Chapter 3

The Worst Day In My Life (KaiSoo)
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“I’ve made my decision I will pick…” Kai took a deep a deep breath before he closed his eyes. “I…will date Krystal.” Kai muttered quietly. This made the CEO smirk.

“Great. We will first start the rumors going around before we admit that you two are dating later on. Your first date is in 2 days at around 21:00 o’clock at that bubble tea café around the corner. It’s gaining publicity so it would be a great way for rumors to come along. I will meet you later to talk in more detail by this. I will see the both of you later so you are now excused.” The CEO told before they both left the room.

Once they left the room, Krystal was crying once again. Kai gave Krystal a hug feeling empathy for her. “It’s going to be okay.”

After a month of Kai and Krystal dating.

After Kai and Krystal had started to date EXO soon had a comeback for ‘Monster’ and ‘Lucky one’ which made them very busy with their schedule. Usually now Kai and Krystal had dates at around midnight which usually made Kyungsoo lonely during the night-times.

One day during around 10 o’clock. EXO were travelling back home so they could have dinner when Kyungsoo’s phone rang. “Yeobosayo?” Kyungsoo answered. A drunken voice replied through the phone.

“K-Kyungsoo-ya.” A voice slurred through the phone. “I-I’ve been dumped” He told. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened at this.

“What?! Why? What happened? Are you drunk? Ren what happened? Where are you?” Kyungsoo asked in a different language which was unfamiliar to EXO for now. It was Japanese. This made everyone in the car confused.

“Oh I am in Soha but don’t worry I am not drunk! Hehe *hiccups* you know the usual Kyungsoo. I date a girl they take my money and then they run away breaking up with me hehe isn’t that ironic! Kyungsoo…when will I find someone that I like?” Ren asked almost in tears.

“It’s alright Ren. You will soon. I will come and get you ok? Just wait there.” Kyungsoo told before he turned off the phone. Kyungsoo turned towards the driver. “Sir sorry to disturb you but can you stop the car? I need to go somewhere.” Kyungsoo said towards the driver. With this the driver stopped so that Kyungsoo could get out. EXO

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Chapter 2: Author-nim I'm loving this pls update!! ❤
asianunicornbaby #2
Chapter 2: Update soon author-nim ^^