~ but i feel that it should have a next chapter or sequel pls~
3036jonestom #9
Chapter 1: Please have a sequel!! I'm curious of Mingyu's background...