Not the height. Why the height?!

My Soulmate.

I almost choked at the sight of this dude, and kind of died too, only because Kang-dae let me drop as if I was some piece of meat.

"Uhm... I'll be right back."

I ran back inside the house, up the stairs and into my room, grabbed the closest decent looking clothing I could find lying around, and went back outside to where the boys were.

"Sungmi, this is Mingyu. Mingyu, this is Sungmi." I glared at Kang-dae as he introduced us "innocently."

I got up right away, and slowly looked up at Mingyu. The sun was shining right above his head, so I had to put my hands over my forehead to protect my eyes yet still see him. He was wearing a black shirt, with fallow coloured pants paired with a black pair of vans. He was extremely tall, taller than Kang-dae! I think he may be the tallest person I've ever met to be quite honest, and handsome as well, but let's not get our hopes up too high, he looks way out of my league.

"Kim Mingyu, it's a pleasure to meet you" he extended his hand out with a sweet smile on his face
"Moon Sungmi" I extended my hand out as well and shook his hand gently but firmly. This boy must moisturize often because damn his hands were soft. Was this boy really the one who wanted to meet me? This boy?! He seemed almost too perfect to exist, and I secretly wanted to get to know him some more, in a friendly way of course. Is it bad that I felt a little pitter-patter? Ugh, help me.

I retreated my hand and awkwardly stood there, as I listened to them talk about video games and anime. Gosh I really wanted to jump into the conversation, but what if I scared him away?! Most guys like girly-girls, right? I examined myself for a bit, and I suddenly felt embarrassed of myself and the way I was dressed. Black ripped jeans, a black Nirvana T-shirt with an oversized jean jacket, and my old ripped pair of converse. Let's not mention my hair. Okay, we'll mention it anyways. Since I am extremely lazy when it comes to doing my hair, it was in a half bun. I have natural weird wavy hair so it always looks messy, and I just decided to let it take on life of it's own to be quite honest. 

"So Sungmi, tell me about yourself" Mingyu said all of a sudden.
"Oh, I- uh-" 
My beloved cousin interrupted me "Basically, as you can see, she is a very small person, somewhat evil, sassy, and she is just plain weird"

Great Kang-dae, way to make me look good. I glared at him. If looks could kill, he would have been dead a long time ago, no offence. 

Mingyu laughed "Well the short part, you definitely don't have to tell me, I could clearly tell. How old are you? 14?"

Oh Mingyu. Mingyu, Mingyu Mingyu. You have started off on the wrong foot. I smiled at him, my eye slightly twitched. 
"I. Am. 19." I responded, still fake smiling. The two boys laughed. I could tell that this Mingyu person was going to be troublesome. In many ways.

All three of us walked and talked, and talked and walked, well mostly them two. I felt too awkward to even make a sound. You see, when I'm around a person I just met, I can't talk normally, and I utterly hate that! I'm cool okay, I'm not quiet and shy all the time *internally sobbing*. 

*Beep beep* Mingyu's phone rang. He turned to us with a dissappointed face and told us that he had to go run some errands with his parents, so we said our goodbyes, and all separated. Jheezm I really should have spoken more. Biggest regret ever.



"You are pathetic"
"I know!"
"You had all the time in the world, and you blew it"
"Not all the time in the world okay, he had to leave! We couldn't tell him not to go!" 

Instead of my mother leturing me, I'm getting lectured by the "love doctor." He was complaining about how I should have spoken more, about how bad I dressed, and about overreacting because of the height thing. First of all, like I said earlier, I can't talk normally the first time I meet someone! Secondly, I dress like this all the time, I'm not trying to impress anyone, and third

no one messes with my height or they will feel my wrath. 

"Anyways, I linked him your facebook profile, so you'll be receiving a friend request soon. Most likely."

Well, I feel better talking online than in person. Because then I can actually think about what I say before saying it, which means crappy jokes, yay! But honestly I am not good at talking online either, like I don't know what the person is doing, I don't know if they're busy or not, I don't know if they actually want to talk to me or not. Oh kamisama, the stress. 



For the rest of the week, I kept a close eye on my Facebook account waiting for that friend request.


I guess it was all just a one time thing. Bummer. He seemed like a pretty cool dude, especially because he liked the same kind of video games as me, I wonder what other things we have in common.

*Beep beep*

There. There it is. I can hear the church bells ringing- Okay I am totally kidding but this is so exciting oh my gosh! But now is where we get serious. Will he message me first, or will he not message me first? 

Kim Mingyu: Hey there! :)
Moon Sungmi: Hi! 
Kim Mingyu: Long time no see/talk lol

Well duh, you took forever to add me, but on the brightside you still added me PLUS messaged me first, so yay


Moon Sungmi: Yeah, how have you been?
Kim Mingyu: I've been great! I was pretty busy these past few days


Ooooooh so that explains it.



Our conversation had gone on for days, literally. We definitely had many similarities, almost too many. We both had the same taste in music, same likes and dislikes. 

Before I knew it, I wanted to meet him again. I wanted to talk to him in person, I wanted to go out for ice cream and stuff. Do friend stuff, not anything else. That would be weird, right?



Okay so I need to keep you guys interested and stuff and I guess since I have a lot of time on my hands, I'll update twice a day, it's only fair. If it's not twice a day then it'll be every 2 days LOL I AM SO SORRy;

I hope you guys read on and stay tuned, subscribe and stuff to keep me motivated, that would be great and i'll love you all so so much and i'll give you hugs and kisses and- yeah you get the point so yeah. Stay awesome, stay you, peace out!~

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