
Your Soul

I see you on the blue skies..

I need a little sunshine..


That day was as gloomy and gray as it could get. I had just broken up with my boyfriend who had been with me for two years. And it happened on the day of our second anniversary since our first date.

I had taken a day off from college and I was preparing a nice lunch for our anniversary. While I was cooking, I heard the front door open. I left the kitchen and went to greet him. But when I leaned in for a hug, he softly pushed me away. I was a little confused but I thought he just had a bad day so I didn't say anything about it. He went to the bedroom, not uttering a word. I just went back to cooking and when I was done, I headed to the bedroom to call him.

But oh, how much I wished I hadn't opened that door.

I saw him carrying the bright red suitcase he bought a month ago to the bed and opening it. Confusion was an understatement when asked what I felt.

"Jungkook?" He did not even flinch when I called him. My eyes widened in horror when I saw he was taking his clothes from the closet and putting them in his suitcase. "What are you doing?!" Yet again, no response whatsoever.

I went to his side and started taking the clothes out of the suitcase, but he simply put them back in. That continued for five minutes. When he finally managed to put everything inside, he closed it and put it on the ground.

By that time I was a sobbing mess.

"Jungkook, where are you going?!" I shouted, but he didn't look up at me. He was staring at his feet as if they were the most interesting thing at that moment. "Answer me!" I held his shoulders and tried to make him look at me, but he didn't even move.

"I'm sorry, hyung.." He whispered.

"What do you mean by that?" Honestly, I was so scared of the answer that I felt my vision was getting blurry.

"Hyung, I love you but.."

"But what?!" I almost shouted again.

"I can't do this. I can't keep on living this way. I indeed love you more than anything, but I don't feel like I'm ready to give up so much to stay here. I was so ing terrified of your reaction that I hoped you wouldn't be here. I'm sorry, I did not think things would turn out this way. I know, I'm an awful person. I deserve all your hate because I'm an ." He said, tears falling from his eyes as well. I wanted so bad to hit him. But I didn't.

"I left my family and friends in Daegu, on the other side of the country, to come to Seoul and live with you because I love you so ing much. I gave up everything I had, I went through hatred from the people I loved the most. I was ready to give up on my life for you, but because you aren't, this is how everything will end? You will ing leave just like that?!" I was seeing red from rage.

"I swear on my life that I love you. I will forever remember our relationship because it's probably one of the best things that has ever happened to me. But I just can't stay here anymore." Jungkook took his suitcase again and went to the front door, with me trailing behind him, on the verge of begging him to stay. He suddenly stopped and looked at me, a sad smile forming on his lips. "I am sure you will find someone much better than me. You deserve so much more than what I can give you. You're precious, hyung, and I know there is someone out there who will make you feel special. I'm sorry I wasn't the one to do that. I will keep you in my heart, hyung. And remember, I will always be by your side. One day, if you need someone's shoulder to cry on and there's no one else to call, don't hesitate to call me. I will be sure to come immediately." He kissed my forehead and just like that, he left the apartment.

It was then that I felt the apartment's coldness. Without his warmth, it was just so cold and lonely. Just by looking down at the hallway, I remembered so much that back then I saw as momentary things.

Everything reminded me so much of him, that I couldn't stay anymore and ran outside.


So, to get back on the gloomy day.

I didn't expect the sky would get covered with so many clouds in such a short span of time but I could care less. Despite the coldness of the breeze and the freezing rain pouring down over me, my tears were still as hot as ever. And walking around the places me and him had gone through so many times didn't seem to help at all. In the end I just walked down the street near our.. my home, hoping a car would just hit me, but there were no cars nor people around. At least it was quiet.

I walked like that for a minute or two. The only thing I could hear was the sound of the raindrops hitting everything on their way. I couldn't think straight so I didn't even bother to think. I walked aimlessly, my mind wandering around memories, making me sob harder. In the end I couldn't stand on my feet anymore and I just fell on my knees, hiding my face behind my palms. I looked like a weirdo standing under the heavy rain, any person would've run away from me.

But you didn't.

Suddenly I didn't feel the rain pouring on me anymore. It couldn't have stopped just like that. Out of curiosity I looked up and I saw you. A complete stranger holding his umbrella over my head. You held your hand out to me and helped me get up. I wanted to walk away, for me you were nobody, but you stopped me in a very strange way.

"Hey.. I know you don't know me, but I'll tell you my name's Jung Hoseok and I see you're not in a good state, so here, take my coffee to warm yourself up and my umbrella so you won't get more wet than you already are until you get home. Hurry up or you will catch a cold! I hope the rest of your day is better!" You said cheerfully with a smile that contained all the sunshine of the day in it, while handing me the stuff and walking away into the rain, soon disappearing from my sight.

I was dumbfounded and confused to a very high level. But even though my heart was broken to pieces, I found myself smiling. Just a tiny bit.

I don't know what spell you had casted on me, but for the rest of the day, I couldn't get your stupid sunshiny smile out of my mind.


I fell into your brown eyes..

I told you I was your light..


It took me about three months to get over Jungkook. I loved him dearly, he was a special person to me. And I could get over him all thanks to my parents, my friends and you.

God damn you, Hoseok. If you hadn't popped up out of no where on the day he left me, I wouldn't be going through all of this now..

During the first month of Jungkook not being around me, the apartment had become a complete mess. I was so devastated that I didn't give two flippin' s about its condition. Depression had taken over me in such a way that sometimes I wouldn't leave the apartment for a week, just looking at pictures of Jungkook and wondering if I had done something wrong. I didn't have any tears left to shed.

During that period, my best friends - Namjoon, Yoongi and Seokjin, came by almost every day. Namjoon and Yoongi tried their best to keep me from doing something bad to myself and Seokjin made sure I had eaten at the very least once a day. My family also visited me once and stayed for a few days before returning to Daegu.

But, they weren't you. Again, God damn you, Hoseok.

You looked after me the most. It turned out you were my neighbour, but my mind had been so occupied by Jungkook that I never even acknowledged your presence before.

Despite Seokjin hyung making food for me, you brought even more. Each time you saw it was getting a bit dirty around the apartment, you'd clean up as if you yourself lived there. My friends didn't know about you, they thought my state was improving and that I was cleaning and getting food. But in reality I was getting worse and worse with each minute that had passed.

Until one day you changed it all for me completely.

It was a sunny Saturday in May. That morning I had woken up pretty late, around 10:30.. or was it 11? I don't remember. Despite the good weather, the birds' songs and the children's laughs, I was not even in a decent mood. Before, on such a day I'd run outside, play with the young kids and sing with the birds, I'd go for an ice cream and probably play basketball or football with the high schoolers, but not on that day. It was like the things that made me happy before, that day annoyed and angered me. How could the other people be so happy when I couldn't?

Thinking of those little things that my every day life consisted of were making me sad. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. Me and Jungkook used to do those things together. So instead of being happy, on that day I was sadder than ever.

My friends were busy, they were working on some songs but they had a lot more work to do before the songs were finished. So I was left on my own. Since I didn't know if you'd come or not, after half an hour of trying to go back to sleep, I threw away the blanket and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. After that I washed the glass with my tears threatening to fall any second.

I remembered how after me and Jungkook had eaten dinner, while I washed the dishes he would hug me from behind, his head resting on my shoulder and we would talk the whole time.

"How could you leave me.. I loved you so much.." I said in despair and fell on the cold floor. I didn't even have the strength to get up.

And you showed up again.

I expected you to be out with your friends, having fun, on such a good day. But no, you came running into the kitchen and quickly kneeled down by my side. You hugged me in the tightest hug I've had in so long and you whispered in my ears quiet words.

"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier. I'm really sorry, Taehyung. I didn't think you'd leave your room now and even though I knew such a day would be hurtful for you, I didn't hurry up. I'm such a ." You went in panic mode and helped me get up from the floor to sit on the couch. You sat next to me and looked at me from head to toe worriedly. I kept on crying but not of sadness anymore. I looked in your eyes and smiled a bit. I cried because you were there for me and you apologized for not coming earlier, something I would never make a problem for.

But you still ing apologized like it was the rudest thing ever. In the next second I was once again embraced in a warm hug that shielded me from the coldness of the apartment.

"It hurts, Hobie.."

You let out a light chuckle.

"I know, Tae. But, as I always say - I'm your light, right? So if you feel like you're in the darkness, call me and I'll try my best to make it less dark for you, okay?"


No, I don't wanna talk about it,

I don't wanna listen all that much..

Is it falling apart?

No, I don't wanna talk about it,

I just wanna hold your hand..


After those almost three months I was finally over Jungkook, and I felt way better. That constant pain when I remembered something wasn't there anymore, instead I just smiled a little like it was a normal memory from my past and carried on with whatever I was doing.

There was no point in crying my eyes out on someone who decided to leave my life. And I continued living with that thought in mind.

Like before I started going out with my friends a whole lot more. The following weeks were all warm, sunny and great. Me and my friends went to our usual park, like before while they played a game or two of basketball, I built sandcastles with the children in the sandbox and made silly faces just to make them laugh, I brought some of them some ice cream and just played around with them because I love kids. They are so cute and sweet, and fun to be around.

Actually, ever since I was in my last year in high school I wanted to work in a orphanage. But my whole class were such mean people and they always told me I'm an idiot to want to work with kids, and that a person like me wasn't suitable for such a job because I'm a man and my voice is too deep it would scare the children. I didn't care about what they said and studied in college just that - to work with those kids. But then.. just before I started looking for a job, I met and fell in love with Jungkook and yeah, we moved to Seoul before I could find the job I wanted so bad to do.

Not only I started going out with my friends more, but they also came over my apartment not to look after me because I was depressed but to hang, out like before. You also came by often, to play some video games or just chat, normal things.

But then, you disappeared. Two days, five days, one week, two weeks - you were nowhere to be seen. You didn't answer my messages nor calls and I was getting really worried. I remembered after those two weeks that you had given me a spare key to your apartment and without a second thought I went to your front door. When you didn't answer the ringing on the doorbell, I unlocked and went inside. I called your name, but there was no answer.

Just as I was about to give up and leave the place, I noticed a bright orange notebook on a box on your coffee table. I tried my best to hold myself, but out of curiosity I opened it and read the first page.

Hello there, Tae!

I knew your curiosity would win over and you will read this. If you're reading this, I'm probably not in Seoul at the moment.

To keep it short and simple, I'm a full-time soldier in the army.

I've been a soldier ever since I graduated from high school. Because of my good performance, once every two years I get a month worth of vacation or whatever you call it.

The thing is, because I couldn't leave you alone in such a hard time for you, I took another two months to stay longer beside you until you got better. It took me some time, but eventually I was given two more months. But the three months ended and I had to return. It's the duty of the soldier, haha.

Anyways, I wanted to say that since I can't use a mobile phone here, we can only communicate by writing letters to each other. Honestly, that's a bit hard and it takes a long time to be delivered by mail. But one of my fellow friends in the army goes to Seoul and back every Saturday for business because there are some problems here. So he promised me that he would come by your apartment every week and if you have any letters to give me, he will take it to me so it would take less time to be delivered, and vice versa.

I bought this notebook so you can take paper from here for the letters. I swear I will read each one of them when I get the first free minute.

Looking forward to hearing from you!



I was shocked and speechless. I never even thought someone like you would be a full-time soldier. You didn't give off that vibe, no matter what side of you I looked at. Such a happy-go-lucky person to have such a job is surprising, at least that's what I thought.

It took me a week or so but I got used to it. Not having your presence, your sunshiny smiles and laughs around me made my every day life seem kind of empty.

A few days later, on the following Saturday, I just couldn't stay without hearing how you are doing, so I sat down in my living room and took a paper from your notebook with the intention of writing you a letter. I had so much to tell you. So I started writing down in kind of unreadable handwriting, but I knew you understood it.

I wrote about everything that happened the past week and I was so excited to finally hear something from you, to hear how you were doing.

Unfortunately, I was so focused on writing the letter that I did not even know my friends had been watching me the whole time while I wrote it. I noticed them right after I finished and they startled me. With those teasing smirks the first thing they asked was :

"Who is Hoseok?"

And I didn't know what to answer.

"So? Who's that boy who made our Taehyungie want to write a letter so bad?" Seokjin sat on my right, Yoongi on the left and Namjoon stood in front of me. Their eyes were so focused on me and they didn't seem like they were going to look at something else any time soon.

"This Hoseok must be someone special for you to not tell us." Namjoon said and the other two agreed.

God damn you, Hoseok.

I had to hide a blush on my cheeks because of you. I got teased to death by those three hyungs and gosh.. But I was okay. I wasn't angry, annoyed or anything like that. It was more like.. Happy? That my friends would finally know about you? Probably that was it.

"He's.. A friend of mine. An amazing friend." I replied to their questions regarding you. I had to think of that for a bit, and even though I sounded satisfied with my answer, I wasn't. It just didn't sound right to say you're just a friend.


The autumn and most of December had passed. All that time we wrote so many letters to each other that I had no more space in my drawers to keep them. But I still tried my best to never lose even a single one. They are so precious to me.

And as so, Christmas passed as well. Your friend came by on the 26th and got my letter for you. But he told me you wouldn't be able to come for my birthday as you were very busy. I was sad because I missed you and I wanted so bad to hear your voice again. Sadly, I couldn't.

On the afternoon of the 30th of December, my birthday, Namjoon, Yoongi and Seokjin came over. They surprised me with a cake, too. It was delicious, with strawberries and chocolate, the two foods I love the most. But as everything was going fine, I got a phone call from my old friends back in Daegu which ruined me completely.

My parents.. My loving mother.. My great father.. They were killed. My vision turned black in just a few seconds.

But you know what? Despite the shock and sadness, the first thing I thought of was your smile which always helped me calm down.

Without a second thought I ran out of the apartment. I took a taxi and drove straight towards your station since it was just outside Seoul. I held my tears on the whole ride. I did not reply to calls, texts, anything. All I could think of was wanting you to hug me because I felt like I'd break in pieces if you didn't hold me.

When I arrived, I ran towards the entrance and literally begged the guards to tell you to come. It was harder that I thought but eventually they called you.

My mind was such a mix of emotions at that time that when I saw you rushing towards me, wearing a dark green and brown uniform and a hat in your hand, with a mixture of shock and happiness written all over your face, I didn't know how to react. So I cried.

Your embrace was all I needed at that moment. And I was so damn happy you came and gave it to me because if it wasn't for you, I would have died back in Seoul.

"God damn you, Hoseok.. Why are you so far away when I need you.." I whispered against your shoulder and I hit your chest lightly, without the intention to hurt you. You did not back away, but instead hugged me tighter.

"I'm here, Tae. Cry all you need." You whispered back.

"Hobie.. My parents.. They are.." I broke down again.

"Shh.. Don't tell me. I don't need to know, that would make you feel even worse. I just want you to know that everything will be alright. Do you trust me?" You said quietly to me and I nodded. "It will be alright.. I promise."

Just those simple words made me trust you twice as much as before. Every single thing about you was so warm, despite the coldness of the weather.

Those simple words made me realise how much I love you.


Oh you know when you're alone,

I'm holding on.. and on.. and on..

To your soul..


That night I stayed at the station. The other people there were good and they let me stay over the night. We stayed in separate from the others' room.

I was so broken that night. My parents were killed by someone who wanted to steal their money. Can you believe this? Humans kill each other for the colorful pieces of paper in their wallets.

But even after two hours, you were still holding me in your arms. Even after I told you bad things, how you were not there when I needed you, how you left me alone back in Seoul, how you didn't even tell me you were a soldier who risks his life all the time. Despite those things you comforted me, told me you will be there next time and all the time I need you.

That night I fell much deeper in love than I thought I ever would. I realized I love you more than I've ever loved Jungkook. I realized each time you talked softly to me, chuckled against my neck and ruffled my hair, each time you did those things my heart would feel at ease, it would feel at home.

That night.. You told me you love me. At first I thought I didn't hear right. But you repeated it.

"I love you, Tae. Never had I thought that you would be such a big part of my life. I can't keep it unsaid anymore. But I will understand if it's not the same for you." You told me in a sad whisper.

You sounded afraid of my decline. But I had waited long for you to tell me just that.

I made you look up at me and smiled.

"I love you too, Hobie."

Your eyes lit up with happiness and you hovered over me, your lips pressed against mine. That one single soft kiss with your small laughs in between gave out so many emotions. My head was dizzy. However, it was exactly what I needed from you.

God damn you, Hoseok, for making me feel like I'm on cloud nine.


After the winter had passed and most of spring, once again the warm and sunny May came. Probably one of my most favorite months. During the winter I had gone back to Daegu and stayed there in my parents' house with my brother and sister. They were younger than me and had lived with our parents forever. I was more than happy they weren't hurt and that they recovered from the accident faster than I thought they would.

When I was back in Seoul, I started looking for a job again. Meanwhile I worked part-time in Seokjin's café. His café is really nice, they make great drinks and it just feels so welcoming. It's a great place, you would've loved it to pieces.

One day at evening a woman dressed up very nicely came in the café. She came with one little girl who looked very very excited. The woman ordered a normal coffee for herself and a strawberry milkshake for the little girl.

"Here you go and I hope you like the milkshake!" I said as I handed the girl her shake.

"Thank you so much, oppa!" She waved her little hand and they went to sit down on one of the tables.

The next half an hour went by normally. The woman and the child were still there waiting on the table. When all the other customers were gone, I went to clean the tables. While I was cleaning, the girl came to me with a huge grin playing on her lips.

"Oppa, can I tell you something?" She asked and sat next to the table I was cleaning.

"Sure, sweetheart. What is it?"

"You're very handsome! Like, really handsome!!" She told me excitedly. I was a bit taken aback. "Also, mom told me to tell you to come to her because she had something important to tell you." She pulled my hand towards the woman she came with who also had a warm smile. At that moment she really reminded me of you.

"Nahyun, look who's calling." The mother handed Nahyun the phone and the little girl's eyes lit up immediately. She took the phone and ran to the other side of the café to talk. I was a bit confused as to why this woman would call me but I wasn't unmannered so I stayed and waited. "Have a seat, young man." She pointed at the place facing her and I sat down.

"Is something wrong with the coffee or the milkshake? If so, I'd immediately give you your money back and write an official apology from the café--" She cut me mid-way with a light chuckle.

"Don't worry, the coffee was great and Nahyun loved the milkshake. I actually wanted to talk with you about something else." She took what seemed like a document from her bag and held her in her hands. "My name is Jung Jiyoon. I'm Hoseok's mother." My first reaction was to gasp because never had I before met your mother and neither had I heard anything about her. You once had told me her name was Jiyoon but that's about it.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry I don't look so good but today was tiring and.. I'm sorry." I bowed my head with a bit of embarrassment. I wanted to look at least slightly better when I met her but seems like that's not an option.

"It's okay, appearance is not the most important thing." She smiled sweetly and looked back down at the paper she was holding. "My son had told me so much about you. He said you were a very kind person, hard-working and honest, and also great with kids which I could see from the way you spoke to Nahyun." My heart warmed up. You had said to your mother all those great things about me that probably weren't even half-way true. "He told me he loves you more than he had loved anyone before." Just then I remembered what you had told me at your station when I was there and I grinned to myself. "I'm glad my son seems so happy when I read the letters he had written me. But a few days ago with one of the letters he send me this." She referred to the paper in her hands. "I was so surprised to see what it is. But on the letter he had written black on white 'Mother, I love him with all my heart. Please, don't disagree on this and give the document to Taehyung. I hope this proves to him how much he means to me'. For any mother to see this would be a huge surprise. But I kept my promise and came here to give this to you. He has such a hard work I can't help him with and this is the least I can do for him. So please, read this and tell me your answer because he is dying to know it as fast as possible." She handed me the document and I was fast to start reading it.

In the next second my jaw fell to the ground.

"He asks me to.. Marry him?!" I said as I read the halfway completed marriage certificate. I felt like my heart would explode. My heartbeat was so fast.

"You really must be special to him. After his last engagement fell apart, I'm surprised he has taken such a decision, to try and ask another man to marry him. But I'm happy for him because he was depressed for so long and he's finally back to the Hoseok everyone knows." Few tears fell from my eyes. I was so happy that I couldn't explain it with words. Before I could say anything, Nahyun ran to me, handing me the phone.

"Speak, Oppa!" I was a little dumbfounded but then I heard sobs coming from the other side.

It was you.

I put the phone to my ear and listened to your sobs.

"Hobie.." I said quietly and your sobs stopped almost immediately.

"Tae?! It's you, right?" The life in your voice was back.

"It's me.. God damn you, Hoseok, for making me the happiest man on Earth.."


The next week on Friday, me and your mother went to get the certificate completed. Though you weren't physically there, since your part was completed beforehand, we were announced as married. I couldn't hide my smile as I read the words 'Officially married' on the document probably hundreds of times.

On that Friday I learned that Jiyoon and Nahyun weren't your biological family, that you were adopted. It was a very sad thing to hear about, how you went through that because your real father was killed while he was in the army and your real mother didn't want to care for you alone. On that Friday I found out Nahyun is the sweetest little girl I've ever met. She brought me to your family's house and showed me her room. We played with her toys all day until she just stopped. She took her biggest teddy bear which was twice, if not thrice as big as her and showed it to me. She told me how when you were away she hugged that big teddy bear because it was as big as you and it made her think of you. On that Friday evening she lay down next to me on her bed and hugged me from the side while telling me that now while you were away I'd be the one she hugs when she misses you instead of the teddy bear, and she fell asleep like that. It was a sad thing to see, how a little girl who was not even your biological sister missed you like you were her real big brother.

On Saturday morning, I went back to my apartment. I was still so happy from the events of the week that nothing could ruin my mood and break the stupid smile on my face. Since it was a Saturday I was supposed to receive a letter from you and I was really excited.

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell rang so I went to open. And there stood your friend, with a straight pose, but his face gave out that he had been crying just now. This time, he was wearing his full uniform with a hat in his right hand that had a text which read 'Sniper Rifle Wielder, Park Jimin'. It was the first time I saw his name, he had never said it to me before.

I welcomed him inside and he sat on the sofa in the living room. I noticed the package he was carrying with his left hand. With a sad smile he gave it to me and told me to open it. It wasn't a big package but I was excited to see what was inside.

Quickly I opened it but I was taken aback when I saw what was inside. It was a hat and a uniform. I took the hat and read the text on it.

'Lead General of the South Korean Army, Jung Hoseok'

I went speechless and looked at the uniform in my hands. There were many badges which showed all the great things you had done in the past to get to that post.

But I was still really confused why you'd send me those things so I asked Jimin about it. He just told me to read the letter. The way he was looking at me was scaring me to death.

I took the piece of paper from the package and my hands started shaking when I noticed the stains of blood drops on the end of the letter. I started reading immediately your crappy handwriting.

Dear Kim Jung Taehyung,


How have you been since we talked on the phone last week? I hope you've been doing good.

I'm the happiest person alive to know that someone like you is my official husband. The day you agreed to marry me was my best day ever. I was terrified because I didn't know if you'd agree to marry someone like me, but I'm glad you did.

Are mom and Nahyun okay? You probably didn't know but Nahyun was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago. She's fighting for her life like a little soldier, even if she doesn't show it.

If you're reading this letter then you probably have already seen my official uniform. Well, now you know that I was the General of the army. It was my job to lead them through good and bad. It's probably the hardest and most dangerous job I could get, but it was exactly what I've always wanted to do.

But I'm dying. I'm dying while writing this letter. I've been shot really badly and I can't be saved. I'm using my last powers to write this myself.

Tae, I want you to be happy. It's all I've wanted for you ever since I told you I'm your light on this day a year ago. Sadly, your light is about to shut down. I don't want you to cry or close yourself like what happened in the past. I want you to go on living like always because you don't deserve to be sad. I couldn't give you enough happiness.

I'll always be there with you, okay? Even if I'm not physically there, I'll always watch over you.

I love you. From the bottom of my heart. I'm glad I had the chance to be your husband, even if it was just for a little while.

Goodbye, Tae.

- Leading General of the South Korean Army, Jung Hoseok



Never had I thought that instead of putting your hat on your head, I'll have to put it on your gravestone where your name and title were engraved.

Never had I thought that instead of sending a letter to you, I'll have to leave it on the grave where your body lies.

Never had I thought that instead of giving you flowers for our marriage anniversary, I'll have to put flowers on your grave for your death anniversary.

Never had I thought that instead of spending time with you, I'll have to spend it talking to your gravestone.


I love you, Hobie. Thank you for being with me and for helping me when I needed you. Thank you for being my sunshine, my light, my happiness. I'll never get rid of your family name because how can I? It's the only thing I have left of you.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I adopted the twins last year, a girl and a boy. They are just like you, always cheerful and happy. Though you might not be right next to us, you're written as one of the parents because I know how much you wanted to adopt the twins, even if you didn't live up the day to see it happen.

One last thank you - for loving me.

Love, your husband, Jung Taehyung



Taehyung stopped writing when he felt his heart breaking to pieces. His tears burned his skin as if they were mocking him. He folded the letter carefully and put it down on the grave between the colourful flowers.

"I'm still holding onto your beautiful soul, Hobie.." He whispered as he took the soldier hat from the gravestone. He felt the spring breeze blowing a bit more and he smiled in between his tears. He knew that was Hoseok's reply. He felt it. "I miss you too.." He kissed the top of the hat and got up from the ground. "Don't forget about me, okay?" Another stronger blow followed and he chuckled. "Okay, okay, don't be angry, I know you won't." Just as he calmed down his sobbing, he saw the twins running to his side.

"Dad!!" The boy and girl shouted happily.

"Hey, you two. How did you get here? Mrs Kang brought you, didn't she?" He looked up to see their babysitter looking at them with a smile from the entrance of the graveyard.

"Yes, but we wanted to come to see you because we know this place makes you sad and to say hi to Hobie." Taehyung smiled when the boy said the nickname and backed away a bit so the twins could take his place.

"Hey, dad Hobie! Yesterday dad Tae took us to the hospital to play with Nahyun unnie. But the doctor told us we couldn't play for long because she was getting more sick than before. We were very sad for her and we wanted to play more but we couldn't. But dad Tae promised that he will bring us to her again once she gets better. She smiled at me and Hyun and promised she will get better as fast as she can so she could come to our kindergarten and play with us all day!" Jinah said. Taehyung couldn't help but smile when he watched the two talk to the gravestone.

"Yes! He also showed us your uniform. We didn't know you were a general. That's so cool! The coolest thing ever!" Hyun exclaimed.

"Okay, kids. We have to go now, we'll come again soon. Say goodbye." Taehyung said but he stood stunned when he saw the two kiss the gravestone. For a moment there he felt his family was full, he felt like Hoseok was holding his hand from the side and smiling brightly.

"Dad, don't say goodbye! That's for when you won't meet a person soon. You should say something like 'see you soon'. See you soon, Hobie!" The twins waved and ran to their babysitter who was waiting for them.

"See you soon." Taehyung waved too and left the graveyard, still holding the hat in his hands.

It was one of the few things that reminded him of his beautiful soul.


So, that's the end. I haven't proof-read it, hopefully there aren't many mistakes. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it ^^

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LittlePanda1717 #1
Chapter 1: I dont cry often but man i just started bawling on my moms shoulder and i had to tell her everything and she just looked at me and went, "It's okay i cried when i thought my favorite game character died too. " and i just i couldn't and bust out laughing but omg i love this so freaking much!!!! I really wish maybe you could like do maybe an alternate ending because i'd love to see like dad/soldier Hobie and ugh i love this so much!!! Thank you for being an awesome writer!
XmoonlightsX #2
Chapter 1: This made me cry so much T.T thank you so much such a beautiful story
eduardex #3
I'm a little sensitive today, so I decided to read your fanfic listening to sad songs. Bad choice. I ended up crying. Anyway, I loved the story, very much. Thank you!
Spring125 #4
Chapter 1: I cry this is so pretty written. the descendants of the sun came up in my head when I found out hoseok is a soldier lol
UniqueWriter #5
This is literally one of the best stories I've ever read! This made me so emotional right now it's just like, wow. You did a great job and I loved it so much. Keep up the great work!