Just Go
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Hanbin's POV

"Hey~ is there anything happened?" I poked Jihyun on her arm.

"Nothing" she simply answered and smiled.

"Okay deal!" Yunhyeong shouted as he raise his glass, caught my attention.

"Deal!" We followed him and cheers!


"Be ready at 8AM tomorrow" I said while focusing on the road.

"Wait what?! 8AM?! You got to be kidding me? Why so early?"

"No excuses" I cut her as I smiled brightly.

"I hate you Kim Hanbin" She said with an annoyed tone as she look outside the window.

I chuckles looking at her actions. She's such a precious bun I've ever met.

"I love you too baby" I jokingly said as we finally reached her house. I parked the car in front of her house.

Not even a second, I suddenly felt her lips on my cheek as she went out from my car without saying anything.

"Wow thats so fast" I mumbled to myself.

I look at her back figure as she walks to her house and went in, not even looking back.

I chuckles and started my engine ready to go home.

The journey were silent, its not even 10minutes until I finally reached my destination. I parked my car in the parking lot and walks out from my car as I walk into the lift and pressed the button, that's when someone quickly went in.

"Woo! That was close!" He sighed while lifting two big boxes that'll fall anytime from his hand.

Just before the boxes fall, I took one of the box and decided to help him.

"Are you new?" I asked while laugh awkwardly as he smile.

"Yes. I just moved today!" He said and smile.

"I'm Bobby by the way!" the unknown boy add.

"I'm Hanbin" I replied shortly.

Just right after I introduced myself, Bobby lend his right hand as his left hand holding the box. I did the same as we both shake hands.

And then, the lift suddenly stopped which means we finally reached our floor. It's either mine or him.

"So I guess I'll go first? Thanks for the help by the way bro!" Bobby said and smile brightly made his eyes are nowhere to be found.

"I guess we live in the same floor are we?" I said as we both came out from the

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