we made it happen

By Chance (You & I)

Jimin was perfectly fine sleeping during Physics, even though he was only managing to scrape by with a grade C. But hey, the teacher wasn't complaining, so why should anyone else? What Jimin wasn't really fine about was when Kim Taehyung started poking him in the elbow with his sharpened pencil and hissing, “Jimin, Oi! Wake up!”.


At first Jimin thought that Taehyung was just trying to be nice by helping to salvage his near – doomed grade C, but when he looked up, eyes half – lidded as he yawns in sleepiness, he realizes that that's not really the case. Because Taehyung has his lips tugged into a wide grin with the mischevious glint in his eyes that Jimin has become all too familiar with.


Later, Tae,” Jimin whispers to his best friend, whose face falls dramatically and Jimin feels the need to utter out a, “Sorry,”. “Come on, Jimin,” Taehyung whines, ducking his head and pouting, “I swear it'll be worth your time,”. Jimin stares up into Taehyung's puppy eyes and puffed out cheeks and he knows that he can't take no for an answer. Grumbling, Jimin uses his palms to wipe at his eyes before sitting up. “Fine,” He sighs, glancing at the teacher out of the corner of his eye. The teacher was apparently writing things that Jimin couldn't bother to take a look at, on the whiteboard.


Now, my friend,” Taehyung begins, voice low as he makes imaginary mist by wiggling his fingers. Jimin doesn't know whether to laugh or fall back asleep. “Taehyung, this better be -”


Alright,” The teacher spoke up, causing both Taehyung and Jimin to jolt suddenly. “I've written the instructions on the board, you guys figure out the rest.”. Jimin shakes his head slightly – You would've thought all teachers were born hardworking or something.


He squints slightly at the board, “Write down the diagram of -” He gets cut off abruptly when Taehyung socks him in the shoulder. “Yah!” Jimin yelps, rubbing at his shoulder, “What was that for?”. “Were you even listening to me?” Taehyung says. Jimin shrugs a little sheepishly, “I'm sorry Tae, but I don't exactly wanna fail this cla -” “Which is exactly why you were asleep five minutes ago,” Taehyung retorts and Jimin has to bite back a, “Savage.”.


Could you repeat it?” Jimin asks, in what he hopes is the most adorable way as he clasps his fingers together. Taehyung smiles, forgiving. “Sure,” Taehyung proceeds to start the mist again, “Now, my friend...”


Taehyung, just -” Jimin starts but Taehyung sighs, slumping in his seat as he lets out a resigned, “Fineee.”. He perks up a second later though, and Jimin can't help but chuckle. “Have you heard of -” Taehyung's eyes turn wide, holding his breath until, “The Suga Suga Challenge?”. Jimin almost chokes on his own spit because, what? “If this is anything like the Ice Bucket challenge...”


No!” Taehyung says firmly, “Not at all!”. Jimin raises a questioning eyebrow and the younger continues, “Legend has it that Suga is a 'Demon' or 'Spirit', I'm not sure which. The way you start, basically, is to get a piece of paper and divide it into four squares. You write two 'Yes' and two 'No's and put a pencil in between. Then, you balance a pencil ontop of it and you ask a question, specifically starting with -


Suga Suga,”


Jimin was laughing a little too hard at that without even realizing. “Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung!”. Uh Oh. Taehyung mouths a small 'sorry' in Jimin's direction and they both stand up. Unfortunately for Jimin, he was still laughing a little too much as he stood up.




Jimin sighs, running his hand through his hair. He had just finished bathing and was half – wearing only a pair of shorts that had cats on it. His hair was still slightly damp as he bounced on his bed. Taehyung, his room mate, wasn't back yet. And Jimin was about to die of boredom. Jimin's phone buzzed, and he quickly picked it up, hoping for some kind of entertainment only to be sorely disappointed.


Staying over at Jeongguk's for a few days! Don't wait up!


Of course. The two had recently started dating and Taehyung had been going over to Jeongguk's dorm more times than Jimin could count. Jimin wouldn't admit it, but he was a little jealous. Not of Jeongguk, but of Taehyung. Because Jeongguk was the literal definition of an that is also really charming and cute and attractive as and Jimin would be lying if he said, 'no, i do not admire Jeon Jeongguk one bit.'. He groaned slightly, flopping back onto his bed.


Legend has it...” Taehyung's voice came into Jimin's mind and he shook his head vigorously. He couldn't be that bored as to resort to a freaking myth. But five minutes later, Jimin found himself doing so anyways. He final – ing – ly managed to get the pencil balanced and chewed on his lower lip.


Huh, what should he ask?


He balanced his head on his left hand, while his right scratched at his nose. “Hmm, Suga Suga, is Kim Taehyung an idiot for telling me this ?”. Time seems to freeze a little but there's nothing scary or hostile in the atmosphere. Jimin finds his jaw slackening as the pencil moves, slowly, but surely, to the No.


Jimin guesses he should've ran out of his dorm screaming. But instead, he blurts out, “What the ? I was so sure he was one, though.”. Jimin suddenly tenses up, realizing what just happened. Nothing felt scary, but it sure was weird. Jimin swallowed, nervous. “Uhm, Suga Suga, are you actually there?”. This time, the pencil moved so fast Jimin's head spun. It ended at a Yes.


Holy ,” Jimin breathes. He wonders why he ain't scared. He should be, but he isn't. Strangely, Jimin continued the little game.


Suga Suga, am I an idiot?”. The pencil turned to a yes, and Jimin's jaw dropped. “What? That's so mean!” Jimin accused to thin air. “Fine. Suga Suga, are you laughing right now?”. Instantly, the pencil turned to a yes and Jimin lets out a noise – offended.


So, Suga Suga, I've been wanting to ask this question for a long time,” Jimin speaks after about a minute of contemplating whether hanging out with Taehyung had cause Jimin mental issues and therefore hallucination. The pencil wobbled slightly.


Should I get bubble tea at BAB which stands for Best at Best or KOI cafe?”


what the ?”


Jimin screams. Because it's a voice he doesn't know, and it sure isn't his voice. His mouth was wide open, and it would be pretty comical if Jimin wasn't seeing a figure in the shape of a human forming right in front of him. The mist faded, and Jimin saw a guy, was he a guy? He looked like a guy. A few years older than Jimin maybe, with gray hair. And oh man, he was short.


Holy Jesus, God, Allah, ing Jeon Jungkook -”


Jimin's mouth opens even wider than before as he hollers, and a small part of him wonders how come he couldn't open his mouth this wide when he went to the dentist last week. “Relax,” The guy says, and he doesn't look too comforting when he plops himself on the floor, unamused eyes staring at Jimin.


After about a minute or two, and Jimin had finally calmed down. He blubbered, “Who you?”. The guy blinked at him, frown coming upon his face, “Who me? The ing demon you called upon you idiot. I'm Yoongi.”




Yeah, Suga is some weird names you humans gave me for some reason. But my real name is Yoongi.”


You're cute.”. Jimin really didn't mean to say it, but that didn't make it any less true. Yoongi is cute, with his fringe hanging in his eyes, and his small hands as he rests his head on them. Yoongi turns a shade of pink and Jimin gapes. Could Demons blush?


I'm not cute!” He protested, jumping from his spot, “I'm a Demon, you punk. I'm scary.”. Jimin almost snorts. Ok, real scary is the guy slightly pouting. Jimin takes in Yoongi's appearance. Yoongi wasn't exactly all muscular or like a red version of the Hulk.


But he did have red torn wings that spread out behind his back and a tail that coiled neatly at the back of his feet. He has a sort of gray aura surrounding him, and he was barefooted too. He had eyes that flickered from red to black, and it should be intimidating but why did he just seem more beautiful?


His skin was a ghostly pale, and his hair was ruffled. “I -” Jimin splutters, what was happening? “Uhm, according to my friend, you don't actually appear? You kind of just answer questions...?”


Yoongi kind of scoffs, smirk tugging at his lips. “You were asking stupid questions,” He nods in the direction of the paper, “If you didn't realize, it was only Yes or No answers. I can't be given multiple choice.”


Do you usually appear?”






Because I don't always come across stupid people, that's why,”. Yoongi's smug expression slightly falls when he sees Jimin hang his head in embarrassment. “I – Uh, I didn't mean that. Sorry,”.

You're a painfully bad liar,” Jimin whispers, shaking his head. Yoongi inches closer, his aura turning into a shade of blue – anxiety. “Sorry, okay? I'm not good at words, or with... Humans.”. Jimin looks up a little, eyes shining with his bottom lip stuck out and Yoongi kind of halts in his tracks because ho . He didn't really realize how attractive Park Jimin was, and although Yoongi's heart doesn't function like humans, he still has one. And it skips a beat. For the first time, Yoongi thinks vaguely, it isn't hurt, anger or the ache in my heart. It's – it's foreign, but not unwelcomed.


Yoongi shivers slightly. “Ok then,” Jimin speaks, and Yoongi jumps, “I'm sorry for asking stupid questions,” He grins, eyes turning into crescents as he does so and Yoongi can't hold back his cough. “I won't do it again,” He holds out his pinkie, and Yoongi wishes he had abit more EQ. Jimin waits, smile never wavering. Yoongi merely looks down at Jimin's hand, before gritting his teeth and muttering, “What? What d'you want me to do?”.


A pinkie promise!” Jimin says, waving his pinkie around. “I'm pinkie promising my promise!”. Yoongi kind of smiles – he's not sure, because the last time Yoongi had smiled was about 150 years back?. Pinkie promising my promise? Yoongi doubted that made any sense. He curled his own pinkie around Jimin's, a little unsure.


Just as Jimin clasps their fingers tightly together, Yoongi feels a hot burn at his feet, travelling all the way up till it made him dizzy. Human contact, he hadn't had human contact in 50 years. And human contact... it was funny, Yoongi came from hell yet he always had cold skin. Touching Jimin was strange... It was like cuddling against a puppy, or having a blanket thrown over you when you were cold... like drinking hot chocolate on a winter day.


Jimin, Yoongi decided, was an angel in the form of a human. He pulls away quickly, swallowing. He knew Jimin felt the hot air that erupted from Yoongi when skin touched skin, but Jimin didn't say anything. “Ok, so now that we've pinkie promised, do you go?” Jimin questions.


Yes, actually, Yoongi wants to reply. But he sees Jimin, and just. Just. Realizes the boy was half , in only his shorts with cats on them for 's sake. Yoongi, being a Demon, a really lonely demon for the 450 years he's been living, doesn't really know what other emotions were that wearn't anger, hurt, or sadness.


To top it off, Demon's feelings/instincts were always enchanced... or amplified. So when something bubbles in his chest, warm and fluttery, Yoongi passes out, faceplanting into Jimin's bed in the most ungraceful Demon-ish way possible.




Yoongi wakes up to the sound of singing. The voice floated through the room, soft, gentle, perfect. Yoongi half wonders if he's been sent to Heaven, but nah, because a Demon just can't go to Heaven after being royally kicked out from it. He feels the presence of a human beside him, the smell overwhelming just a little, and he sits up in bed so fast that Jimin lets out another scream.


Yoongi cringes, giving Jimin a disgruntled look. “Will you stop screaming?” He hisses, and Jimin hyperventilates. Wait, was Jimin the one singing? This guy was just full of surprises, wasn't he? “I'm sorry, Mister. But if you didn't give me heart failure everytime you opened your mouth then yes, I will stop screaming.”


Yoongi rolled his eyes, limbs a little heavy as he leans back against the wall. He feels at his back...his wings wearn't there anymore. , it had probably dissipated when Yoongi passed out... Mingyu wouldn't be very pleased when he heard he had to make another pair of wings for a 450 year old demon. “What happened?”. Jimin shrugs, “I don't know, you passed out so suddenly I kind of screamed again, and your skin was burning. So I just kind of let you lie down properly and rest for abit.”.


You just kind of let a Demon lie down on your bed and rest for abit?”


Jimin huffs, giving Yoongi a disapproving look and Yoongi half wishes he didn't feel so affected by that look. What? Did he want to be the one to cast the light-up-my-really-dark-world smile on Jimin's face? Wait, did he? “Well!” Jimin folds his arms, looking away from Yoongi, “You – you don't remind me of a Demon... except that you have like a sort of aura that surrounds you that changes colour from time to time, and! And that tail, also when you snore slightly your mouth kind of slightly parts and I can see your pincers -”


Pincers?” Yoongi echoes, “Those aren't pincers, those are my teeth, Jimin!” Yoongi contemplates showing his fangs to Jimin, but doesn't, “They're much more powerful than... pincers,”.


Ca – can I ask you a question?”. Yoongi glances at Jimin, slightly surprised. Was he asking for permission? That never really occured to Yoongi – asking for permission. In Hell, you could spout anything you wanted to or nothing at all... the words came with a price of course, but what could get worse than Hell, really? “Why is your duty to answer questions? Are you like -” Jimin scrunches his nose up, “Some kind of genuis? And, why do you look so... well, human?”.


The way Jimin talks, is the same way someone would when afraid of hurting another's feelings. It made Yoongi uncomfortable, and it probably made Jimin feel that way too. “I don't know why I was given this job. All I know is that I was, and you don't really question what you have to do in Hell.


As for looking Human, Park Jimin...” Yoongi smirks, straightening his back as he faces Jimin. “That's something I can't answer. Now cut the shy crap, I'm getting tired,”.




Whatever it was that made Yoongi stay, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that his eyes stopped flickering from red to black after awhile, and it just remained black. His tail had stayed, though it was only visible to Jimin's eyes ( which was something he had discovered after taking Yoongi out to his school's music studio. )


The first time Yoongi had announced he wasn't going to be leaving, Jimin hadn't taken it very well.


What?” He had squawked, “But you're a Demon! Don't you have your Demon responsibilities?”. Yoongi had dismissed it, ignored Jimin, and curled up on his bed, closing his eyes. “Yah! That – that's my bed, Yoongi, and my room mate will be back shortly,”.


Liar,” Yoongi murmured, the sleepy haze already entering his mind as he sinked down into the pillows. It smelled of Jimin. “You did this challenge because you knew he wouldn't be back any sooner...”


Whether or not Jimin had replied, Yoongi doesn't get to hear it because he had fallen asleep.


When Yoongi woke up, he spotted Jimin on the very small couch in their room and yawned. A stab of guilt washes over Yoongi but he shrugs it away, walking over to drape a blanket over Jimin before going back to lie down on Jimin's bed. Yoongi may have been a demon, but to Jimin, he sure was one cocky Demon that slept a little too much and smiled a little too cutely.




I had no idea you liked making music,” Jimin said, hopping cheerfully beside Yoongi as the both of them made their way out of the studio. Yoongi's ears turned pink and he shoved his hands into his pockets. “I really only showed you because you said you liked singing, Jimin,” Yoongi replies, voice gruff. “How'd you even discover it? Does Hell allow room for hobbies too?”


Yoongi kind of laughs – he doesn't know why it's always kind of, but it is – as he closes the door of the studio behind him. “Heaven has it perks, thanks to God,”. Jimin raises his eyebrows, amused, “You've been to Heaven?”


Of course,” Yoongi hums. It's not everyday you get to tell your story to a human, and even though Yoongi didn't exactly know how to feel about it, he still did it. “Another word for Demons is fallen angel, right?” - Jimin nods in understanding - “So I was once an angel, but now I'm not. Just think of it as a kid rebelling against his really strict parents,”


Jimin whistles, “Welp, God must've really ed you up then.”. Yoongi narrows his eyes, “I think I'd prefer if you said I ed myself up,”. Jimin laughs, and Yoongi tries not to relish in the sound, “That just sounds weird, yoongyoongs,”. Instinctively, a gust of wind blows erupts from Yoongi, causing Jimin to stagger. “Don't call me that.” Yoongi scowls, tail thumping on the ground noisily.


Ok, Minnie,” Jimin teases, chuckling and letting out a not so “Sorry” when Yoongi glares at him. Yoongi was about to make a left, which was where their dorms were located, when Jimin started going right. “Hey,” Yoongi says, confused as he taps Jimin's shoulder, “Dorms are this way,”. Jimin grins, “Yeah, I know that. I was gonna get Starbucks,”.


Yoongi furrows his eyebrows, repeating the word Jimin just said. “Starbucks... what is - ?”. Jimin's eyes sparkle suddenly, and he grabs hold of Yoongi's hand so suddenly that Yoongi pulls away. “Come on!” Jimin tries again, managing to intertwine their fingers together. Yoongi almost doubles over in shock. “I'll take you there, it's good!”.


If you're taking me to go Barbie shopping or some -” “What? No! I swear, it'll be good!”


And next thing Yoongi knows, he's being pulled away by Jimin, who has their fingers intertwined like it was no big deal.


It is a big deal though, when Yoongi starts catching fire and his eyes start flickering to a shade of pink and Jimin has to halt in his tracks, whacking at Yoongi's flaming shoulder in alarm with his bag because, “What the actual Min Yoongi!!!!!!”.




Aren't you tired of sleeping on the couch?” Yoongi asks one day, when Jimin had stumbled into the dorm, tired from all his classes and flopped onto the couch. “Yes, actually, I am,” Jimin mutters, pushing himself up into sitting position. His eyes are half lidded, and his words have the sleepy drawl to it as he speaks. Then you should come up here and sleep with me are exactly the words that run through Yoongi's mind and threaten to spill past his lips.


He coughs at his own thoughts, feeling his heart thudding against his chest as he continues watching Jimin blink sleepily at him. “Can I sleep next to you?” Jimin finally says, breaking the silence that was settling around them. Yoongi swallows, “Uh, what?”


I mean, I don't know, if you're not comfortable with it, I could take the couch again. Or you take the couch. But I don't know, can I sleep next to you today?” Jimin rambles, and it's hard to catch what he's saying but Yoongi manages to keep up. “I – uh,” Yoongi gulps, for 's sake, don't stammer He scolds himself internally, Since when did you, Min Yoongi of all people, stammer?

He doesn't know when either.


Sure, okay, why not?”. Jimin peers into Yoongi's face and sighs, “If you don't want to, I can just -”. “I said sure, Jimin,” Yoongi says, firmly this time, “Don't make me take back my words.”. And so Jimin makes his way over, grateful smile tugging at his lips as he collapses into the bed beside Yoongi. Yoongi tries to get comfortable, and even turns so that his back faces Jimin as he tries to sleep. Jimin had fallen asleep already, and it slightly bothered Yoongi because was he not affected that Yoongi was right beside him? On the same bed?? But all effort flies down the drain when Yoongi feels Jimin toss an arm over his waist. He feels every muscle in his body tense up at the sudden contact, but slowly, he turns until he's facing Jimin.


Yoongi feels like as if his breath had just got knocked out of him as he catches sight of Jimin. He looked etheral. Yoongi had seen Jimin asleep many times before, but this was something else. This was up close. His eyes were closed softly and his lips were slightly parted. The moonlight casts a halo of light to surround the both of them and Yoongi ponders for about the 100th time since meeting Jimin if maybe he really was an angel and if Yoongi was turning soft for him.


He was a Demon, and Demons aren't supposed to feel love or happiness. But somehow, whenever it came to Jimin, Yoongi had this fond feeling building in his chest. Sometimes it was peaceful, warm, fuzzy, other times it made Yoongi's stomach churn as his heart hammered fast against his chest – so loud he wondered if Jimin could hear it. Like when Jimin came back to the dorm, eyes crinkling in the corners as he waves a paper in the air yelling, “Yoongi! Yoongi, look! I got a distinction in that dancing competition!” Yoongi felt that he couldn't help but smile while telling Jimin that he knew Jimin could do it and ruffling Jimin's hair.


When the both of them stayed up watching movies or binge – watching Sonny With A Chance, Jimin would always be the first to sleep. Normally, Yoongi was the sleepier one, but he was more used to late nights than early mornings which meant he could always hold up longer than Jimin. When Jimin dozed off, his head would loll to the side, onto Yoongi's shoulder, which would often cause Yoongi to freeze with his eyes glued to the TV screen. After awhile, Yoongi would turn the volume on the TV down, lie Jimin properly down on the couch and drape his jacket over him. He would fall asleep sitting up, and would wake up with his back sore and his limbs aching but it was fine because Jimin would shove a plate of pancakes into Yoongi's direction that they would share while continuing with the episode they had left off at last night. It was then Yoongi realized that he had started caring for someone who wasn't himself.


Yoongi takes his time to memorize every slopes and curves of Jimin's features as he ran his fingers through Jimin's hair. Yoongi finds himself getting sleepy, and soon, he was asleep, nose buried in Jimin's black hair as his lips ever so slightly brushed just the top of Jimin's forehead.




Jimin woke up feeling warm. He cracked an eye open, slowly. Huh, he was sleeping beside someone. And he could vaguely feel his legs tangled around someone else's. Oh. It was Yoongi. Jimin blushes, despite still being slightly sleepy and out of it. Yoongi had an arm curled around Jimin's body a little protectively. Jimin tried not to smile. He tried looking up, the top of his head nudging into Yoongi's chin as he did so.


Yoongi was snoring again. It wasn't loud and obnoxious, more like contented purrs tumbling out of Yoongi. It was unlike the usually sarcastic, savage Yoongi that Jimin had grown to know... and loved.


Jimin made a sort of noise as he tapped Yoongi's cheek. “Hmmm, Yoongi, wake up.” He slurred, “Come on, the sun's out, Yoongi.”. His legs were starting to lose feeling and so he tried shifting around when he suddenly felt Yoongi's embrace on him tighten. Jimin yelped, “Wha – Yoongi! Wake u -” He gets cut off suddenly. “Wait, just, a while more.” Yoongi mumbles, eyes still closed, and he unknowingly brings Jimin closer to him.


Jimin feels his breath hitch, but he allows it anyway. He curls his fingers into Yoongi's sleeve as he nuzzles into Yoongi's chest. “Mmm, okay,” He resigns. This was definitely a new side of Yoongi, and Jimin decides he liked Yoongi, whichever side it was.




Jimin finshes his last note with a grin and a peace sign. The crowd goes crazy wild at Jimin's performance, and Jimin glows with pride. He beams when he sees a certain gray haired boy giving him the thumbs up in the crowd. He gives a bow, walking backstage in a hurry. Jimin quickly washes the make up off his face and rids himself off his stage outfit before putting on a loose white tee and a pair of blue jeans. He runs out into the crowd, scanning the faces of the people seated there when he spots Yoongi strolling towards him, a smirk drawn on his lips as he tilts his head to the side.


Jimin isn't really sure what urges him to do it. But he goes running in Yoongi's direction, pumping his fists in the air and letting out a laugh of delight. He plans to hug Yoongi first, he really does. But just as soon as he comes into a stop in front of Yoongi, Jimin feels Yoongi wrap his arms around Jimin's waist before tugging him in.


Jimin flings his arms around Yoongi's neck for support, grinning so broadly that his eyes disappeared. “I did it!” He whooped, leaning in to rest his chin on Yoongi's neck. “And it was your song too! Unbelievable, huh?”


You're ing amazing, Chim,” Yoongi complimented, using one of the few nicknames that Jimin had only allowed Taehyung and his family to use (but taehyung was basically family). “I gotta say, I'm pretty amazing too,”.


Jimin throws his head back, laughing. “Is this your first time letting your music out like that?” Jimin questions, and he feels Yoongi nod. “Well congratulations, Min Yoongi!”.

You too,” Yoongi replies and they pull away. Jimin hears numerous shouts and yells over his shoulder, and he turns to see Hoseok, Taehyung and Jeongguk running up to meet him. Taehyung is the first to crush Jimin to the floor and they all miss the way Yoongi scoffs. “Wahhhhh~ Jiminnie, you sang so well! I'm so proud of you!” Taehyung cooes, making a mess out of what used to be Jimin's styled hair. Taehyung pulls away only when he feels Jeongguk tug at his sleeve.


Jeongguk gives Jimin a punch in the shoulder, “You did good man,” and last but not least is Hoseok, who doesn't really say anything but starts screaming as he envelopes Jimin in a bone-crushing Hobear hug.


Everyone's all smiles and cheers, and when Jimin looks back, he sees Yoongi, too, grinning widely.





When Taehyung comes back, he doesn't mind at all to have a third room mate, and suspects nothing of Yoongi being a Demon. Over time, he even began being friends with Yoongi, who had tried to run away or pretend to be sleeping each time he saw Taehyung aka a ball of energy with a soul so bright it was blinding Yoongi. After a few months passed though, what Taehyung does suspect is that Jimin is in love with Min Yoongi.

And so, being the very nice best friend that Taehyung is, he drags Jimin over to Starbucks one day to talk to him about it.


I- In love?” Jimin choruses, eyes wide and cheeks dusted a shade of red. He looks a little more like a little kid at the age of 7 rather than a 20 year old man. “W- wi – with.. Min Yoongi? Like the Yoongi?”.


Taehyung smiles, and nods with a simple, “Yeah.”


I uh – I don't know Taehyung,” Jimin croaks out, “I mean, I don't know what love feels like?? I feel like my heart's gonna burst sometimes around him and sometimes he makes me smile so much my cheeks ache. Then, there are some times we just kind of hang around each other without saying anything but it doesn't feel awkward? It's more like peaceful, like I'm comfortable with him by my side -” Jimin starts rambling out of pure nervousness until Taehyung starts to laugh, his infamous box grin showing as he does so.

I'm pretty sure you are, Jimin,” Taehyung states, “That's how I feel about Jungkook, except like you know when Jung -”


Jimin holds out a hand, “Woah, hold it right there. You've gotten cheesy on me one too many times. Not again, Taetae,”. Taehyung sticks his tongue out childishly at Jimin's remark, but stops anyways. “What I'm tryna say though, is, when are you gonna break it to him?”


Jimin blinks stupidly at Taehyung. “Huh?”


You know! Confess your undying love or something!!”

I don't even know if he likes me back!”

Taehyung rolls his eyes at this. “If he liked you back? For the love of Jeon Jungkook Jimin, have you seen the way he looks at you?”

Maybe you're wrong, Tae,”

Well, I'm not. He kinda looks at me like he wants to rip my head off if given the chance but it's kind of softened now to 'you're okay but lmao nope' so I would know if he looked at anyone else differently,”

But how do I – confess...?”




March 9th.


Jimin paced about the rooftop. He had very specifically hung up fairy lights for this day and – after 3 failed tries – baked a cake for Yoongi. The icing was a little off, but Jimin had tried his best. It was already late in the evening and Jimin had asked Yoongi to meet him at the school rooftop. The floor was littered with confetti – just because the floor would've looked too plain without it.


Jimin?” A voice that Jimin had grown to know so well called out, “You there?”


The door to the rooftop opened, and Yoongi walked in, looking abit too good even when dressed up so casually.He had a black shirt on and was wearing ripped jeans. His tail was swaying slightly behind the older boy. Yoongi let out a laugh, looking around as he smiled – the one where his gums showed aka the one that made Jimin's heart stop because jesus.


What?” Yoongi let out a laugh that sounded more like an exhale, “Is this?”


Jimin bounces up to the older, showing his eyesmile. “Did you forget what day it was?” He wiggled his eyebrows just for fun. “March 9 – ooooh,” Yoongi trailed off just as the realization dawned on him and he spotted the birthday cake behind Jimin. They stroll over to it, Jimin holding the birthday cake up proudly to Yoongi.


Did you make that?” Yoongi whispers, staring at Jimin from across the cake, the fire on the candle lighting up Jimin's face. “Yeah!”. “No wonder, man, look at this icing, it's way weird,” Yoongi jokes and receives a kick in the shin from Jimin. They wait until the laughter dies down before Jimin speaks.


Happy 451th birthday, Yoongi,” He whispers, and theres something in his eyes Yoongi can't quite make out yet knows all the same. Yoongi blows out the candles, without uttering a word. Jimin starts to cut the cake, and they each take a slice before settling down on the picnic blanket that Jimin had laid out among the confetti.


You know, the day I was made by God isn't exactly something I should be happy about,” Yoongi chuckles, silently admiring the setting sun and the fairy lights that surrounded the both of them.




Because God kind of made me an angel? But look who grandly trashed the chance of being one,

I mean, not that I care that much, I chose this anyways. But you know, you still get looked down on, be it by other Demons or worse, by those angels or some . And those stereotypes that humans set up? Yeah... We're bad, that's for sure. But...”


Jimin's face softened at the words and he let down his plate. He frowned slightly. Often, he forgot that Yoongi was a demon. He turned to face Yoongi. Yoongi's face was distant, his eyes glazed over. “Hey,” Jimin speaks, and Yoongi glances quickly at the boy beside him. “Hm?”. Jimin kind of whines, poking Yoongi's shoulder until Yoongi took the hint and turned to face Jimin as well.


Yeah?” Yoongi says, eyes searching into Jimin's dark orbs. Yoongi's eyes flicker red for a moment, but it happened so fast that Jimin doesn't catch it. Jimin has seen Yoongi experience alot of emotions, and had stayed by him through all the time Yoongi had spent with him. But the sort of distance and sadness that flashed through his eyes sure were different.


Jimin isn't sure what comes over him at that moment. He lifts his hand up till it cups Yoongi's cheek and he leans in, until their foreheads touched and their lips are only a breath away. “To me, you're not Yoongi the Demon, or Suga, or even Yoongi one of the fallen angels of God...”

Yoongi nods, bringing Jimin's hand down from his cheek and interlacing their fingers. “Then what am I?”. “To me, you're just Yoongi. Min Yoongi,” Jimin says, and he gazes as Yoongi's eyes flicker red again, “The Min Yoongi that I love, get it?”.


And Jimin might've been the one to confess first, but Yoongi sure wastes no time in leaning in and pressing his lips against Jimin's after finally making sense of the words. It feels like forever, maybe even an eternity, but Jimin doesn't mind because he feels like he could kiss Yoongi all day long if he could.


Yoongi's lips are a little salty, but sweet at the same time, and it's the perfect blend. He's not sure how many minutes passed by but soon, Yoongi is pulling away, hands still gripped tightly on Jimin's. “That's why I stayed...” He says, a little out of breath.


Jimin's heart never calms as he lets out a, “Huh?”


Yoongi takes in a deep breath, pressing their foreheads together. They close their eyes briefly, just basking in each other's presence. “I never knew why I stayed, but I know now.”. Jimin smiles, “You're so cheesy, Yoongi,”. Yoongi lets out a scowl that Jimin knows that he doesn't mean, “Let me finish, yah!” Jimin nods, pushing closer so that their noses brushed against each other. “I'm waiting, Yoongi,”. “I-I stayed because I love you, that's why.”




Jimin wishes it was a happy ever after from that day onwards. But Demons can't stay on Earth for long unless granted permission. But Jimin really never expected the day where he came back from Psychology class to find an empty dorm – save for a really pissed off looking Taehyung.


Yoongi?” He had searched desperately around the rooms until Taehyung said, “Leave it, Jimin.” Jimin whirled around to look at his best friend. His heart was racing, and not in a good way. He could feel the nervousness thrumming through his veins. “What do you mean?”


I – I'm sorry Jimin,”. He hands over a white post – it note and Jimin grabs for it.


Hey Chim,


It's a real ing jerky thing of me to do this. I know.

But I guess I have to leave and that's that.

I know you'd know why but I'm not expecting you to understand,

or forgive me.

Don't bother trying to summon me. It won't work.




That was it? Jimin baffles. All those months spent together, and part of those months dating, Yoongi just left? Leaving behind a ing post it note? Without a ing I love you?

Jimin wishes he could be mad. He wants to be mad. He wants to scream, blame Yoongi for the ache that filled his chest, suffocating. But he can't. He doesn't even realize he's crying until he is, until Taehyung has wrapped his long arms around Jimin and whispering “It's okay,”s into Jimin's ear. But then the realization comes to Jimin like a wave crashing down high, and all Jimin can do is choke on it.




A year later.


Whoop!” Taehyung shouts, barging into the dorm with Jeongguk on his back. The two of them are laughing uncontrollably and Taehyung lets Jeongguk fall down onto his bed before jumping onto Jeongguk. Jimin fake coughs, “Oh god, you two... Get a roooom!” He points childishly.


Get a – get a what you said?” Taehyung echoes, “Sorry, I didn't quite catch that,”. Jimin thinks, because Taehyung 100% knows what he said. “Could you repeat it maybe?” Taehyung grins, and turns back to Jeongguk, catching the younger by surprise by capturing Jeongguk's lips with his.


Jimin shakes his head, used to the 2 of them by now. Nowadays, Taehyung and Jeongguk would hang around at Taehyung's shared dorm with Jimin instead of Jeongguk's one with Seokjin. Jimin hadn't been dating anyone for the past one year, and so seeing the two lovebirds constantly caused a dull throb to stab at his heart.


Taehyung! Get off! You're heavy as !” Jeongguk complains, but he laughs when Taehyung only presses himself into Jeongguk, tickling him while doing so.


When's the marriage?” Jimin jokes, “Surely I'll be your best man, Taehyung?”. Jeongguk blushes at this and hurls a pillow at an unexpecting Jimin. “Why the reaction, Guk? I thought we were already engaged?” and Taehyung gets smacked in the face with a pikachu pillow.


Taehyung, c'mon, don't mess around,” Jeongguk says and Taehyung immediately sobers up. “Right,” He agrees and turns to Jimin. “What?” Jimin asks lamely, raising an eyebrow suspiciously. “Could you get me my McDonalds? You know where to get it right?”


Jimin groans, but he complies anyways. “Just don't be having when I come back,” Jimin warns and dodges the two pillows flying his way. They wearn't allowed to order food in school, which was why when they did, they always sent it to the rooftop. This way, the teachers wouldn't be able to find out.


Jimin jogged his way up, not wanting to waste any time trudging up the staircase. When he reaches the door, he has to swallow back the feeling that worms his way in. He pushes it away, and flings the door open.


Jimin's not sure if he died and went to Heaven, but that really wouldn't be possible. It's not the fact that there is the song that Jimin sang that time playing in the background, it's all because of the man standing in front of Jimin, dressed as a delivery man and holding a McDonalds paperbag.


Uh, hi?” Yoongi says, a little unsure as he grins sheepishly, “Long time no see?”


Jimin wants to laugh, but it comes out as a sob. He looked up at the older, his vision blurring at an alarming rate as he says, “Yoongi? I- Is that really you?”


Yoongi gives a soft smile, “Yeah, Jimin, it's me.” And that's all he says before Jimin has ran to him and crashed into him so hard he lets go of the paperbag and the both of them tumble to the ground. “Yah! Jimin, are you oka-” Yoongi swallows as he feels Jimin cry into his chest, repeatedly hitting his shoulder as he cries.


How could you? How could you just leave? I was so-” Jimin's voice is a little muffled from all the crying, but he continues anyways, “Min Yoongi!”. Yoongi tamps down the lump forming in his throat as he runs his fingers through Jimin's hair, missing Jimin's touch, Jimin's prescene, his warmth, his smile, his voice... his everything.


I'm sorry, Jimin,” Yoongi says, and he really means it. They lay like that for awhile, both trying to regain their composure with each minute that ticks by. Finally, Jimin sits up, eyes puffy and red from crying. “I kind of sacrificed to be here, though,” Yoongi cracks a grin. Jimin blinks. Yoongi sure did seem different...


He no longer had the aura that surrounded him, and his eyes no longer flickered colours. There were no tails... no wings, “Yoongi!” Jimin gawks, “What did you do?”. Yoongi shrugs, “Don't worry, I'm still Demon and all, but I gave up Suga,”.


Jimin hiccups. “What?”. “Well, I guess you could say I'm a free demon! I was tied to someone when I was all that Suga bull, but I decided to give it up. I don't really have my abilities anymore, and I sure don't look like a Demon anymore because I don't have the need to.


I'm still Demon though, 100% demon, I can't hide from that. But I don't have ties to anyone, so I can go wherever I like and do whatever I like as long as I don't defy the rules of Hell or Heaven, get me?”


Yoongi pauses for breath, before continuing, “And well, I didn't plan to give up my role... when you're a Demon without a duty, well... people look at you like you're waste. Because it ain't like you're working for God anyways. But I -”


Yoongi stops for a moment, eyes searching Jimin's. Jimin almost melts right there and then, and he wants nothing more but to feel Yoongi's arms around him, Yoongi's lips on his...


I figured you were that ray of light in my dark circle and – and I'd give anything up, if it meant I could be with you again. Because... well... I – I couldn't give you up, Park Jimin.”


Yoongi slightly cringes at his own words. It sounded way too cheesy to his own ears. He had been writing more lyrics during the time he spent in Hell while waiting for his so call 'resignation form' to get in and he knew that would take it's toll on him.


Jimin barely registers all the words tumbling past Yoongi's lips. His whole face burns at the last few lines, and he half wants to burst out laughing. He finally understood what Yoongi meant in the note though, it answers what Yoongi meant when he said Jimin couldn't summon him if he tried. But Jimin couldn't be bothered with that right now.






Can I kiss you?”


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creepmon #1
Chapter 1: I love Suga/Yoongi Demon °^° He is so cute :3
And I really like how he isn't like a total Demon, but a real cinnamon bun :>
Keep up the good work :D