Chapter 48

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Haebin unnie and I are rarely quiet during dinner. Well, we weren’t entirely silent— there were constant ‘please pass me the rice’ and ‘this is delicious’ exchanged between us but that’s it. Usually, Haebin unnie keeps on babbling about how her day went. Well, either that, or she forces me to tell her about how school went.

I felt that something is bugging her but I didn’t have the guts to talk to her about it. I can’t even ask her if she’s fine.

After finally finishing my meal, after what seemed like eternity because of the awkward atmosphere, I set down my chopsticks and stood up. “Uh, good night”

She looked up and met my eyes. I just realized how weary they looked like. “Good night. Sleep well” Then she forced to lift up the corners of her lips to form a smile.

I didn’t move for a moment. I just watched her expression and hesitated whether I should ask her about what’s bothering her.

But of course, I’m just really stupid.

I just nodded and turned to leave. But two steps away from the table, I heard her call me again.

I shivered.

Her tone was tired and a bit cold. Seriously, what did I do this time?


I slowly turned to face her. “Unnie?”

She was frowning, which I told you is pretty odd since she rarely does that. Then, if it’s something that made her frown, it must be really serious.

Fishing out something from her pocket, I saw her frown deepen, her faint wrinkles in her eyes showing. “Explain” she curtly said as she placed a familiar crumpled envelope on the table.

My eyes widened.

Kim Jiyong [Murder Case]

“H-How did you…?” I muttered in disbelief as I covered my mouth with my palm.

“I saw it while I did the laundry”oHoseok


I looked at his hand. He was handing me an envelope. “What’s that?”

“Just take it” Then, he forcefully chucked it in my hand and left.

Kim Jiyong [Murder Case]

I inhaled sharply.

“Why the hell will you give me this?!” I screamed and looked ahead, hoping that that Kim Namjoon was still in the same street.

But just in time, I saw his shadow turn to a corner.

My hands balled into a fist and I heard the papers crunch as I crumpled them. Stuffing the stupid envelope in my skirt pocket, I ran the rest of the way home.

I mentally face-palmed. Stupid Subin. How could I forget to take it out of my skirt pocket that day?

That was more than a week ago, why would Haebin unnie laundry my uniform just now?

Geez, sometimes I just want to punch myself every time I think of something unnecessary in crucial and serious times like this. Can someone do that for me?

I shook my head to take those thoughts out of my head before meeting Haebin unnie’s angry stare again. Yup, she’s already angry. If you look closely, you could see steam coming out of her hair.

I gulped nervously as she stood up from her seat and grabbing the envelope, crumpling i

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last 2 chapters and epilogue on friday! please look forward for it :)


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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: I wish jhope would teach me how to dance
Lunawoon #2
Chapter 73: I‘ve found this story three days ago and finished it today.
Seriously it was soo awesome! I couldn‘t stop reading and was totally excited what would happen next.
Please continue your awesome writing and I hope to read more of you in the future :)
Chapter 73: I'm really in love with this story. It's such a beautiful story.
golden_pcy #4
Chapter 72: Lovely story. I read it all day. I also loved the plot line.
onewjr #5
Chapter 15: Houhhhh yea
Chapter 72: I'm looking for hoseok fics, but I didn't found with many chapter like this. I'm so glad found your story. I just finished read this. I love it very much. Soooo I'm looking forward to your new story^^ Fighting!!
Chapter 73: Thank you for this information, I'm looming sooooo forward to it♡♡♡
Maybe a EXID memeber for a featuring? Or a Dal☆Shabet member, these are my fav groups :)
loui97 #8
Chapter 71: Thank you for the good, interesting ,wonderful stories. The ending keep making me crying.. I love it very muchh.. Its tearing me up much.. Anyway thank youu ^^
Chapter 71: Thank you for the wonderful story, I really enjoyed reading the story ^^
Chapter 46: Omy god i just read it half way but it's tearing me up bcause of that 'friendship' scene :(( I kinda can feel it bcause subin represent me in real life