[31 march 2013]

Do you know?

Woohyun turned and tossed around in his bed; his eyes were burning, dry because of all the crying and the sleeplessness, but the regret he was feeling made it impossible for him to sleep. He slapped his forehead, thinking that he could chase away the voices in his head like that. After a while, feeling that the area he kept slapping became numb, he gave up. He searched for his phone and headphones, and tried to distract himself while listening to upbeat songs like BTS' Fire and Big Bang's Bang Bang Bang. He succeeded in shutting down the voices, however, his dreams were another story. He dreamt, no saw a nightmare, maybe something that was even worse than every nightmare he had seen in his entire 22-year old life.... he dreamt about what had happened in the afternoon.

Woohyun was bracing himself, repeating what he had practiced in front of the mirror for the last days when he saw his boyfriend walking towards him with a bright smile. Sunggyu quickly walked over to him in the restaurant where they had agreed to meet up, since it was close to both of their work places and gave the younger a thight hug, being too shy to publicly kiss him. Woohyun didn't hug him back and immediately sat down when Sunggyu let go; he wanted to get this over with before his resolve would break. Sunggyu looked at him weirdly, noticing how his boyfriend hadn't even said one word yet, while he was unstoppable normally. Woohyun maintained his pokerface and finally spoke up: "Hyung, I need to tell you something. I don't really know how to say it, but I don't want to prevaricate. So here it goes: let's break up". Sunggyu was listening to Woohyun's emotionless voice, feeling something was up even before the man across from him had spoken up, but his face contorted with each word that came out of the younger’s mouth. Sunggyu tried to keep his voice even "Wha-what are you talking about Woohyun? Is today some kind of an early april fool’s day? Please don't scare me like that". "No hyung, why do you think I'm joking? Not at all actually. Did you even look in the mirror lately? I must have been blinded when I was sick to think that I could fall for someone as ugly as you, but not anymore. I finally saw the light, after all those times where your pathetic personality also made an appearance. You are really pathetic, whining over of every little thing instead of manning up and deal with it. And you are supposed to be the hyung, tsk, more like a 5 year old". Woohyun breathed in, he was so nervous he had blurted out all the possible (bull) reasons he was able to come up with to break up with such a wonderful person as Sunggyu in one breath. He looked at Sunggyu with what he hoped cold eyes, seeing the eyes he loved so much starting to water, and kept the reflexes of comforting the older under control. Sunggyu was speechless, he couldn't think of a reason to contradict the words. Woohyun was right, he was ugly and useless and pathetic and stupid and unworthy of Woohyun's love. He just sat there, ignoring the waiter that brought some menus and hang his head low. He only looked up when he heard a chair scrape the floor and saw his now ex-boyfriend walking away.

Woohyun woke up with a jolt in the middle of the night, feeling numb. "It doesn't matter anyways…", he whispered to no one in the cold room, "it will be over in 6 months anyways".

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Chapter 2: Update please(´Д⊂ヽ
Chapter 2: This gonna be pain ... i kennot
Chapter 1: what is this???
i did not allow this
Aigooju #4
Chapter 1: BSHVGDHSDHJ help
otaku4fanfics #5
Chapter 1: Wahhh such a strong first chapter xD i'm hooked (!!)
T^T the 'characterdeath' tag is making me so curious haha
Thank you for d update!