The college who hates me.

You are my cat

Ku Hye Sun Just finished her Job and was on her way home . ,, That female college really tires me out’’.

[ Flash back  ]                                                                                                                                                                                            The college stared at Ku Hye Sum and said ‘’I am sure it’s upstairs’’. Ku Hye sun knew that the papers were down stairs . ‘’Are you sure it is upstairs?’’ Her college nodded, the boss was waiting tapping his food on the ground. Ku Hye sum sighed ‘’ The last time I saw the papers they were downstairs.’’ The college seemed frightened . ‘’Yes they are downstairs !!!’’ Ku Hye sun grinned. ‘’I toughed you just said they were upstairs? ‘’The female college was sweating and looked nervous at the boss.’’ So you don’t know where the papers are?’’ Then the female college started to sob. ‘’I am sorry for not being smart , like you’’. Wait a minute where did that come from. ‘’I am not great like you’. The female college started to cry out loud. What just happened ? The boss walked to the college and gave her a pet on the back. ‘’It’s alright don’t cry anymore’’. The female college sobbed with her face on his chest. ‘’Was I that harsh?’’ Then the college  turned her face towards Ku Hye sun and showed her an evil grin. What no way , she was faking it. What a good actress , she chose the wrong Job. So woman who act weak get everything. My boss looked angry at me and she is of the hook.

[End of flashback]  

‘’I even lost my Job because of her’’ That woman , Ku Hye Sun stamped on the ground angry. ‘’Tsk, it’s just so unfair!!!’’ She ran down the street. On the end of it there was her withe apartment , it was so big that a family could fit in. ‘’Why did I buy such a big house?’’ I should have known that an marriage would never happen . She unlocked the door . stepping inside she closed it behind her. ‘’ I am so tired because of that woman’’.  She walked to the Livingroom , the walls were red and the couch  bleu. She dropped herself on the couch death tired. Now I have to find a new Job. (…) What shall I eat tonight? She checked her phone for some recipes. I will make Korean porridge. That’s easy to make. After she cooked and ate it , she took a glass of red wine. ‘’ I love red wine’’. She took a sip and looked outside. Then she received a text from an old friend. She opened her phone and read it. Hey Sun let’s go to the festival on 21-5-2016. Alright sure , why not. Great I am looking forward to it.  Me to.  talk to you later. Yes ,later. She closed her phone. I hope this is was a good choice ? That friend Is Hyper active and always pinches my cheeks. Well let’s just see what will happen that day. It is 2 weeks from now. A lot can happen in that time.

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