Chapter 3

Blurred Photographs
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"He's really odd." Jeongguk frowned, he was currently cleaning the lenses of his camera using a cleaning cloth with camera lenses solution and he couldn't get out the fact off his head that the man they met earlier was acting really strange especially to him. He knew he had a cold demeanor and a ty mouth but the way Jimin disconcerted when he was around was quiet far not understandable. 


Taehyung, who was laying his stomach flat on the mattress and doing basically nothing traveled his eyes to the younger and smacked his lips. "He's nice. Be nice, Jeongguk-ah." He firmly scolded, catching Jeongguk's narrowed eyes toward him.


The brown-haired male attentively put down his camera and went to their cabinet to grab a piece of tissue and a bottle of alcohol, afterwards, he joined his boyfriend on the bed. Jeongguk sprayed some alcohol on the piece of tissue he had then pulled the puzzled Taehyung closer to him and without emitting any words, he started rubbing off the paint stains on the older exposed arm. 


Touched by his affection, Taehyung scooted even more closer until his nose nostrils could smell his boyfriend's scent, he buried his face on Jeongguk's lap and momentarily closed his eyes. The red-haired male knew that he always forgot to pamper and take care of himself that's why the younger would always show concerns and sincerity. Nevertheless, Jeongguk had his own way of nursing him. He won't  never nag nor voice out to Taehyung that he should do this and that, instead, he would do the work by himself silently and willingly. 


"I wonder when we will get married." Taehyung grinned making his boyfriend shuddered and halted what he was doing.


After a brief silence, Jeongguk caressed his red delicate locks gingerly and planted a dainty kiss on his nape. It was his turn to shiver by the electrifying tingles on his body given by the younger lips. "We're practically married, Tae." 


"But, still." Taehyung protested, biting his lips. "I envy my sister." He was aware that the younger didn't want to marry him until his parents won't accept their decision to get married and promised their love in front of the altar. Why? Because Jeongguk knew how much the older loved his family and he didn't want his boyfriend to be completely shoved out from the family tree.  


Jeongguk clicked his tongue and sought for his boyfriend's hand and when he finally found it, he interlaced their fingers together and hummed, "I will do whatever it takes to have your parents approval."


Taehyung fell asleep with a tiny smile written on his face.


Jimin released the paperwork on his hands and shut down his laptop. No, it won't work. He couldn't stay composed and collected if his thoughts were filled with Jeongguk. Their memories together back then bugging his inner soul, someone was yelling inside that it was his fault why the boy he loved had amnesia. It was his own fault, it was his. But at the same time, he was glad that the male didn't remember him because if he did, that would be even more difficult to handle. 


Arranging his fringe irritating his forehead, he gasped for air exasperatedly and pondered deeply. What he should do? Should he act like Jeongguk was a nobody or tell him that he would hire another photographer to do the wedding pictorial? No, that was rude of him to think, honestly speaking. 


The black-haired male decided to breath some fresh air outside, his office room suddenly made him feel extremely suffocated and nauseated. He was also hungry so he better should pay a visit to the coffee shop they went yesterday to eat. Empty stomach could intend the situation he was in even more worse. 


While he was walking out of their building, he heard several whispers and gossips from their female employees in the hallway that a handsome model dropped by at their building. Jimin scowled at this, they were too thirsty. 


When he was out and breathed in the brisky air from the outside, a relieved smile played on his lips. He took of his coat that felt tight around his upper body and hung it on his shoulder. Jimin smiled again, stuffing out his car keys then twirling it around his fingers as he approached his car in the parking lot located at the left side of their building. He was about to enter the mentioned lot but stopped midway when his eyes spotted a familiar male, lande

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Chapter 5: Taehyung really tried to make Jungkook to fall in love with him. I don't want them to brake.
bangtan678 #2
Chapter 5: taekook is cuter i hope they end up together <3
Maryduh #3
Chapter 5: JIKOOK is 10000x better
Maryduh #4
Chapter 3: I ing hope JIKOOK ends up together
NeigeEcarlate #5
Chapter 5: Both taekook and jikook are interesting here but taekook is cuter <3
silverocean10 #6
I hope taehyung and jungkook will still be together even at the end of the story. This is why I dont like love triangle stories. It hurts >,<
Chapter 5: I hope taekook will be together in the end :')
annymousjustice #8
Chapter 5: am i the only rooting for jikook?there must be more to why Jimin's leave Jungkook!well,that's always what k-drama does!btw,love your work of arts writer-nim!
kulitlang08 #9
Chapter 5: taehyung really had a hrad time getting jungkook...but who could blame the kid, he had a very hurtful past...i hope taekook stays together...

with jimin, i think he just needs to inform his fiance that he is gay to stop the wedding...and i hope he gets to find yoongi...hehehe

i am looking forward for a namjin scene...

i am also looking forward for a jhope scene, i am sure he is also their friend... :) (jhope can be the new bf of taehyung's sister... :D)

looking forward to your next update!!! fighting!!! :D
Chapter 4: Jimin broke up with Jungkook, on the same day Jungkook's mother died. And then Jungkook tried to commit suicide, from a broken heart. In my opinion Jimin doesn't deserve a second chance, and he is literally trying to come in between Jungkook's, and Taehyung's relationship. Even though he is engaged, that's a trashy move. I think Taehyung should tell his sister about Jimin, so she can break off their engagement, because he clearly doesn't care about her at all. I'm rooting for Taekook/Vkook they had a great relationship, before all the nonsense. I hope they can work through this mess.