
The Royal

"My name is Choi Taeyang, nice meeting you all i hope we can get along well." Taeyang slightly bent his body and smile to the others.

He can hear some girls giggling at what he did and some wishpering to each other, that means they recieve his introduce well, his smile gone wider. As he remember what Seunghyun always say. 'First impretion is have to be smooth and well receive.' He is happy they did.

"Alright Taeyang-kun you can sit next to Mariko, she is the girl with glasses." The teacher said pointing at a girl who is excitedly waving at Taeyang with a wide smile on her face. Showing off her shining white teeth to the boy. "Eh." Said the teacher shocked at the girl action but lets Taeyang sits anyway.

"Hi, Mariko Yamata desu." Mariko greets the boy cheerfuly while the boy just answered with a polite smile before he take out his books -ready to study.

Mariko looked a bit disappoint but she still smiled anymay and do the same thing as Taeyang.

The lesson starting and all the students focusing at what the teacher say all the time till the bell ringing and its time for PE class. The students soon changing into PE uniform and gethered at the gym. From here Taeyang can see the difference between them when in the class and outside. Obviously they didn't really coup with each other since they just talking with some people and gether by group, there is five boys with a look like they want to eat you alive face, tree girls whose obviously putting to much make up and winking at Taeyang every minutes in a while and a boy who is sitting alone at the audience chair looking at the floor as if it was the most intersting thing in there while the rest is busy chatting with each other, didn't realy care with the other outside their group.

Taeyang just watching without intention to blanding in or to join into one of the group.

"The teacher can't come, we play in our own but don't be too much because i'm the one in responsible." Come the class president. "The boys playing basket ball and the girls douge ball." He continues divede the boys and the girls.

Taeyang just get along when some of the boy approach him.

"You good at basket ball?" Ask one of the boy. Hito, he remembered seeing his name tag before.

Taeyang turned to Hito, rising his eyebrows in asking manner.

"This.." the other one who holding the ball said before tossing it to Taeyang.

He easily catch it and spin it with his point finger. "i think so." He said with a charming smile before tossing it back to the boy who didn't ready for that and drop the ball.

The boy blinking in surprise before forcing a dry laugh while the girls starting to whispering at each other obviosly like the act.

"Cool." Hito said watching his friend in shamefull stare and put his right arm on Taeyang shoulder. "He is on my team." He said to the other and pull him to the field leaving the surprised boy froze all alone.

The game is started and looks like they didn't really play with the actual rule of basket ball since they didn't really play seriously to get as much point to win the game they just keep aiming their ball toward one person who seems didn't really can play well and just keep running avoiding the ball. Taeyang can't really take it anymore, he sighing loudly before steal the ball from Kira -one of the boy who is in Hito group.

He throw the ball straight to the basket from the midle of the field -three point, and run to catch the ball again, dribbled the ball towards the other basket and do the alley-hoop. He play like that all alone for the rest of the game while the others watching him blankly.

"Is he crazy?" Said Hiro to Kira, unbelievable.

Kira just shaking his head in disbelief.

When the game is over he walks towards the other. "Nice game evetyone." He said with the same smile as before, obviously mocking them and leave.

"HEY!!" Takashi -the leader of the other team roared in anger. "Who do you think you are?"

Taeyang stopped and turned, rising one of his eyebrow. "I'm Taeyang, didn't you remember? I'm the new kid." He said innocently like it was the most normal thing ever.

"What did you say?!??!" Hearing that the boy lose his control and took the ball from the boy beside him, throwing it strongly towards Taeyang, succesfully hitting his shoulder.

Taeyang look at the boy who was being the target before he take the ball play by himself, the boy smiling at him -a guilty smile for no particular reason. And another ball hit him right before his face, he still looking at the boy, he looked so surprised and worried at the same time while the other laughing, he can hear it clearly. 'Whats wrong with those people' he thought to himself.

The girls is stopped the game long ago, watching the boys become so tense up silently.

He smile to the boy, he remembered his name. Kwon Jiyong, a Korean like him he sure of it. "Nah Kwon Jiyong-ssi from now on lets be friend." He said smoothly in korean and he turned to the guy whose throwing a ball once again, he catch it easily with his right hand. Playing the ball on his hand while walking towards the guy. His eyes never living the guy, staring at him casualy but sharp enough to make the other guy quiver.

He stop right in front of him bouncing the ball to the ground and catch it again then bouncing it and catch it again and again till Takashi's focus on it. He bounce it harder making the ball to bouncing higher and hits Takashi by his chin, he rise both his eyebrow when Takashi angrily looking at him.

"My bad." Taeyang said innocently before take the ball again. He run towards the busket and make a score before running back and throw his ball towards Takashi intensionaly aiming for his face but Takashi avoid it fast enough.

"Bring it on bastard." He laughed at Taeyang and toss another ball to him.

He smiled, an innocent smile that for a second make the girls forgetting the situation. He wipe the blood under his nose with the back of his hand before dribbled the ball with him, the other boys backing away to gave them space.

He can hear Takashi is laughing, he seems so excited in this game. "Come on." He demands.

And with that Taeyang run fast to the other guy, he intensionaly hit the guy's shoulder with his when he passing -making the guy lose his balance and make another point with his slam dunk.

Takashi catch the ball before Taeyang can and dribbled it to the other basket but failing to make score, he took the ball again and throw it hard towards Taeyang who easily avoid it. "Oh you're good." He said ponting at Taeyang.

"Thanks." He catch the ball and make a score again and turned to Takashi, smiling at him makes the boy boiling in anger.

He took another ball and aiming it towards Taeyang's face but he can avoid it, he then took another and throw it at him and again and agian till he the both of them lose their breath. And with the last ball Takashi throw it with all his strength while Taeyang is panting -didn't see at his direction. It almost hit his head a tall guy standing in front of him and the ball hits the back of the guy.

"Its enough, master." The guy said in a low voice, just for Taeyang to hear and not anyone.

Taeyang looked up to see the guy and thats when their eyes met, an innocent childish smile forming on the young man's face.

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Vivianv96 #1
Chapter 6: So cute I died HAHAGAG
Vivianv96 #2
Chapter 5: Omg ahhahaha riri and chae xD
Youngbae is the sweetest boy ever...I'm curious about seunghyun father. He seems the bad guy here.
blackwonderer #4
Chapter 4: This story with CL as a badass!! I won't ever Missed it. Let this be skydragon please~
cipluk #5
Chapter 3: Thank you for the answer .
Hope it will better on the next chap .
Ah , i read cus of skydragon tag and i love when chae as main girl cast
Vivianv96 #6
Chapter 4: Omg... who is that guy........
Vivianv96 #7
Chapter 3: Omg update soon!
Chapter 3: Ohhh i like chaerin character here. Shes seems totally badass.
I need what happens next....why seunghyun running to his house like that?
Chapter 2: This is so good! Seunghyun is really caring with his Master. He's protective him so much. I wonder why become like this? What happened to Youngbae in his past?
I really love the characters!
Thanks good chaerin is here to help jiyong!

Maybe, You should try put gdyb n the tags!! People needs givin a chance to read this Story.
Chapter 2: Awww our chaeriniee appeared