Chapter 4

Is There Anything He Can't Do?!

I laugh nervously and Sihyoung stands next to me with a smirk on his face.

"Hey hyung, yes I brought Yijeong along with me because he wants to celebrate his past birthday by getting a tattoo."

I play with my glasses nervously. 

"Oh great is they're anything in particular that you wanted?" He looks at me. 

"Um I'm not sure I've always wanted something like a quote, but then again something abstract would be cool." 

Sihyoung smirks "Oo hyung show him your tattoos maybe it will give him an idea." I start to get nervous as Mr.Song starts to pull his shirt off. Sihyoung still has the biggest smirk on his face and it's making me really want to punch him.

Mr.Song removes it and those black musical notes appear in front of me again. 

"Since I love music I decided to get musical notes spread out across my back. Pretty cool huh?"

"Yea they look great" I stare at them trying so hard not to pick up my hand and touch them.

"And since you mentioned quotes..." He turned around revealing his chiseled front side and pointed at the quote written across his abs. 

"It's my life's motto" " Never be afraid to be creative and weird" 

"Wow nice. Did that hurt, the stomach seems like such a sensitive place to get a tattoo?" 

"Oh no it didn't hurt. See for yourself. If you touch it I won't even flinch." 

I look at him with a hesitant look. He smiles and nods his head letting me know it's okay. I reach toward his stomach and start to run my fingers across the words. His skin feels smooth over his hard abdomen. "Ah" He lets out an outburst.

"Oh um I'm so sorry." I remove my hand quickly. 

He laughs "It's okay I was just playing with you." He smiles and rubs my shoulder. 

I nervously laugh "Right. Um I think I'll get my life's motto too I just don't know where to get. Sihyoung surprise me. Tell Kyungil where I should get it and I will. No if ands or buts." I look over at Sihyoung who is still smiling. 

"Ah this is a great way to start our friendship. You trust me enough to be the one to decide where something as permanent as a tattoo should go?" I nod "If I can trust you with this, I can trust you with way less intense things than this in the future."

Sihyoung smiles "Great!" " See I would suggest getting it on your , but I'll save you that embarrassment." "Instead I say get it on your back, that way it's easy to hide and if there's pain afterward it won't hurt as much when you sleep and stuff. Unless do you sleep on your back?" 

"No I sleep on my side kind of in a little ball." (Cough) "Forget that last part" 

"Ah this kid is cute" Mr.Song laughs. " Okay back it is." "Sihyoung help me gather the equipment." "Sure hyung" Sihyoung walks over grabs some needles and ink colors. Mr.Song takes the needle and attaches it to the machine. 

"So what's this motto of yours?" "It's okay to be weird and embarrassing, stay true to yourself." 

"Nice that's kinda deep. We have the same on look of life." Mr.Song smiles. "Okay Yijeong I hope your ready for this. Take off your shirt and lie down on your stomach." "I'll start when your ready."

I take off my shirt even more goose bumps start to appear on my skin from the sudden exposure. I quickly walk over to the cushioned table and lay down. 

A phone rings and I make a slight jump. " Ugh I completely forgot I had to pick up my sister from her dance class." "I'm sorry hyung and Yijeomg I have to go. Kyungil make sure to send me a pic of it when it's done and give Yijeong my number so I can call him later to hear about his experience."

"It's okay Sihyoung, tell Mina I said hi and to keep up the good work." "Will do. Bye." Sihyoung grabs his book bag and runs out the door. 

"So I guess it's just you and me." He smiles. 

"Yea," (nervous) "I guess so." 

"I'm ready when you are." He gives me a quick smile. 

I let out a breath " Okay I'm ready" 

A buzzing sound starts and I feel his hand touch my back. "So Yijeong, tell me about yourself. I'm trying to lighten the mood so you won't be so focused on the tattoo."

"Um I'm 20, I have an older sister, I love photography just as much as I love to dance and I can speak fluent English even though I was born and raised in Korea. My parents were born in the states..." 

"Oh interesting. I think that's the most you've said to me without sounding nervous." He laughs. 

"Oh hehe yea..." Silence and the buzzing of the needle fills the room. 


"Yes Mr.Song?" 

"I was wondering what kind of photography you do? And outside of school it's okay to call me Kyungil I'm only 6 years older than you." 

"Oh um sorry, Kyungil." " I don't have a specific interest I just take photos of anything that I think looks good." 

"Oh cool. I'm looking forward to your work in the future." I can feel him smile. 

Before I know it the buzzing stops. "Okay your all done. But hold on let me take a picture for Sihyoung." Rustling is heard and the snap of a camera sounds. 

"Also Yijeong do you know you have a cute ?" I feel him poke it and I jump. 

"Sorry hehe" he says 

"It's okay, Um thank you so much for doing this." I got up and winced from a bit of pain. 

"Be careful, here take this it will help with the healing process." I take the bottle from his hand. 

I look up to see that the clock reads 7:30. Wow I didn't realize that it was that late time went by faster than I thought. 

"Thanks again," I said as I put my shirt back on gently. "I should head home my sister is probably waiting for me." 

I grab my bag and start to head toward the door. "Wait, let me drive you it's late and busses are usually slower around this time." 

"It's okay I don't mind the wait." 

"No it's fine I will drive you just let me lock up the shop. Jaeho canceled all his appointments when he heard about Yura." 

Messing with my glasses I say "Well um okay. I don't want to be a burden to you but if you insist then..." 

"Yes I will drive you, it's not a burden at all." 

He gathers the materials he just used and washes them off quickly but effectively and grabbed his jacket after setting the alarm. When we're outside he pulls down the fence that covers the front and locks it with a key. I follow him to his car and he opens the door for me helping me get in. "Thank you" I say. 

"So where do you live" He asks 

"Oh not that far I'll tell you where to make the turns." 

We reach my apartment building in a couple of minutes. "Thank you for the ride and thanks again for the tattoo."

"No problem and your welcome." He smiles 

"Well, um bye." I open the door and get out slowly as to not bump my back. Kyungil gets out of the car and helps me out. He walks me to the entrance and says "Make sure to use that cream it will help with the soreness and it was nice getting to know you today." "I hope what happened today between us has hopefully made you a little less nervous around me and I hope things won't be awkward for us when we see eachother in school."

"I will. And it has a little I'll see you tomorrow." I wave and walk through the door. The elevator comes quickly and I step inside noticing that Kyungil is still standing outside watching me go. He smiles and walks back toward his car. 

After a long shower and tons of questions from my sister of what I did that afternoon, and her happily freaking out about my tattoo. I finally settle into my bed. I can't sleep because the events of my first day at school and my afternoon at the tattoo shop keep running through my head. I look out my window at the stars and all I can think of is Kyungil and how awkward I'm going to be tomorrow. 


I just had to mention something about Yijeong's especially with that sort of recent video of Kyungil ever so casually touching it 😂. I hope you guys enjoyed this.


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Maisaa #1
Chapter 10: Thank you for this cute story
I really enjoyed reading it
I'll wait for your next story ...good luck with your studies author-nim ♡
Maisaa #2
Chapter 5: Noooooo~ I was hoping for sikyun(sihyoung×dokyun)as aside ship ㅠ.ㅠ
Why no one EVER write about sikyun *dramatic cry*
aishajames #3
Chapter 10: thank you for taking hours writing this~ don't apologize for the chapter, just you doing this much to the kyungjeong and storia community is enough for us :) i hope you have a great time with your classes, and study hard!! fighting :D
jjongine #4
Can't wait to get my reading on with this :P
aishajames #5
btw, great work~ this chapter was so fluffy :3
Chapter 8: Aw so cute :3
Allie132 #7
Chapter 8: This is soooo cute! Can't wait until the next chapter!
aishajames #8
thank you so much for updating everyday! you are amazing and so is your work ^^ have a good day~
Chapter 6: Maybe Kyungil was secretly watching Sihyoung and Yijeong with that PDA and got jealous?
Chapter 5: I can imagine Yijeong being all nervous like that aw c,: