Whose the new chick ? [Coffee Eyes]

Whose the new chick ?


I stretched my arms in the air as I held the chocolate chip cookie in my mouth that my mom had made yesterday night, like every Friday night. I rubbed my eye as I took bit of my cookie using my other hand. I hate getting up in the morning. I never understood why my mom made me wake up at eight, when school started at ten. I never understood why she makes me walk to school, when taking the car is at least ten minutes. When you convert that into walking distance, its a long time. I guess that's why she wakes me up early - still doesn't explain why she doesn't let me take a car though.
I arrived at the school doors a little early than usual. It was around nine-thirty, or so my ODM watch read. Onew should be here around this time, maybe even Taemin and Key, depending on knowing wether Key did his hair the night before is the only way if you'd know if them too were here. Considering the two go to school together since their neighbors. 
I walked down the quiet empty hall and up the stairs to the top floor. On these days Onew would volunteer in the math class. I stopped in front of the brown door and slid it open to find just what I had expected. Onew, Key, and Taemin sat at the black table starring at me as I walked in, "You're early."
I walked around the table to where they sat and pulled a chair to their table, "Yeah. My clock has been lying to me these past few days." I sighed putting my forehead against the cool table. 
"Are you going to skip out on your English class again ?" Taemin asked. I propped my head on my hand and looked at Taemin then nodded, "Can you go with Jonghyun then. He wants me to be his swingman in his theatre class, but I have AP and I can't miss it."
"Why don't you just tell him that ?"
"Jonghyun doesn't understand Minho. Please ?" Taemin pleaded using his cute puppy face.
I sighed as I gave into his cuteness, "Fine .." DING ~ "Guess we better get going to class Taemin. See you two later." I waved to Key and Onew as Taemin and I left the classroom. 
We walked down the hall and down the staircase to the second level. I decided to walk Taemin to his class since I decided to skip out on English again. Taemin entered his class just before the last bell rang. I stuffed my hands in my pocket as I began to walk the halls that only had a few people who were speed walking to class as they thought of a reasonable excuse on why they were late. 
I walked down the stair case to the first level and toward the back doors that lead out into the back courtyard. I stepped outside feeling a slight breeze. I walked along the paved path as I admired the fresh cut grass and well designed flower garden along the left side of the paved path. I remember way back when my brother went to this school I would always find myself getting lost, and the only way I could figure the way out of here was if I came to this back courtyard. I wouldn't consider that unique either because I found plenty of other doing the same thing. 
I smiled at the memory as I stood watching the gardening. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and continued to the the auditorium where the theatre room was in the back. I pushed open the large door and into the clean smell of the grand auditorium. The theatre class was among the audience chairs as the teacher stood on the stage telling them what it is he wants them to do today. Mr. Furbelow glanced at me as he continued on with his orders. When he came to an end he looked back at me with a serious face.
I began to walk more into the open as the other students all turned to see what he was looking at, "Hi." I waved making my way toward the stage.
"What are you doing here Mr. Choi ?" I shrugged, "Did Mr. Kim ask you to come here to be his swingman again ?" The class began to laugh as I noticed Jonghyun sinking into his seat.
I smiled, "Sure did." I admitted reaching the stage.
"If you're going to be here, then you will have to participate."
I scratched the back of my head and pouted my lips as I thought of an answer, "Why not."
Mr. Furbelow nodded and threw a stack of scrips on the stage, "Here is everyone's monologue. Your name is written on it so please get it and began to rehearse. I expect it to be well memorized thirty minutes before class is over when you ALL perform. Understand ?"
"Yes Mr. Furbelow." Mr. Furbelow began to walk off stage as I picked the stack off the stage reading my name on the first script on the stack. 
I smirked, "That old geezer."
I sat at the edge of the stage dangling my feet. Jonghyun stood against the wall behind me as he read his monologue. I glanced to the side where the noonas sat with some of the hyungs. I began to focus on the conversation trying to make out what they were saying, "Coffee brown." Hyung one said.
"Dark coffee, regular coffee, or light coffee ?" Hyung two asked.
"Light coffee."
Hyung three smiled, "That sounds like some gorgeous eyes .."
Gorgeous eyes .. "Gorgeous eyes ?" Noona one laughed, "Blue is always gorgeous than brown." 
Noona two nodded, "I agree with that."
"That's because your boyfriend has blue eyes." Hyung two stated as Noona two shrugged.
"Who has brown eyes ?" Noona three asked late.
"It's COFFEE brown." Hyung one corrected, "And it's the new chick .."
"What's her name ?" Noona two questioned.
Hyung one looked at Hyung two and three, they all shrugged.
I scratched my head as I got curious, "Hey Jonghyun." I looked up at Jonghyun who removed his script from his face, "Have you seen the new chick yet ?"
"Nope. I heard a lot about her. How she's the reincarnation of goddess Aphrodite." Jonghyun smirked, "Yeah right. If there was such thing then she'd be all over me by now." Jonghyun lifted his script back to his face as I shook my head, I think you're the reincarnation of Narcissus .. "It's weird, because I never seemed to get a name. She goes by 'the new chick' so far."
"Odd .. So what's your monologue about ?"
"I think I'm a heroine addict .."
I nodded, "Interesting .."
I sat in the audience listening to Noona three's monologue. It was long, boring, and a disgrace to the author of the piece. I was getting quite irritated from the past nine people that butchered there monologue the teacher has assigned them. I would think the old geezer a generous man if they have higher than a C.
"Jonghyun. You're up." Mr. Furbelow ordered.
"I asked to be the last one ~" Jonghyun whined.
"Besides Minho, you are - ." I smirked knowing the geezer was putting it into words where he called me a as well. Jonghyun walked onto the stage and waved to the audience, "Jonghyun !"
"O-okay okay .. What stick went up your ." Jonghyun mouthed the last part as I chuckled, "I'm playing Fick. I don't see an author on this paper, so I'm just going to skip that part .. Okay then. I'll start the next time I say scene." I fixed my position in my chair as Jonghyun sat down on the floor.
"Scene .." Jonghyun began to look daze as he began his script, "I mean, I was just walking down the street and they came up on me like they was important, and they start pushing me around," Jonghyun shoved his hands forward like he was drunkard, "you know.  And they pushed me into this alley," Jonghyun pointed behind him and corrected himself," not an alley, but this hallway and back down the end of that - to this dark place at the end .. of the hallway .. and they start punching at me," Jonghyun smashed his fist into his hand, "and I just fell into this ball on the floor so they couldn’t hurt me or nothing.  But if I came down there with a couple of fighters, a couple of guys, like my friends, it wouldn’t have to be you," Jonghyun pointed to the audience still looking lost, "or anything, but just a couple .. or three guys, big guys, like walking down the street, you know.  Just so they could see I got these buddies here ..  See I’m on H," The class began to laugh including myself as we truly believed he was on heroine, "I mean, I’m flying and I gotta talk man, but I’m serious now .. just a few guys and they’d leave me be, maybe, because they’d think I had these buddies that looked after me, you know; cause I – you know – they kicked me up .. if I wasn’t on H, man, they’d be pains all through me – you know – walking down the street by myself – I start looking around and wondering who’s out there gonna mess me up, you know.  I get scared as hell, man, walking down around here, I mean, I can’t protect myself or nothing, man. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? You know what I mean? You know?" I heard the girls giggle as Jonghyun, "I mean if I had these couple – of big buddies – fighters – you – you know – if I had a couple of guys – like – big guys – that  - you know, there’s like nothing – I could – like, if you walked around with these buddies, I  mean you could do, man – you could do anything . . . Scene." Jonghyun smiled as he got up to his normal self.
The whole class applauded along with me, I never knew he was so good at this .. Jonghyun jumped of the stage and walked to me as I gave him a high five, "That was good man."
"Thanks." Jonghyun lightly smiled.
"Mr. Choi. You're up." 
Jonghyun patted me on the back, "Good luck man." 
I walked toward the stage as Jonghyun took a seat in the audience. I felt my heart beating faster than normal. I took in a deep breath calming my heart down, "Whenever you are." Mr. Furbelow said looking up at me.
I looked at the audience and sighed, "I'm playing Aman, from the moive Kal Ho Naa Ho .." I heard the giant auditorium door close and a small girl walk into the room. Her eyes met mine and a very light smile formed on the corner of her face before she turned around walking to Mr. Furbelow who sat in the back of the room. I smiled to myself, "Scene .." 
I held the small black book in my hand as a prop. I opened it up and began to 'read' it, "Naina, how I wish I could tell you how much I love you .." The mystery girl paused in her tracks, "I love you, I love you, I love you very very much Naina .." She glanced back and looked me in the eyes, "and he wrote, I love you and .." I flipped the page in the notebook and looked down at the blank sheet of paper, "and .. I see you when I close me eyes .. and when I open my eyes I wish to see you .. when you are not near me, I sense you everywhere, every second, every minute, every time .. my eyes searches for my Naina .. call it love, lunacy or the beat of my heart .. it's all the same to me .. many people do love, but none could love the way i do, because they don't have you .. I cannot forget you Naina .. I don't want to forget you .. you are mine .. and I would love you for all my life .. I will love you till the last of my breath .. and even after that, I will love you .." 
The audience began to applaud and I looked back to see the mystery girl gone. I felt my heart ache at that moment, as if it was crying, "Yo Minho. You crying ?!" Jonghyun smirked from his seat. 
I smiled, "Shut the hell up .."
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blastoise #1
Awesome haha
I was bored so I read your fanfic for the second time and since I didn't remember the whole story, I really enjoyed reading it another time! :)
That was a great fanfic! I loved it! ^^
BananaNutt #4
I finished it xDD
AlmightyLena #5
BananaNutt #6
@ Fuzz : Haha, i know right xDD
AlmightyLena #7
Lol that was adorable. <br />
Jonghyun = = u player you dont hold hands w/someone u dont like<br />
*stab*<br />
:D lol cute
BananaNutt #8
@Fuzz : glad you liked it >.<
AlmightyLena #9
. . . . i just imagine myself as Naina . . . i wont be mad . .. <br />
*stab*<br />
Lol cute[:
BananaNutt #10
@Fuzz : haha, it will get cuter ;DD