The Odd One : Sana

Momo Shots Collection

Title: The Odd One : Sana

Ship: samo

Content: The first meeting of a hamster and the odd one


Year 2010


 “Wow, such a good weather today, seems like a good day to camp outside”, a girl said as she come down from her RV. The sky is very bright and a bit a warm but the soft wind more than makes up for it. The field feels very refreshing with the green scenery all around her.

She walks around the field and found a pretty nice space with the right amount of shade from the sun or rain.

“This should be fine”, she said as she patted the ground and look up to the tree covered sky. Without further ado, she set up a tent.

After setting up the camp, she decided to go search for some food and firewood. She prepared her bow and arrow for hunting.

Inside the forest, it gets darker and colder as she walks further in but it doesn’t stop her from picking some noises further ahead. She immediately crouch down and start aiming as she saw a small deer alone. The deer seems like it was sniffing and nudging something on the ground so she keeps in mind about it.

“Lucky me” the girl whisper to herself as she release her arrow. The arrow went straight into its body and the girl immediately sprang up to catch the deer. After struggling a little to catch the injured deer, she finally manages to seize the deer. She tied the deer by its leg to make sure is won’t be able to run anymore.

As she finish she remember what she sees earlier and decided to check the spot again. What she found is an injured little hamster and she immediately pick it up.

“Nyaa~~ It hurts”

“Oh no, what to do with you?~ That looks really bad, I should treat the injury for you, wait in here for a while okay?” Momo said as she put the hamster in her chest pocket.

“Quick it hurts”

She immediately went back to her camping spot and did some emergency aiding to the cute little hamster.

~~In the RV

“It’s okay now, don’t move, I’m helping you” Momo said as she concentrates on cleaning the wound on the hamster’s back but it keeps on squirming.

“Nyaaaa~~ what did you put? It hurts even more~ TT”

Momo then bandage the hamster’s body as she keeps chanting it’s okay to the hamster.

“Haa… the pain finally disappear. Thank you human~~”

“So what happen to you?” Momo said as she puts her head on the desk and stare at the hamster. She grins when the hamster suddenly actively making sounds as if she understand her and is trying to explain to her.

“You know I was walking around and I saw an apple on the tree so I climbed the tree but then I fell when I was really close to it. Unfortunately, when falling, I crash into other tree branches hence the injury. While waiting for my dying moment suddenly the deer earlier keeps moving me around--- hey stop—hey stop poking me”

“What are you babbling about? I don’t understand anything but you look so cute right now—ow –ouch why did you bit me?” Momo hissed as she hold her finger but her eyes widen when suddenly the cute little hamster change into a very angry woman and not to mention, .

“What the fuccc?”

“What do you mean you don’t understand me? I’ve been talking to you the whole time but you are saying you don’t understand what I’m saying at all. So rude, very rude. You should have told me earlier so I don’t waste my energy—“

“Yahhh, stop talking! How are you here?” Momo said as she calmed down from earlier shock.

“What do you mean how am I here? That’s so rude” the girl said. Momo look at her weirdly.

“Don’t you know all animal-kin hamster type was declared extinct a long time ago? How do you not know this?” Momo look at the girl but the girl only smiled guiltily.

“Hehe, I actually got lost when I was young from my village and I have been lost since then” The girl explained as Momo look at her in disbelief.

“So what’s your name?” Momo asked as she decided to just dismiss all the questions in her head.

“Sana. You?” Sana said smiling.

“Momo” Momo smiled too, but then she remember something.

“Yah, let’s get you some clothes”


~~15 minutes later

“How come you don’t know how to wear clothes at all, I thought your kind prefers live in this form” Momo ask as she come down from the RV, Sana followed closely behind.

“Like I said I went lost when I was really young, I don’t even remember meeting my own kind, so I don’t even know how my kind live”

“You’re so weird”

“Rude” Sana pouted.

“Now you wait here while I prepare us some dinner”


While Momo was preparing their dinner, Sana keeps on staring at her.

Momo’s hair is brown and is a little over her shoulder, she’s wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and a bright blue jeans. Sana’s hair is brown too but is longer by a few inch than Momo, she is currently wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with a blue jeans short.

“What is it?” Momo asked without looking away from her task.


“You keep staring” Momo stares to Sana curiously. Sana grins guiltily.

“Say, how come you are not surprised when I transform? Last time I transform in front of human they all freak out and starts to yell devil to me” Sana finally asked.

Momo stares at her for a while before she breaks a smile to her.

“Say, I don’t think your story of being lost is believable, so how about I won’t ask about it and you won’t ask about that” Momo said while smiling before she continue with her task.

Sana looks at her surprised by the sudden change, then she pouts.

“Not fair~~ You know what I am, but I don’t know about you, you are so meann~” Sana whined. Momo laughed at her before she looks at Sana in the eye.

“Let’s just say I’m not from here”, Momo grins but Sana looks at her stunned as Momo’s eye color suddenly change into a mix of color then to a pure dark black and then back to her previous brown ones. Momo laugh again as the girl look very stunned.

After that, Sana stop asking and they spent the dinner together, they were laughing and having fun with each other’s company. Later, Sana decided to take Momo’s offer of sleeping with her in the tent she set up earlier. They lay down together side by side while looking at the top of the tent.

“Say, Momo”


“Were you about to sleep? Sorry”

“No no it’s okay, I don’t mind. What is it?” Momo replied.

“You know I really have fun earlier and I have never felt like that before. Before this, I have always been alone in the jungle. I would have some company if there is some kids that found me and decided to bring me home but then they all grew up and decided that they not want me anymore. They would throw me back into the jungle or even left me in the street, then I would just went back hiding in the jungle. I was really lonely and always hope for some company. Now that I found you, I really want you to stay as my friend here. So I was wondering how about you live with me here?” Sana bit her lip as she finishes. She really liked Momo’s company after all.

A beat later, there is still no reply.


Sana turns to Momo but what she saw is a deeply sleeping Momo. Her breath light and quiet. Sana scooted closer to Momo, she decided to lay her head on Momo’s stretched arm and drape her own arm across Momo’s stomach, hugging her. She smiled sadly.

“Are you going to leave me too?” Sana whisper into Momo’s neck.


++Next morning

The sound of bird singing woke Momo up. She stretches her body as she yawn widely. Momo move her arm around to feel for her company but immediately open her eyes wide as she feels the lack of it.


Momo looks around before she immediately went outside. The field was quiet and cold as she step outside with no sign of Sana. Momo furrows her eyebrow as she tried to remember what happened last night. She immediately hits herself on the head as she remember Sana telling her about some story that she really can’t remember at all.

“Stupid Momo, stupid Momo. ” Momo curses to herself.

“Sana!!!” Momo tried to yell Sana’s name several times but still no sign of her.

After a while of dreading, Momo decided to just move on although she is very sad with the outcome. She packs the tents and her stuff, clean up the space she used. When she finishes, she stared at the jungle in front of her and decided to give it another try.

“SANAAA!! Where are you? I’m leaving right now!! SANAAAA!”

Momo look at the ground dejectedly as there is no sign of Sana even after waiting for 10 minutes.

“I guess that’s it. Hope we meet again”

Momo said as she went into her RV and onto the driver seat. She took a deep breath before she start the engine and operate the vehicle. Momo left with heavy heart.

Four hours later, Momo is still driving but right now she is already in a small town. The town is very quiet with almost none existent people. Momo decided to stop for a while to rest her as it is already getting numb. She went to the back of the RV and was about to crash into her bed before she notice a little ball of furry on her bed staring up at her.

“Hi Momo”

“What the--? Sana!”

Momo immediately pick it up and went to hug it. It seems like Sana is happy too as she keeps making sounds. Momo put Sana on her palms and brought her to her eye level.

“Why are you here??” Momo asked happily. As she saw Sana suddenly looks like she want to talk she immediately stop her.

“Wait wait, I don’t understand you in this form” Momo grins at Sana, as the hamster furrows her brows of what seems like a glare. Without warning, while Sana is still on her palms, she suddenly transform.


Momo ended up forced to kneel as Sana who transform on her palms which she couldn’t possibly able to carry lands luckily on the bed. Momo’s palms however is strategically under Sana’s which Sana didn’t seems to mind as she hook her legs to behind Momo and pulled Momo closer.

“Uuuupp” Momo’s face is literally only 1 cm away from Sana’s.


“Firstly” “Ouchh, what is that for?”

Sana has apparently hit Momo’s head with her knuckle.

“That’s for being rude yesterday. You fell asleep when I was talking. That’s soooo rude. Secondly “


“That’s for not trying to search me a little more. How many times did you yell my name earlier? 30 times? 20 times? You should have yelled 100 times and thirdly “

Momo expected another hit but she was pulled into a hug by Sana.

“I hope you wouldn’t mind but I want to travel with you too” Sana said. Momo was about to say something but Sana continues.

“I know last night you said that you prefer not having company so that’s why I decided to hide in your RV and only show up when you are already far away from the jungle. Now, I promise I won’t be a hassle to you, I won’t make noises, I won’t eat your food, you can act like I didn’t exist as long as you let me stay with you” Sana desperately offer as she hug Momo tight into her very body.

Momo mumbles and moves her head as she is trying to ask Sana to let her head go. Sana immediately releases Momo’s head but still keep Momo’s body close to her with her legs.

Momo stares at Sana as she contemplate the pros and cons while Sana tried to give her best puppy eyes to date. After a while, Momo finally decides as she stares at Sana seriously.

“Fine. You can follow me but you should know that I’m not an ordinary human, so there should be many surprising things ahead” Momo looks at Sana for some reaction but Sana just look relieved and happy.

“Okay deal!” Sana said as she pulls Momo back into her hug.

“Now now, can you let me go and let me get you some clothes?”


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