Kim Café

How to Find Her Deer

A strong sense of nostalgia overcame Nina as she stepped into Kim Café, a coffee shop owned by Lu Han’s friend Minseok. The smell of freshly made coffee and pastries wafted around her. There were quite a few people, which astonished her because Sunday midmornings were usually the peak hours of a café in Shanghai.


Nina headed towards the counter, absentmindedly focusing on the shop’s interior. It’s been a long while since she came here with Lu Han, but that was understandable due to their ever busy work schedules. Nina could see that nothing much has changed. It still had its vintage theme, with red brick walls and old trinkets displayed on shelves and glass cases. But now there was a black, spiral staircase leading to a second floor. It must've been a new extention, then.


“May I take your order, mei?” A familiar voice called out.


Surprised, Nina turned to look at the barista. Her eyes widened in recognition, earning a giggle from the light-haired girl in front of her.


“Jinli-jie!” She squealed happily. “It’s been a while!”


“Indeed it has but let's talk later.” Jinli replied, smiling. “So what’s it gonna be?”


“Oh, right, one Cinnamon Latte, please.” Nina said as she pulled out her wallet. Just as she was about to pay, the older girl shook her head.


“There’s no need to. Lu Han’s got it already,” Jinli explained when she saw the confused look on Nina’s face. “It’ll be served soon.”


Nina thanked her before walking towards a table near the window– a place where she and Lu Han always stayed whenever they go here. Taking a seat, she wondered what Lu Han’s next instruction would be. It made her both anxious and thrilled at the same time. Nina hoped that everything wouldn't take the whole day, though. She still had to buy things and prepare their appartment.


“Here’s your latte, mei!” Jinli set down a cup in front of Nina, shaking her out of her thoughts. The light-haired girl sat across her as she removed her barista bib. Nina raised an eyebrow.


“Are you done with your shift already?”


“No, but Minseok wouldn’t mind if I took a few minutes off to catch up with a friend right?”


“Now that’s just abusing your boyfriend’s patience,” Nina laughed.


Jinli shrugged. “He loves me and he’s used to it.”


“Unfortunately, that's true.” A voice sighed from behind Nina. She looked back to see the Korean man shaking his head. “Hello, Nina-mei.


“Minseok-ge, it’s you!” Nina exclaimed, watching as he took his place beside Jinli.


“Oops,” The light-haired girl chuckled nervously, seeing her boyfriend’s deadpan expression. “I swear I was just going to tell her that you had the next letter and then leave to do my duties.”


“Sure you were,” Minseok rolled his eyes but kissed Jinli’s cheek afterwards. Nina couldn’t help but smile at their interactions. They've been a couple way longer than her and Lu Han had been, so it was endearing to see that nothing much has changed. The tooth-rotting sweetness was still there after all these years. Nina wondered if that's how she and Lu Han looked like to other people. 


“Anyway, mei, here’s the next note,” Minseok said, digging into his coat and offering her a neatly folded paper. Nina took it gratefully. “I promise I didn’t read it.”


“Don’t listen to him, he’s lying.” Jinli quipped as she poked her boyfriend’s fluffy cheek. “He told me what was inside and mentioned how much of a sap Lu Han is.”


“Hey, don’t tell her that!”


“Too late, baobei, you’ve been exposed!”


Shaking her head, Nina let the couple bicker among themselves before returning to the letter.



Our First Date

Looks like you’ve successfully completed the first step, huh sweetheart? Congratulations on that! Now sit back, relax and sip your drink as I recount to you our first date. (Well, if you even considered that a date, that is.)

I remember that we came here after we sorted things out. I could still picture that day perfectly, with you in the afternoon sun, hugging the stuffed deer that I gave you. The balloon on its antlers got lost along the way, but we didn’t really mind. We sat by the window and little did we know that that place will soon be called ‘our spot’. In fact, I think you’re probably sitting there right now aren’t you?

I remember that I rambled on for most of the time because I felt like I had to tell you everything, from the day I helped you in the hallways to that very moment. Miscommunication was our forte and I didn’t want to mess anything up anymore. You were silent for majority of the time, but a smile never left your face. So I asked you what you were thinking of and I remember the shy face you made when you told me you were just happy that we were finally together. Now that caught me off guard. I can’t explain how great I felt when I heard you say that. It almost felt so surreal, you and me together. Although I won't lie if you asked me if I had doubts. Because I did. Nina, you are my very first girlfriend so I didn't know how things worked back then. I doubted that we could last long. But hey, look where we are now. <3

So I guess that’s it for this stop, but believe me, there’s so much more to come. I hope you enjoyed your free drink! Next up, I want you to go over to the park near my old house. And yes, I know it’s kinda far, but that’s where Minseok and Jinli come in. Those two are gonna drive you there. Have fun, sweetheart!

~ Lu Han



“See, I told you he was a sap,” Minseok chuckled at Nina’s flustered expression as she finished reading. He pulled out his car keys and twirled them around his finger. “You ready to go?”


“Let the poor girl compose herself first, baobei, it's not everyday she gets put on a treasure hunt for her deer boyfriend,” Jinli scolded jokingly. “Also, let her finish her latte.”


“No, no, it’s okay,” Nina shook her head, keeping the second letter in her bag. “I can drink this on the way.”


“Oh? A bit too excited aren’t we?” The light-haired girl teased.


Nina couldn’t help but grin. “Yeah.”

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Chapter 2: Aww..this is so fluffy..i am looking forward for the next chapter..thank you : )
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 2: It's so cute and fluffy. Haha such a refreshing contrast to the usual morbid stuff I read