Chapter 19

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Ha. Girl’s night?

From what I watched in the movies, the girls were painting their nails and had fun games. But ours ended up to be a let’s-talk-about-Hoseok-night. Like really, Shinyoung was endlessly asking about Hoseok this, Hoseok that, Hoseok everywhere! I didn’t know for how long but when I suggested that we do something else, she yawned and told me she was tired.

I couldn’t do anything but let her sleep because when I looked at the clock it was already 30 minutes past 12 am.

Now, here I am, half-sitting, half-sleeping on the bus. I already look gloomy enough with a good night’s sleep and with additional dark circles, I swear I look like a zombie.

Once the bus came to my stop, I stood up and dragged my feet to the door. After swiping my transport card, I hopped off. The rays of the sun hit my face and it made me energized a bit.

I walked the rest of the way.

Oh, how I wish I run into Hoseok this time. It would surely wake me up to have a morning walk with someone as talkative as him.

I stopped in my tracks and shook my head.

Heck, did I just wish to see him? That is so not me.

Maybe I was carried away by last night’s long talk about that sword-bearing mentor.

I sighed and continued on walking but this time, I was already awake just by the thought of me thinking about that Jung Hoseok guy.

“Oh, you’re home” Haebin unnie greeted me once I managed to open the front door.

“Oh, you’re home” I imitated and directed her statement to her.

“Yeah” she said and scratched her head. “I’m sorry about forgetting to leave the keys. Anyway, have you had breakfast already?”

I shook my head and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a spoon and started munching on my omelette rice.

Haebin unnie followed right after and sat on her chair opposite mine. “Shinyoung called me last night”

I looked up from my plate and furrowed my eyebrows. I can’t remember her holding her phone last night. “What time?”

My sister thought for a moment. “About 3 am, I guess”

What? She was awake by that time? But we rested earlier.

I huffed. That naughty girl.

“What did she say?”

Haebin unnie smiled at me. “Why didn’t you tell me about your crush? We should share to each ot

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last 2 chapters and epilogue on friday! please look forward for it :)


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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: I wish jhope would teach me how to dance
Lunawoon #2
Chapter 73: I‘ve found this story three days ago and finished it today.
Seriously it was soo awesome! I couldn‘t stop reading and was totally excited what would happen next.
Please continue your awesome writing and I hope to read more of you in the future :)
Chapter 73: I'm really in love with this story. It's such a beautiful story.
golden_pcy #4
Chapter 72: Lovely story. I read it all day. I also loved the plot line.
onewjr #5
Chapter 15: Houhhhh yea
Chapter 72: I'm looking for hoseok fics, but I didn't found with many chapter like this. I'm so glad found your story. I just finished read this. I love it very much. Soooo I'm looking forward to your new story^^ Fighting!!
Chapter 73: Thank you for this information, I'm looming sooooo forward to it♡♡♡
Maybe a EXID memeber for a featuring? Or a Dal☆Shabet member, these are my fav groups :)
loui97 #8
Chapter 71: Thank you for the good, interesting ,wonderful stories. The ending keep making me crying.. I love it very muchh.. Its tearing me up much.. Anyway thank youu ^^
Chapter 71: Thank you for the wonderful story, I really enjoyed reading the story ^^
Chapter 46: Omy god i just read it half way but it's tearing me up bcause of that 'friendship' scene :(( I kinda can feel it bcause subin represent me in real life