

Today, October 19th 2017, NU'EST finally got their first win on a Music Show. 

I look back to the time when I wrote this one-shot, the sadness and the utter hopelesness of it all, and I cant stop the tears. 

May the future be as bright as it looks today for the boys who changed my life. May they always live in happiness. 


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Tannie #1
Chapter 1: Aww, your fic is like a warm wind to me, thank you for having written this fic, it somehow relieves me in the present sitiation :)
Chapter 1: Awww~ this is a very nice story. Although I read Nuneen's, this has a different feel. It's like same same but different. (It's a Singapore term if you don't understand. It means it's the same but at the same time different.) Both are lovely in their own ways. Thank you and this story should be shown to everyone! It deserves it^^
Chapter 1: This was a really sweet but heart breaking short story. You conveyed a lot of real emotions well in here. Looking forward to more of your writing in future!
Chapter 1: thank you for uploading it <3
it was really good and im gonna link it from my fic. hope you dont mind!