How to Find Her Deer

How to Find Her Deer



“Yes, jie?”


“So, it’s my sixth anniversary with Lu Han today and I was wondering if you could–”






“Is this the only reason you called me?”


Nina sighed into her phone, making it audible enough for her best friend to hear. She knows that the younger girl is busy with her own life, but no one else could help Nina’s amazingly bad cooking skills.


“Please, Ren, it’s a Sunday. And I know you don’t do anything on Sundays.”


Nina heard her friend hum, seemingly considering the thought. She really hoped Ren could help her set everything up. After all, Nina had already made plans for a nice surprise for Lu Han– a simple candle lit dinner on the balcony of their shared apartment, just the two of them overlooking Shanghai’s skyline eating homemade food.


“Sorry, jie, but I actually have something to do later.” Ren replied after a long moment of silence.


“Oh.” Nina huffed. “Like what? A date? Is it with that Zitao boy again?”


“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”


“Oy, Ren–”


“Bye, jie.”




And with that, the conversation was over. Groaning, Nina shoved her mobile in her pocket. She would have to opt for take-out dinner then. Not very sentimental, but it’ll have to do.


Nina fixed herself up before leaving the bedroom. She wondered if Lu Han was still home, since he mentioned that his soccer game would still be in the afternoon. He’d gone professional after they graduated college and although the job was demanding, Lu Han always made time for Nina.


“Lu Han?” Nina called, looking into the living room. The doe-eyed boy wasn’t there. He must’ve left early then. Perfect. More time to prepare.


“Some candles and flowers first,” She mumbled to herself, going around their apartment to grab her bag, keys and other essentials. “Some wine too, I guess.”


As she made her way out, Nina noticed a suspicious looking paper taped to the back of the front door. She plucked it out and saw the title, causing her to smile.


How to Find Your Deer


“Really?” Nina shook her head before continuing to read its contents.


Hello sweetheart,

Surprise surprise! Cheers to us and our six years of love! I wish I was there to hold you when you woke up, but that would’ve ruined this whole thing.

This probably seems like a bad case of déjà vu, but I assure you, it’s not. Although, I hope you wouldn’t mind if I sent you out on a mission today, right? Don’t worry. It’s not the kind where you have to roam the seven seas to fight dragons and pandas. (though I don’t think you mind beating Yifan and Zitao up, huh? haha)

Now back to the topic at hand, the first thing I want you to do is go to the coffee shop that we always frequented for our little dates and order your favourite drink. You’ll receive your next instructions there!

Good luck! I love you! <3

~Lu Han



Putting the letter into her bag, she stepped out of their apartment hurriedly. Six years since the list incident and the situation seemed to have resurfaced– under different circumstances, of course. Nina’s heart beat fast with excitement.


She will definitely find that deer.




all aboard the LuNa ship ya'll

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Chapter 2: Aww..this is so fluffy..i am looking forward for the next chapter..thank you : )
Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 2: It's so cute and fluffy. Haha such a refreshing contrast to the usual morbid stuff I read