not so far-fetched crush

hold on tight

Taeyong had not planned on getting addicted to the game. He was just curious, trying to understand why Yuta and Ten spent all their time walking around the neighborhood catching all sorts of monsters he had never bothered acquainting himself with. He was supposed to give it a try and proceed to mock his best friends for being hooked onto a lame game which drained their battery life within 2 hours. He wasn’t supposed to get addicted and start wandering around the city after midnight in hopes of catching a rare Pokemon.


“,” Taeyong mumbles when the application crashes on him once again. He had taken a taxi to the outskirts of the city, learning from online forums that there had been occurrences of Snorlax sighting in the vicinity. But he doesn’t have any luck yet, only finding a huge colony of Zubats.


The basic Pokemons were easy enough to catch; a bunch of Pidgey, Rattata and Caterpie spawning near his house every few minutes. He had also managed to find all the basic starter Pokemon near their college within the first two days, making Yuta and Ten extremely envious of him. But Taeyong is not happy with his progress. As much as he has some very cute Pokemon on his list, none of them are good in Gym fights and his strongest Golduck always gets defeated a few minutes after he manages to capture a gym. That’s why he needs a Snorlax and a Vaporeon and a Dragonite, and all the strong Pokemons in the game so that he can be a Gym leader for at least a day.


Taeyong lets out another curse as he trips on a lone branch and looks around in trepidation. The park is deserted, most of the hardcore players having caught their Snorlax a few weeks ago and Taeyong couldn’t shake the feeling that someone is staring at him from the shadows. He should had forced Yuta to come with him.


His phone vibrates a few times as he walks past an exceptionally dense part of the park. The trees are overgrown and the scene looks straight out of a horror movie but Taeyong doesn’t have time to pay attention to his surroundings, not when he’s seeing a Farfetch’d for a first time. His finger shivers in the slightest when he presses on the screen and he misses several times before finally managing to press on the Flying type Pokemon.


Like always, Taeyong is always nervous when he finds a new Pokemon. The Farfetch’d appears on his screen and Taeyong quickly switches out of AR mode and feeds the Pokemon a razz berry. The red circling around the bird changes to orange and Taeyong heaves a sigh of relief, feeling more confident of capturing it. Now, all he have to do is throw the Great Ball, hopes it’s aimed in the right direction and pray that Farfetch’d doesn’t escape, unlike those Eevee which had been evading him for days.


The first throw is a miss, the second one too, and not before long, Taeyong is down to his last Great Ball as Farfetch’d breaks out of all the balls he’d thrown at it.


“Please,” Taeyong mutters under his breath, “Please let me catch it.”


He carefully spins the ball and aims it at the Farfetch’d.


“Do you need any help with it?” A voice startles him out of his concentration and his phone drops to the floor with a sickening crack.


“I- I’m sorry,” The stranger quickly bends down and picks up his phone before Taeyong could react, “I thought you needed help after hearing you mumbling to yourself for the past few minutes.”


He needed help, but it will probably be better if the help came a few minutes earlier and didn’t startle him to drop his phone and effectively caused his app to hang.


“Never mind,” Taeyong waves his hand irritably, and taps the screen a couple of times to see if he could unhang it miraculously. The screen is still stuck at the image of a Great Ball hitting Farfetch’d, mocking him for losing all his Great Ball and the rare Pokemon.


“You can kill the app and restart it again,” The stranger suggests, his voice wavering in nervousness, “You should still be able to find it. They’re normally there for a few minutes.


If you can’t, I’ll give you mine.” He offers.


Taeyong turns to glare at the intruder. The trading function had not been enabled on the app and Taeyong wishes the other could shut up so that he could focus on the game. However, the expletives at the tip of his tongue withers the moment he sees the other’s face.


“It’s okay,” Taeyong mumbles, quickly looking down on his phone to hide his growing blush. Taeyong had heard stories about Jaehyun, their campus’ heartthrob aka his crush who sits behind him during lectures playing Pokemon Go, but he had never met the other during his hunt around the school much less expect to meet him in the middle of the night in a deserted park.


Like Jaehyun’s predictions, the Farfetch’d is still there and Taeyong’s hands tremble, both from the excitement of seeing Farfetch’d and meeting Jaehyun.


“Let me help you with it. It might be gone soon,” Jaehyun plucks the phone out of his hand when Taeyong fails to tap on the Pokemon for the sixth time. Their fingers brush in the slightest and Taeyong retracts his hands immediately, jamming it into his back pocket.




Taeyong is by no means short, but Jaehyun is taller and with the way the other boy holds the phone a little too high, Taeyong can only stick himself by Jaehyun’s side, ensuring that he manages to see every change on the screen. To be honest, Taeyong doesn’t mind the distance - Jaehyun smells like a combination of fresh laundry and peach scented hand cream, two of his favorite scents in the world - if his heart didn’t threaten to betray him every other second. His eyes stray away from the phone more often than not, stealing little glances at the taller boy, taking in how Jaehyun gnaws his lips in concentration, how Jaehyun squints his eyes in concentration when he spins the ball and the little frown Jaehyun sports before throwing a Pokeball. His heart is beating a little too loudly and he is convinced that Jaehyun can hear it to.


With a Pokeball, it proves to be even more difficult to catch a Farfetch’d with CP a of 500 and Taeyong gets increasingly frustrated; with his Pokeball that had dwindled down to 5 and Jaehyun’s tongue that keeps darting out to at his lips.


“Maybe I should give it a try instead?” Taeyong suggests.


“One last try,” Jaehyun keeps his eyes trained on the screen, “I’ll get it this time round.”


Jaehyun spins the Pokeball a couple of times, gaining momentum before throwing it in the opposite direction he had spun it in. The ball hits the Pokemon head and successfully encapsulates it in the Pokeball. As usual, the Pokemon struggles and Taeyong prays that they’ll get it this time round. He doesn’t want to get upset with Jaehyun over a bird.


Farfetch’d struggles a few more times before it stops, the red light on the Pokeball turning to white.


“Yes. We did it,” Taeyong jumps in excitement when the description of Farfetch’d appears on his Pokedex, holding his hand out to give Jaehyun a high-five.


The taller boy doesn’t return his high-five immediately, simply giving him a small smile of amusement which makes Taeyong blush in embarrassment.


“Thank you,” Taeyong half-whispers and slowly drops his hand to his side. But before he can hide it in his pocket once again, Jaehyun grabs his wrist and holds it up, and uses the hand holding the phone to give him a high-five.


“You’re welcome,” Jaehyun smiles, and his smile is so soft and his hands are so warm that Taeyong’s heart feels like it’s going to burst.


“You might need to visit lots of Pokestop though. I used up a lot just now.”


“It’s okay,” Taeyong smile shyly, “I can go look for more later. There are a lot around this area.”


Jaehyun looks at the phone and it is only now that Taeyong realizes Jaehyun is still grabbing his wrist. “My hand,” He points awkwardly.


“I’m sorry.” Jaehyun lets go immediately, the tips of his ears coloring and Taeyong misses the warmth immediately, “Do you want to look for more Pokestops together? I need more too.”


“Is it?” Taeyong asks, earning a nod from Jaehyun.


“Let’s go together then.”




“Like I was telling you, I saw him there when I was catching Farfetch’d,” Taeyong explains exasperatedly. He had told Yuta and Ten about his encounter the previous night but they had refused to believe him.


“What are the odds of you meeting him there? At a godforsaken place in the middle of the night?” Yuta questions and Ten nods eagerly in agreement.


“It’s fate, I tell you.”


“More like you’re delusional. You sure you didn’t stalk him there?” Ten asks.


“I didn’t stalk anyone,” Taeyong protests in frustration. “He might be the one stalking me there instead. I’m so good looking, maybe he has a crush on me.”


“Yeah, maybe I have.” A voice that sounds eerily like Jaehyun sounds behind him and Taeyong quickly looks at his best friend for help. A tiny nod from Ten affirms his thoughts and Taeyong groans, hiding his face in his palms.


. Taeyong mentally berates himself. He should had never talked about Jaehyun outside the confines of his room. Now the other boy will think that he is a weirdo, will never wants to sit behind him in class and -. Wait, did Jaehyun just say he has a crush on him?


“We’ll leave you guys to it,” His friends leaves traitorously and Taeyong decides to revoke their best friend rights immediately.


“So,” Jaehyun moves to walk next to him, “Do you want to go Poke hunting with me after class? I know of some really good spots.”


He caught a rare Pokemon yesterday and his crush is asking him out right now. It seems like his journey as a Pokemon trainer will only get better from now.



A/N: Happy Chilseok everyone. Hadn't written anything for so long that I'd forgotten how to write. Hope yall enjoy this and for all those playing Pokemon Go, please stay safe while yall play! Thank you for reading~~

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fg #1
Chapter 6: So cute ahhhhhhh. The jaeyong feels. I want more. Update soon
sellyoon #2
Chapter 6: So cute so cute so cute aaaccckkkkkk ❤
Chapter 6: soo cute omg <333
Chapter 6: This is toooo cute ♡
Chapter 5: Omg Agahaghahahah im laughing and screaming at the same time. Author-nim, this is really good. Amzaing how you made a fanfiction out of pokemon go. Like i wouldve never expected something like this. And yet its so beautifully written. hOW. Oml the story was so cute and funny HAHAHAHAHAHA i love this chapter and every other chapters. Thank you for updating, author-nim.
Chapter 5: This chapter was so cute~~~ ^_^ I love it when the crush hears the other party talking about them haha (not for myself though haha)
I love all the chapters *_*
I hope to see more of your works in the future :)
sucinee #7
Chapter 5: Omg this is my most favorite chapter so far >< so cute yassssss
5TaeYT_gnoY9 #8
Chapter 4: omg im dying this is way too adorable :")
ohhtamr #9
Chapter 4: Cute;;;;;;;;;