Come Back Home

Silent Love

The thing i have always hated about morning was how my parents chose to wake me up. They never agreed with me. I couldn't even sleep in long enough without them barging in and yelling at me to wake up. I would never understand their ways, they needed everything perfect and myself included. They disliked the thought of new things and how different it was now then back in their time. To be completely honest, they thought everyone on our street liked them. How wrong they are, to everyone my parents are probably the most annoying and stuck up of everyone living near here. I simply wanted normal parents and a normal life, but of course my parents had to work with the local church. They were too judgemental of everything and everyone.

After my parents left the room i sat up and looked around. My room looked so boring, my sheets were a plain blue and white. The texture was dull compared to what my fingers were longing for.

My day went on like every other day except it felt more empty. Would my parents really notice if i snuck out, they only came to check up on my every few hours usually. I could hear the faint noise of the car starting outside. My parents were strict but at this point trusted me too much, they always knew i wouldn't actually sneak out of the house. That was before,they were creating the perfect opportunity for me at this moment. My parents seemed to be going to their friends since they were carrying some food. This meant they would atleast be gone till probably late at night. I watched the car pull out of the driveway. I walked over to the door realizing that it was now unlocked, but still the front door would be locked now.I opened the door of my room and made my way to my parents room, or course they would  forget to lock it, there sitting on the bed stand was my phone. I quickly grabbed it and headed back to my room, i texted Minghao asking if i could go to his place since my parents had grounded me. The only reply i got was of an address which was enough for me.

 Glancing over to my window i thought of a way out, i walked over and pulled it up. My room was on the second floor but i could easily get down from the roof. Closing the window behind me i carefully made my way to the edge of the roof and jumped down onto the grass of our front yard. Hopefully no neighbours were currently watching because they would probably call my parents. I made my way down the sidewalks of many streets following the map on my phone, Minghao’s home was actually very close but it felt like a long walk for me.

 “I see you couldn't stay away.” Minghao was leaning against his front door with a smirk on his face. There was no vehicle in the driveway, it made me wonder how old he actually was. He looked maybe around my age but he could be older or younger, but still it didn't seem like someone his age could afford the house he was in. The house was way larger than mine, it looked way larger in the daytime than in the night before. Minghao was dressed in just a plain white shirt and black shorts. He looked like a normal everyday teenager.

“How old are you? You can’t be the only one who lives in this house.” I asked with an awkward laugh.

“Oh, don't worry i'm only 17, i'm guessing you’re the same age?” I nodded and he smiled at me before leading me into his house and up the stairs to his bedroom that still caught my breath.

“Tell me more about yourself” I blurted without thinking, he just smiled lightly. His cheeks were a light pink as he grabbed my hand and i sat beside him.

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