Just Go
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"It's not his fault!!! It's my fault! My fault!"

"Stop defending him will you?! It's clear that he's the one who made the first move!"

"Stop it Kim Hanbin! I told you, it's all my fault and stop put the blame on him!"

"Why are you defending him?! Don't tell me you still--"

"Yes I still have feelings on him! I love him! Now stop arguing and keep saying that it was his fau--"

Jihyun's words was cuts off when Hanbin make a sound.


The situation becomes awkward as both of them didn't say any words. But then Hanbin broke the silence with his crack voice.

"So it's true that you still have feelings on him?" Hanbin asked while lowered his head down.

His voice trembled yet he tried so hard to not showing how shocked he was.

Jihyun on the other side remain silent, don't want to make the whole situation becomes worsen.

It's true that she still have feelings on him, but not like in the past. It's different now. It's just, the words came out because she was so mad.

"I should have realized at the first place..."

"Don't say that..." Jihyun's eyes becomes teary as she felt guilty plus regretted with what she just said awhile ago.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I can't be like him.."

"Hanbin stop it..." Jihyun came closer to Hanbin while holding Hanbin's hand tightly. In a second, Jihyun's tears wets her cheeks.

"I'm sorry I can't be a perfect boyfriend to you as perfect as him... I'm sorry"


"Where are we going?"

"Jinhwan's house" Hanbin shortly replied as he focused on the road.

"As expected" I mumbles to myself

"Great you always expected the right things!"

"But you owe me an icecream! You said you'll buy me an ice cream today.." I pout, hands on my chest.

"After this ok?"

"Whatever" I shortly replied.

After 10mins on the road, we finally reached to our destination, Jinhwan's house.

I lazily went out from the car and close the door. Hanbin on the other side did the same.

I keep on my poker face while waiting for him outside the house. Hanbin smiled as he walks towards me probably noticed that I'm kinda annoyed with him.

"Smile please" Hanbin said while he pinched my cheek.

I force myself to smiled and show him my fake smile earns a laughter from him as he knocked the door.

A few seconds of waiting, finally the door opened by one of my favorite person. I quickly went into the house and hug the person.

"Chaeyeon-ah!" I scream while hugging her tightly.

Chaeyeon, one of my favorite person. My bestfriend, my sister and my everything. She's the one that I shared my problems and happiness with. Jinhwan's girlfriend. And not mention, she's the one who introduces me to Kim Hanbin and the others.

"How's day? Good?" Chaeyeon asked still hugging me.

I let her go and pout.

"Not at all~" I said as we both walked inside the living room.

"Awwwwww why? Mind to share?" Chaeyeon worriedly asked.

"Nah nothing, it's just.. Uh forget it"

"Okay I'll just pretend that I understand" she said as we both laughed.

We walked to the living room caught everyone's attention as they all looked at us except for Chanwoo who's busy playing with his phone.

"What?" I annoyedly asked as I jumped on the sofa, sitting beside Chanwoo who's busy playing his phone.

Chaeyeon just laughed at us as she went into the kitchen probably grab some snacks for us.

"Ayeeee how's your day princess?" Jinhwan the oldest that just came from the kitchen asked while ruffling my hair as he join us.

"Bad bad bad"

"Why? is there anything happened?" Donghyuk worriedly asked.

"Just bad"

"Are you on your period?" June jokingly asked.

I throw the cushion at him, but then it's his luck as he caught the pillow before it hits his precious face.

"Not this

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