
My Soulmate.

I rolled my eyes, as I was getting lectured by my mother. I am currently in trouble, just for leaving the house by myself at night. My mom was always such a nervous wreck, and seriously makes me wonder if I'm adopted or not. 

"I told you before, you cannot go outside by yourself! Yeah I get that you're 19, but you are so tiny you look like a 14 year old!" she yelled.

Why? Why must she always bring up the fact that I was 5'3? I gave her the poker face "....."

"Don't you give me that look young lady!" she pointed her finger at me.
"Mom," I said in a calm tone "you have to chill. Seriously. I'm not a kid, and I don't take Taekwondo for nothing." I walked over to her, and hugged her chest. She was so cute when she was like this, even though it was somewhat annoying.

"Next time you go out, tell your cousin to go with you." She placed her hand on my head and slowly carressed it. My eyes met with hers, and I smiled.
"Mom. You know I hate that guy." I said in a sweet tone, and shortly after I said that, she was then giving me the same poker face I had given her earlier. 



"Kang-dae!" I yelled at him from outside of his 2 story house.

Kang-dae was my cousin. Same age as me. Born just a few days earlier. We were very similar in many aspects, except that he was huge and a total braniac, and well me... Not so much. He loves to draw and make art, just as much as I do. We work on some stuff together every now and then, but rarely. I do hate this guy, only because he picks on me. But, family is family.

He opened his window and poked his head out "What do you want, brat?" 

"My aunt (Kang-dae's mom) said that YOU have to go buy groceries, and that I have to go with you" I gave him a devious smile.

I heard him groan, and he shut his window, and came outside after a few minutes, holding a CD case.

"Took you long enough"
"Shut up. Don't tell me that you LOVE grocery shopping?" He raised a brow
"I don't hate it, but I don't love it either" I shrugged.
"Well, before we get to the store, I have to go take this video game to a friend of mine" 
"Cool cool. What game is it?" it better not be one of the Assassin's Creed games. I know what happens when you let other people borrow your video games, especially when they're CD's. I let my friend borrow an album of mine, and when I got it back, boom, completely scratched. And that was the last time I ever let someone borrow an album or video game.
"Do I know him?" I asked. I have met some of his friends before, they were okay. Mostly weird, but
"Nah, you haven't met him" He said as he started walking. I followed after him, as we got into his car.



When we finally got to his friend's house, I stayed outside sitting on the the hood of the car. What I thought was so weird is that we actually drove down all the way to Seoul just to bring some dude a video game. Ugh. I was getting irritated by the second. 

Oh yes, I'm sorry that I forgot to mention that I'm not from Seoul, we live in Icheon, but my cousin Kang Dae goes to some school in Seoul. Seoul School of Performing Arts, also known as SOPA. Kang Dae has been trying to convince me into registering there but honestly I'm not a big fan of that whole scene they have going on there. The girls that go to that school are complete es! They're so egoistic and are just trash. The guys that go to that school, okay well I'm not going to lie but they are attractive, but that's not enough of a reason for me to go there. Since Kang Dae was a kid he loved the arts, so did I but I only do it as a hobby, I would never decide to do it for a living. I feel like I'm not that mainstream material that they want. So it's whatever. 


Every Saturdays we had hot pot, so we were all gathered around the table and eating the delicious food that we had all made. My siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and parents were happily talking away. 

"So," Kang-dae had nudged me with his elbow "my friend wants to meet you"

And everything went silent.


"Is it the one who likes to learn different languages?" asked my aunt, Kang-dae's mom.
"Or is he the tall one?" my other aunt asked. How was it possible that they even heard Kang-dae speak, when everyone was being so noisy?!
"Yeah the tall one" said Kang-dae. 
"Yay, more tall people" I said in the most sarcastic tone, to hide my nervousness. This was the first time anyone had ever wanted to speak to me, hold on, let me correct that. This was the first time any BOY wanted to speak to me. So it was pretty weird.

Everyone turned to look at me

"Aw she's blushing!"
"N-no I'm not!" I stuttered and looked at Kang-dae "Why are you so stupid?!" I whispered "You know how they react to stuff like this!"

He shrugged and took a piece of meat, stuffing it in his mouth. Ugh. I seriously hated this guy.



"No! I don't want to go!" 

I was holding on to the doorframe, as my legs were being pulled by my gigantic cousin. It was 2 PM, and I was still in my onesie. Yes, I'm 19 and I wear onesies, deal with it.

"Come on, you'll have fun!" 
"But I don't like people!" I whined

And then we heard someone behind us clear their throat "Ehem-"



Author's note:

Alrighty so hey guysssss I apologize if this first chapter was short, and kind of boring, but I promise you guys are in for quite a ride! I'll be updating every 2 days, so stay tuned! Also, I apologize if I haven't been specific with the "dude" that wants to meet you, but here's a hint, he is a Seventeen member, and he's tall. Boom I'm pretty sure you know who it is now LOL But yeah, stay tuned, stay awesome, stay you~ Peace out!

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