The Beginning

Stand By Me
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  He's been sitting on the riverside for how long-hours ? Minutes ? It's hard to tell.He stared down at his reflection in the water and sighed. Pales faces and dark circles have been permanent residents on his face , he rub his face hoping to get rid of the wearriness."why..why am i so pathetic ?" he murmurs.The silence that accompanying him in the night brought some comfort in his raging heart.Too many thoughts that are swirling in his head.He knocked his head hoping the dull throbbing from the hitting can stop his thought from wandering.

His thoughts are being interupt by his ringing phone.Slowly he brought his phone out from his hoodie pocket , a gift from his hyung on his sixteenth birthday.The phone brightness blinded his eyes for awhile , he look at the screen when his vision settel and answers the call.


"where are you ? " Yoongi ask , his tired voice sounded through the phone.

He felt another sigh left his chapped lips as he listened to his brother talk through the phone.

"Im nowhere hyung.Don't worry.I'll be back" 

He heard the muffled sound of his parents bickering , tears started welling in his eyes.

"T-they a-are f-fighting a-again,right h-hyung? "

Hollow laugh escaped his lip.His heart constricted painfully.He grasped his hoodie for warmth and bit his bottom lip.He felt cold , so cold.


His hyung worried voice echoed in his mind.He felt himself shivering , the night is already starting to get really cold.He tighten his hold on his hoodie. "H-hyung.." he said voice stuttering . "Can you come and get me ? "

He heard the sound of the door opening and the sound of his parents bickering,the sound of bottle breaking and drunken voice of his father  can be heard clearly.He whimpered pitifully and he can hear his hyung soft voice soothingly comforting him.

"Hey..hey.. Taetae.. It's okay.. i'm going to be there.. i'ts going to be okay .. where are you ? "

He heard the door slam in full force and the sound of his hyung heavy breathing can only be heard.His hyung must be running.

"I-im at the river.." he said .

"Wait there.. i'm coming to get you "

His hyung said and with a 'clicked' the phone call ended.He kept his phone back into his hoodie pocket and hug himself.A sob racked his body , the dull trobbing in his head is still there.His head hurt and the tears slid down his pale face.He was alone.By himself,he always was.

"Im so pathetic.. a burden "


The sound of the water flowing along the river is the only sound that ca
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