
The Girl Who Sees Ghosts

“Hey,” A voice swerved Soojin back to the reality.

Sehun still faced her, looking perplexed as she literally zoned out with him by three steps in front of her. Her eyes were wider and her face was almost the same as the nurse’s. Her hand was still hanging even though Sehun already taken the pills a minute ago.

“Thanks, by the way.” Sehun said slowly, still confused of her behavior.

Then he left.




Sehun had just done his PE session and from the start, he did feel a bit off. It has been like this for the past week. Something just somehow pulled all his energy away and he just felt fatigued almost every time. Today wasn’t an exception. Sometimes it came with a headache; sometimes he just wanted to pass out. He had it checked at the hospital but the doctor didn’t seem to know the reason. He just simply said that Sehun was lack of vitamins—so he received a bunch of vitamins to eat everyday.

The bad thing is it didn’t affect on anything.

So, Sehun walked down the hall with throbbing pain on his head after he took a bottle of painkillers from the infirmary. His friends were waiting for him at the cafeteria to grab some food before physics started.

“You got it?” Kyungsoo asked as he chewed on his patty.

“Yeah.” He swung the bottle on the air before put it on the table.

Sehun sat next to Kyungsoo—his classmate and long lasting friend of his—and Kyungsoo slid the tray that he had prepared for Sehun. He knew that his friend has trouble these past weeks and he just wanted to help him as he could.

Sehun took the mineral bottle from the tray, opened it, and drank it with a few pills.

“You feel better yet?”

“It doesn’t go that fast, Kyungsoo.” Sehun smirked. “You could’ve just said you were worried about me.”

“Don’t flatter yourself.”

 “Oh,” Kyungsoo replied obliviously as he planted his head on Tina’s head. He pulled her closer by the waist before he ended his act with a brief kiss on her neck.

Tina feigned a disappointment; “You used me as a prop.”

“You gonna lead tonight, babe.” Kyungsoo said.

And everyone on the table was going into chaos. It was straight-down gross and everyone’s spine was going into a winter mood. They obviously rethought their life choice as in why the hell Kyungsoo is my friend.

Kyungsoo and Tina has been a thing for a long time regardless of Kyungsoo’s reputation of bringing girls onto the bed and ditch them right away, surprisingly Tina loved him the way he was. NOT that she let Kyungsoo slept with other girls—on the contrary, she changed him.

“Who’s going with me to the bathroom?” Chanyeol started.

“Nobody’s going to look at that little fish.” Kyungsoo shot him and everyone fell into a wide laughter including Sehun.

He couldn’t wish a better life.



For Soojin, she didn’t feel right to study herself until home. She was still bothering her—not literally, but Soojin was killing to know who she is. She made her quite curious about the ghost that haunted the infamous quarterback of the school.

The ghost also felt more malicious than usual.

It was terrifying her but something inside of her told her to go back and find out the ghost was. But another part of her wanted to kick herself because she wanted to intertwine with an evil ghost that probably is strong enough to kill someone.

So she spent the rest of her periods on thinking about it. She mostly thought about what’s her purpose to do so and tried to dodge any death that she could probably made but at the back of her mind she also thought about him—Sehun. NOT in the romantic way. Just as a concerned gifted student who didn’t want to see anyone to be a ghost. It will add up the ghosts that she had been seeing at school.

It was more than enough.

And she settled her mind at her last period and the last bell rang for today. She quickly pushed her scattered books into her backpack and walked fast to the hall, attempting to search for Sehun.

The hall was completely packed up by students trying to get home and making out with their partner because they didn’t see each other for a half of an hour. And at this point, the ghosts weren’t that much. Most of the ghosts didn’t like packed up situation and left for a moment until situation calmed down. She wasn’t scared anymore.

Well, she still had to be aware.

Soojin’s ear suddenly caught up a name that made herself unconsciously turn to the source of it and at the end of the hall she saw a bunch of guys whose shirt were the school’s football uniform along with those thing that made their shoulder got wider.

Soojin went berserk inside of her. It was like all of her emotions (she imagined her head filled with the little colored guys that played with her emotion.) were running and crashing themselves to her skull. She didn’t know what to do. She froze for a second until—thank god—someone collided with her and made her fell onto the floor.

“Watch where you going,” He said and then continued with a mumble. “Weird-.”

I’m always here until you run into me, you buffoon. She yelled to him telepathically, which in this case Soojin didn’t have any superpower other than watching dead spirits constantly threatening her.

Soojin, mentally used to being the one who was always under everyone, got back to her feet and pulled her backpack and slung it on the shoulder. She strode to Sehun without thinking much—she didn’t want to. It would make it even harder. Here’s the thing that Soojin had calculated before:

  1. Sehun will follow her scenario and everything’s going to be fine.
  2. Sehun will not follow through and messed up everything.
  3. Soojin’s reputation either way will be very much more corrupted.

And then she decided to everything that she calculated because either way, her reputation was already corrupted. Better yet to start, she didn’t have any reputation. She only left shame in this school.

Then she was already in front of Sehun and a couple of football’s players. They were staring at her, boring a hole into her messy untied hair and to her skull. She knew exactly what they thought.

The first second, they would think about how messy her hair was.

The next second, they would notice it was Han Soojin.

“Hi,” She said breathless. Sehun was two steps in front of her and she found herself couldn’t breath because the pressure of socializing and of course, it was Sehun who stood in front of him.

“Who are you looking for?” A boy, she believed his name was Chanyeol, asked.

Soojin took a deep breath, “Sehun. Can I speak with you for a second?”

“Me?” Sehun asked, confused and surprised.

“Y-yeah,” Soojin released a nervous laugh. “You.”

“Alright.” Sehun nodded and he led her to the opposite side from his friends were.

They were—sort of—alone right now. There wouldn’t be any one to ruin this important conversation. However she just realized that it wouldn’t need someone to ruin the chat except her. She literally just stood there, numb and disoriented. Sehun was waiting for her to say a word, tapping his feet in dissatisfaction.

He needed this practice.

He should warm up.

He didn’t have to have this chat to this girl who handed him a bottle of pills.

“Are you going to talk at all?” Sehun eventually broke.

Soojin swerved back to reality and trying to not make it appear like she was having a panic attack when she actually was. So she just slurred all the words in proximately two seconds. “Do you recently havesomeonediedinyourlife?”

And Sehun was the one who panicked, “Wait… what?”

Soojin stayed quiet.

“Died?” Sehun raised his voice and gave her a look. A familiar look that she had calculated in her science period, disgusting and weird.

Soojin moved her shoulder upward saying like ‘sort of, sorry. It looks really weird. But trust me someone dead follows you around.’ But Sehun just still wasn’t amused enough with it.

“What is this nonsense?” Sehun shook his head in disbelief before he strode through the hall with his friends without taking a single glance at her.

Soojin was left alone with a lot people around her, talking silently about her as they took a short glance to make sure that she was really not worth enough to talk to Sehun or even be a person in this world.

Soojin was left alone, ashamed as she watched Sehun’s figure distanced itself on the hall. She scratched her forehead as it became itchier when she thought about how dumb she was to let those words.

And with this, how can she even help Sehun?

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Chapter 3: omg this is really interesting. can't wait to read more
Chapter 3: No, nonono what happened next? So curious and excited. Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Aina_Shuichi #3
Chapter 3: Awesomeee...
Chapter 1: Update please this is sooooo amazing.
I love the story already.
Chapter 1: Please update
Hisgurl200 #6
Im liking the story already...plz update