Coffee Love #39 (YoonSeok)

Coffee Love 4

Coffee Love #39 - It Works Out
Word Count: 3,106

Date in Chapter: 2017 June 7

Note: Happens three days after Coffee Love #38.


Hoseok’s POV

        It’s pretty easy for Yoongi to avoid talking to Hoseok when he has to be at work all the time. On Monday, Yoongi had got up and left for work without saying anything to Hoseok, leaving the younger to wake up in bed alone, crying himself back to sleep for another hour. When Yoongi came home that day, he locked himself in the studio and wouldn’t come out even for dinner. He didn’t come back to the room until Hoseok was already in bed. Tuesday, Hoseok tried to wake up before Yoongi had to leave for work, but Yoongi was apparently gone before his usual time, and the rest of the evening was a repeat from the day before.

On Wednesday, Hoseok doesn’t even bother trying to beat Yoongi out of bed. He allows himself to rest until he wakes up on his own, and it’s right around nine o’clock. By now, Yoongi should be at the company. Hoseok’s plan is to go up there and try to talk to Yoongi. He knows that it will be a lot harder for Yoongi to refuse talking to him if Hoseok goes to work place. Granted, Yoongi could just refuse to let Hoseok in, but he doesn’t hate Hoseok that much…hopefully.

Hoseok looks in the mirror, wondering how he should dress. Considering Yoongi thought that he was dressed cute for someone else on Saturday, Hoseok decides to put on his best outfit for Yoongi today. He doesn’t think that walking in with jeans and a regular t-shirt would be the right foot to start on.

One he’s dressed and confident he looks good enough to catch Yoongi’s attention, Hoseok grabs his car keys and leaves from the house. He hasn’t been doing a lot of driving on his own since that serious accident, even if he wasn’t driving at the time, but he decides to get over that fear for one day. Talking to his husband and, hopefully, fixing his marriage is the most important thing right now.

Hoseok buzzes into the building, and the front desk receptionist lets him in. Once he gets to the floor that Yoongi’s office is on, he finds Taehyung sitting at the secretary desk. It’s probably Sungjong’s vacation week, so Taehyung gets to take over the desk while the main secretary is out. “Have you seen Yoongi hyung around?” Hoseok asks.

Taehyung nods. “He’s in the studio with Jihoonie.” Taehyung tells him. “But…he told me not to let you in if you came by.”

Maybe Yoongi expected Hoseok to come today. Or maybe he’s been expecting Hoseok to come all week, so he had been telling Taehyung every day not to let him in.

“Are you going to anyway?” Hoseok asks, raising his eyebrow at Taehyung. If there’s one thing he knows about the younger, it’s that Taehyung has never been much one for following rules.

“If you can tell me the password.” Taehyung challenges.

“Did you make it up? Or did Yoongi hyung?” Hoseok asks, but he knows that it’s most likely something Taehyung made up. Yoongi might be an immature child, but he wouldn’t go so far as to making passwords to gain entrance.

“I did.” Taehyung tells him.

“Then I’m going to guess that it’s mochi or something.” Hoseok tries.

Taehyung smiles wide, nodding. “Mochi.” He repeats. “Because my husband is the cutest ing mochi in the world. You may go to the studio, but if he asks, I did try to stop you.”

“Sungjong would have let me through without a password, so you’re doing pretty good.” Hoseok assures him, and he walks past the secretary’s desk to get to the studio.

He stops before he gets to the glass. He’s never been scared to face Yoongi before—not even during their biggest fight when Hoseok thought Yoongi was cheating on him—but he’s scared right now. So scared. He takes in a deep breath to collect himself, and he walks into the studio. “Hyung,” Hoseok says, tapping on the glass.

Yoongi looks up to meet Hoseok’s eyes, and he looks at Jihoon. “I’m sorry. Will you give us a minute?” He asks his brother.

Jihoon nods, and he leaves from the studio, heading straight to Taehyung’s desk. Well, really, Sungjong’s desk, but it’s Taehyung’s temporarily. Yoongi then waves Hoseok in, and Hoseok closes the glass door behind himself.

“It’s not so nice, is it?” Yoongi asks, watching Hoseok as the younger enters further in the studio, taking a seat at the table. “Being ignored.”

“Is that what this is all about?” Hoseok questions. “Giving me a taste of my own medicine?”

“Do you even…” Yoongi pauses, tears filling his eyes, and Hoseok knows immediately why Yoongi has been avoiding talking about this. He knows how much Yoongi hates crying, especially in front of Hoseok. It takes him a moment to collect himself to make sure he doesn’t just break down right there. “You know, I spent most of my life feeling like a worthless piece of . I didn’t think I’d ever find anyone who could make me feel good about myself, and I definitely think I’d ever find anyone that could make me fall in love with them.”

He stops there, but Hoseok doesn’t say anything. He just waits and listens. He knows that there’s more, and he wants to hear what Yoongi has to say before he says anything.

“I finally felt comfortable with myself and like my life had meaning when I met you.” Yoongi continues after a deep breath. “And, yeah, I’ll admit that you leaving  scared the hell out of me. I started to feel like that sad excuse of a human being I was before, and I felt like no one wanted me around. Namjoon was there for me when I needed him to be, but…I could tell that even he was starting to get irritated with me being depressed all the time. Then Jihoon gets a job offer in France, so he’s going to be leaving me as well…”

Hoseok’s heart starts to feel heavy in his chest, and he swallows thickly as he tries his best not to cry as well. He didn’t know that Yoongi was having such a hard time.

“And I was scared because I was afraid of being left alone by everyone who is important to me…” Yoongi continues. “So I really needed to see you so that I could be reassured that everything was going to be okay, but not even you were happy to see me. And…if you don’t want me around, I feel like…”

Hoseok can’t stand seeing him like this. He stands from the table and walks around to Yoongi, pulling him into a hug. He half expects Yoongi to push him away, but he doesn’t. Instead, he wraps his arms around Hoseok’s waist, crying into his chest.

“Hyung, I want you to be around.” Hoseok tells him. “Do you know how awful it was being away for the short time I was, without having you there to encourage me to try my best? I didn’t even have anyone to call for when there was a huge spider on my light switch, and I ended up having to kill it myself.”

Yoongi laughs, and it’s still a wonderful sound, even through his tears. “Did you really kill it by yourself?” He asks, slightly amused.

“No.” Hoseok admits. “I had to run to the store to buy poison to spray it, but I took care of it myself.”

Yoongi huffs another little laugh, and he tilts his head back for a kiss. It’s the first kiss they’ve shared since this started, so Hoseok knows that they are getting somewhere, even if they haven’t fully made up yet.

“I’m proud of you.” Yoongi tells him. “But I hope that this doesn’t mean you’ve learned to take care of spiders all on your own. I don’t know what purpose I have in this world if it’s not protecting you from the big bad beasties.”

This time it’s Hoseok who laughs. “Oh no, Hyung.” He says. “I’d much rather have you take care of them than spray them on my own. They go a little bit crazy when they’re sprayed with poison, and they run all over the place, and I’d rather not deal with that.”

“I love you.” Yoongi says. It sounds somewhat apologetic, and it’s only more assuring to Hoseok that they’ll be able to get through this.

He hasn’t yet gotten the chance to explain everything that happened, and that’s fine. He decided that getting Yoongi to start talking to him again this way is much easier than trying to get him listen to Hoseok explain himself. “I love you, too, Hyung.” Hoseok says, and he kisses the corner of Yoongi’s mouth. “I’m going to go. Promise me we’ll talk when you get home?”

Yoongi nods. “I promise.” He says, and Hoseok leaves after giving him one more kiss.

A promise is all he needs because he knows that Yoongi would never break a promise.


Seokjin’s POV

        “I just know that it’s going to be hard because Jihoon hyung and I have never really been away from each other for long.” Jungkook tells him. 

“Well, I can definitely promise you one thing.” Seokjin tells him. “Jihoon didn’t accept this job thinking that it’d be a chance to pick up other men. Trust me. If he was that type, he wouldn’t have been single for as long as he has been before dating you.”

It’s a quiet day at the cafe. They’ve served their usual customers and a few familiar and a few more unfamiliar faces, but nothing out of the ordinary. These days are Seokjin’s favorites. As the owner of the cafe, one might think that he’d like the busy days the best because that means more profit for him, but he actually likes the slower days better. It allows him to talk to his employees, and he gets to know them better. In general, he just likes talking to Jungkook. The kid is cute.

“I guess that’s true.” Jungkook agrees with a fond smile on his face. “It’s not like I even have to worry about him sleeping around. He’s more of a cuddler. It’s really cute.”

“I bet it is.” Seokjin says, handing Jungkook a towel and a bottle of disinfectant. “And I’m sure your relationship can only get stronger through you two being apart for a little while. You two have the best relationship out of anyone I know, so I know you’ll get through this.” He points off to a table in the corner of the cafe. “Go take care of that table right over there, and then you can take your break.”

“Really?” Jungkook asks. “Even better than you and Namjoonie hyung?” He’s more interested in Seokjin’s earlier statement than the offer to go on break.

“Even more than me and Namjoon.” Seokjin assures him, though he’s sure that no one has a better relationship than him and Namjoon. He pats the younger one on the shoulder. “Table, then break. Hop to it.”

Jungkook seems really giddy as he walks through the back and goes over to the table Seokjin told him to clean.


Jimin’s POV

        “You know, Taehyung and I are already married.” Jimin says to Yongguk in the break room. It’s his first time ever telling anyone that on his own. He knows that they’re friends all know by now, and none of them have reacted negatively yet, but he hadn’t actually told anyone on his own. He knows that Yongguk and Daehyun probably already know as well, but he doesn’t care. It feels good to actually say it.

“I know.” Yongguk said. “You’ve practically been married for twenty years.”

“That’s impossible seeing as how we’ve only known each other for ten…” Jimin tells him. “But we’re going to have a real wedding one day.”

“That’s nice.” Yongguk says.

“So…” Jimin says. “Do you think that I should…ask him to marry me again? You know, when I’m ready to start planning the wedding?”


“Or should I just ask him to start planning the wedding with me?” Jimin asks.

Yongguk shrugs, sipping at his coffee mug, reviewing the files in front of him. Even when he’s on break, he’s always working.

“Proposing again might be a little more romantic. Taehyung proposed the first time, didn’t he?” Yongguk asks, and Jimin nods. “So his proposal got you married. Your proposal can be the one that gets you a wedding. I don’t think what you say is important. It’s how you go about doing it.”

Jimin nods. “Well, I think I’m going to take my time and plan it perfectly.” He says. “So I guess there’s no need to stress about how to do it right now.”

“You two are planning on moving, aren’t you?” Yongguk asks, and Jimin nods again. “To make your wedding seem more like an official marriage, you could plan to actually move into your new place on the ay of your wedding.”

Jimin smiles. “That’s actually a really good idea.” He says, and he opens up his notebook to jot down the idea. “What else do you have in mind?”

“I can offer ideas, but I think it’s best you find ways to make it your own.” Yongguk tells him.

“Oh, I’ll have to.” Jimin assures him. “Taehyung will know straight away if I got them from someone else.”


Jungkook’s POV

        As always, Jungkook is home before Jihoon. Seokjin never keeps Jungkook at work for more than seven hours, but Jihoon always works eight to nine hour days at Suga Styles. Sometimes even longer when there are shows or events coming up. When Jihoon finally does come through the door, Jungkook doesn’t even see him. He just sees a gigantic teddy bear that is as big as his fiancé, and it’s walking toward him. The only part of Jihoon that Jungkook can see well is his arms, wrapped around the teddy bear’s waist.

“What the is that?” Jungkook asks as Jihoon sets it on the chair, throwing an arm around the bear’s shoulder.

“It’s a teddy bear.” Jihoon says.

“I know that,” Jungkook says back. “I mean, why the are you bringing it in here?”

Jihoon frowns, looking at the bear. “Because I bought her for you.” He says.

“Her?” Jungkook asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, yeah.” Jihoon tells him. “You’re not allowed to cuddle with another guy, so the bear had no choice but to be a girl.”

“I’m supposed to be cuddling with this bear?” Jungkook questions.

Jihoon nods. “Since I’m going to be gone in a little over a week now,” He says. “I thought I’d get you a friend to keep you company while I’m away. I picked out this bear because she’s just as tall as me, so it’ll feel like I’m there even when I’m not.”

Jungkook knows that he would much rather be cuddling with Jihoon than a giant stuffed bear, but the gesture and idea is so cute that he can’t help but smile. He has the sweetest fiancé in the world, and no one can tell him otherwise. He picks the bear up from the chair and hugs her. “Well, she doesn’t cuddle back, but I think she’ll do the job well enough.” He says, and he sets her back down so that he can pull Jihoon into a hug. “How much did it even cost?”

Jihoon laughs into Jungkook’s chest, tightening his grip around the younger’s waist. “Let’s just say that I spent more on her than I should have, but it’s worth it if it’s for you.” Jihoon tells him.


Yoongi’s POV

        “Hoseok,” Yoongi says, coming into the bedroom to find Hoseok lying on the bed, looking at his phone. When Yoongi reaches the doorway, Pistachio and Bean both jump off of the bed to leave the room, and Hoseok looks away from his phone so that he can look at Yoongi. “I’m sorry for being such a dickhead.”

“You usually are,” Hoseok says, sitting up. He changes his position so that he’s lying on his stomach, and he pats the bed. “But it was partially my fault this time.”

“I’m sorry for pulling you out of training.” Yoongi tells him. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

Hoseok shrugs. “I actually hated it.” He admits. “It was stressful, and my trainer was actually really mean. I cried myself to sleep a few times because I just wanted to come home, but I never wanted to tell you. I didn’t want you to know that I was incredibly miserable there, so I played it off like I was having the time of my life.”

Yoongi doesn’t know why it’s so relieving to hear that. It’s not like he wanted Hoseok to be having a bad time there, but maybe it’s a little reassuring that he hated being away from Yoongi just as much as Yoongi hated him being away. “It couldn’t have been that bad.” Yoongi tells him.

“It was.” Hoseok insists. “My roommate was dickhead. He’d leave his lying around our room, and then he’d at me because things were a mess. He farted all the time, and they smelled worse than Bean’s farts. We had to wake up early in the morning to start training, and we couldn’t go back to our rooms until late at night when training was done, so that’s why I didn’t have time to call you every day. I looked forward to times that I could see you because I needed to remember what it was like to have a likable dickhead in my life.”

“Thanks.” Yoongi says, knowing that’s a compliment coming from Hoseok.

“Are you going to listen to me?” Hoseok asks him. “As in, can I explain why I didn’t want to see you early Saturday morning?”

“If there’s a good explanation.” Yoongi says.

“There is.” Hoseok assures him, and he goes into detail about how he was expecting Yoongi to come up, but he wasn’t expecting him so early. He explains how he was setting up this adorable high school meeting for the two, and Yoongi just feels like an even bigger, and less likable, dickhead.

“Wow. I’m such a .” Yoongi says, wanting to cry. “I shouldn’t have forced you to come home like that.”

“It worked out for me.” Hoseok assures him. He nuzzles into Yoongi’s neck. “I didn’t want to be there anymore anyway.”

And Yoongi only hopes that this is the last of this fight.

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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 59: I enjoyed this season as much as the others. looking forward to the 5th.
Chapter 59: Yes, i want more!! I really love Coffee love!
Love Vmin! Love Namjin! Love Yoonseok! Love Junghoon!
Talissa24 #3
Chapter 59: Season 5, yes please! This world is my happy place :)
karen667 #4
Chapter 59: WHAAAT absolutely yes!!!! When I saw the completed under the title I thought "well after all this time and everything that have happened this is already over", I was kind of already taking the idea but then I thought "but there's a few inconclusive things" so I clicked the chapter list and I saw a big season 5 and aaaaaahh I'm excited I'm happy and I feel so grateful that you're continuing with this beautiful story, let's keep being together in the future <3 <3
KimJiHye43 #5
Chapter 58: I have a heart attack when i read FINALE. Fortunately i saw that season5 below. Hwaiting authors. I will rooting for season 5.
Chapter 58: Of course a season 5 I love this story so much
Miki112 #7
Chapter 58: Yayy make a season 5 please