‘Does this look like a joke sweetheart?’ - Mafia Leader! Namjoon -

-Bangtan Boys One Shots-

Genre: Mafia AU

Member: Kim Namjoon

Description: Studying late turns out to be a lot more eventful than you had originally assumed. How about taking the subway next time?


Warning: Swearing and mention of violence. (What did you expect it’s gangster Namjoon?)


The air outside was cold as you walked along the far side of campus, approaching tall iron gates that were soon to be closed. Your scarf was wrapped tightly around your neck, covering your mouth. 

It was darker now. Much darker than when you had entered the library and immersed yourself for a good three hours in your course material. Christmas finals were approaching next week and you didn’t want to take any chances.You were still on a high from the several cups of coffee you had consumed and your hands stung from an unneeded adrenaline rush.


Once you had passed the college gates you gave a nod and a polite smile to the caretaker who returned your gesture with the same formality. You carried on down the darkly lit street towards the bus stop. The only sound around was the eerie echo of your own footsteps and as you arrived at the sheltered bus stop, you silently hoped it would arrive soon.


There was something about the situation you didn’t like.

But sure enough, luck was on your side and a few minutes later the blue coach arrived and you let out a breath of relief.

Getting on you paid for your ticket and sat close to the front.


There was only one other passenger on the bus.

He sat slouched in his seat, near the back of the bus, like a rebellious teen. Feet spread across the aisle, hanging off the seat opposite his own. His bleached hair was messy, his eyes were dark, but all these things were minuscule when compared to the bruises that adorned his handsome face. 

Purple and black specks of swollen skin lay scattered around his eyes and cheeks, blood seeped from a cut on his lip. He looked miserable. And the moment his cold eyes had met your own you had turned away, knowing better than to try his patience.


Turning your attention to the window by your side instead, you watched as neon multi-coloured signs whizzed by and the hazy outlines of people blurred into one in the dark light. You were so caught up with trying to ignore the feeling of eyes watching you that when the bus stopped suddenly, you barely noticed.

And then he got on.


He was dressed all in black, a tailored suit and a black overcoat to match dark eyes. He held a certain aura about him that gave off a sense of authority, importance and a threat that told you to keep your gaze on your feet.

You couldn’t deny he was attractive. Well-dressed and confident, blonde hair combed back in a perfect curve, framing a smirking face. Long, slender legs brought themselves over to the bus driver’s window. Muttering something inaudible, his voice was what caught you off guard.

Deep and melodic, slightly rougher than you expected it be. 


He then set his sights on the man at the back of the bus.

“Looks like SM’s boys gave you quite a tough time” he grinned, his voice playful as he found amusement in the other boy’s pain.

“Well you should have seen the other guy” the other blonde muttered, sending a grin back as he cracked his bloody knuckles, proud almost.

“Who’d they send?” asked the black dressed man, leaning against the pole of the bus.


With a grunt the other boy suddenly lost all interest in the conversation and ran a hand through his hair. He pushed himself up using the bar attached to the seats and jumped from the small step that led to the back of the bus.

“Does it really matter huh?” he had spat, making his way towards the taller boy.


“No” answered the man with a nonchalant shrug “JB already told me they sent Red. Jackson I never thought you’d get beaten up by a bunch of girls. The youngest one’s sixteen for god’s sake. Or were you just too busy staring at Irene’s-”


“Enough Namjoon!” shouted Jackson with so much force you jumped in your seat. Jackson, noticing, rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as he returned his gaze to Namjoon “Besides, we have company. This isn’t the time to talk about this”


Namjoon noticing you for the first time was one of the most frightening ordeals you had ever had the misfortune of experiencing. Dark eyes hadn’t left yours for a full minute before he finally said something.

It was like something snapped and his playful, teasing attitude had disappeared, while calculating eyes scanned over you. His head cocked to the side as he stared at you, amused at your eyes darting around the bus to meet anything but him. He approached you, hands deep in his pockets, too casual for your liking.


You knew.


The bruises. The way they were both dressed. The conversation.


And then there he was.

One hand draped over the seat across from you as he took a seat across the aisle. His smile was nice. His eyes were kind. He was the definition of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 

He spoke in a warm tone.


“Where are you headin’ miss?” he queried, his smile spreading across his face.

His eyes almost dared you not to answer.

“Uptown. Near the river” was your answer.

With this Namjoon had turned his head, looking out the window for a moment, before turning back to you.

“Well we’re still in downtown and we won’t be across town for another ten minutes”


He waited for answer, but you simply gave him a look of confusion.

He chuckled looking down at the floor before meeting your eyes again.

“Well I’m an impatient man and I don’t like to be kept waiting so I’m gonna have to ask you to get off princess”


The pet name sounded nice against his deep voice. You would have blushed if it hadn’t been for your circumstances. He was casual, too casual.

The sentence slipped past your lips so easily you paled when you heard your own words.

“Is this some sort of joke?” you had mumbled, freezing the moment you realized you had said it out loud.


And the ringing of laughter filled your ears seconds later. Deep, low chuckles came from Namjoon’s throat as he shook his head.

He stood up, offering you a hand when the laughter had receded.


“Does this look like a joke sweetheart?” he asked in a velvety voice, eyebrows arched as he waited for you to take his outstretched hand.

Your next actions were hazy and it almost felt like you were acting against your own will as you placed your bag over your shoulder and bypassed Namjoon’s hand, walking towards the doors of the bus.

He had caught your arm before you had a chance to step off.


It was a lighter touch than you had imagined, his grip firm but gentle.

“You didn’t think I’d make you walk, did you?” he had asked in a teasing voice.

He had extracted his wallet moments later, pulling out fresh notes and handing them to you with a smile. At a glance you knew he had given you far too much for a cab home.


A bribe. His eyes said. To keep your pretty mouth shut.


And so you took the money, not wanting to upset him and turned to leave.

This time, Namjoon’s voice stopped you.

You were outside the bus by now, standing at the edge of the pavement, Namjoon hanging onto the doors as he asked.

“What’s your name princess?”


You looked down for a second, preparing yourself to meet his eyes.

“Jiyoon” you lied.


And with a grin Namjoon had nodded, and for a second you had taken the bait, almost thinking he had believed you.

“Alright then Y/N” he had chuckled, banging the bus doors to signal the driver “Have a nice night”


And with a wide eyed expression you had stared at the road until you were sure the bus was gone.

When you returned to your apartment you realized that you were going to have to file for your missing student ID.

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ParkJimins_TinyWifey #1
I would love to request! :D
gabi0um #2
Chapter 1: omg, so much angst...... i love it! anticipating more updates author-nim! hwaiting!