
Traces of Him

"No matter what happens, stay positive," Sierra tells herself as she takes in a breath, exhaling as slow as possible. With positivity embedded into her mind, she takes hold of the door knob and opens the door to her classroom. Entering it, she is met with at least a dozen unfamiliar pairs of eyes. Silently chanting to herself to not panic at all costs, Sierra heads down the classroom and settles on a seat at the second last row. The air grows still as she takes a look around. Everyone else is probably as nervous as she is. Nobody is talking to one another. Everyone seems to have a vacant seat in between them. Of course, this isn't something new to Sierra, judging by the fact that it's the first day of school. Sierra attempts at guessing her classmates' ages, wondering if she is the youngest - attending a private school meant being around students of varying ages. Sierra sighs in dismay as she fails to pick out the students of her age. In enters a figure whom appears to be the lecturer of today's class. She introduces herself, only to receive silence.

"Okay guys, I know it's your first day here but can I at least get a response? How about this, I'll get each of you to introduce yourself," the lecturer, also known as Hyunji, says with a bright smile. Sierra keeps a straight face but deep down, this is something she dreads doing, especially since she knows the number of questions she'll be bombarded with. Once it is her turn to introduce herself, Sierra plasters a smile on her face.

"Call me Sierra. I am seventeen this year and am from The States," she says briefly. She is fully aware of the eyes looking her way but keeps a calm composure.

"Oh, a foreign-" To Sierra's relief, Ms Hyunji is cut off when a student walks into class without the slightest remorse. Sierra's gaze falls upon the stranger, curious of her saviour. 

"You're late," Ms Hyunji points out, to which he response with the flick of his wrist. In his hand is a piece of paper.

"Late enrollment," he says, earning a nod from Ms Hyunji. Students who enroll into the school a week before the first official lesson begins get a time allowance, their lateness excused for they are required to meet the school's head of department on the first day of school. Sierra watches as he settles on a seat on the other end of the class. This guy exudes charm and confidence. From head to toe, he looks highly presentable and she finds him oddly attractive. She doesn't realise she's been staring a little too long until he turns to meet her eyes. Being one to hate making eye contact with others, Sierra would usually look away when caught in such situations but this time round, she doesn't. Instead, she challenges herself to maintain the eye contact for a few more seconds and surprisingly, she succeeds. The stranger shoots her a smile and this results in her averting her gaze, not wanting to give away the fact that she finds him appealing. 

Just then, a manly voice from behind says, "Yah, just sit here." 

Knowing it isn't directed at her, she brushes it off, paying attention to the lecturer in front. Seconds go buy and she feels a presence behind her. Turning around to see who it is, she is met with her saviour and his warm smile. His eyes gleam upon meeting hers and she can't help but to feel mildly affected by it. Before she gets the chance to say anything, he points at the empty seat next to her and asks if he could sit there. Without much thought, Sierra nods, her heart palpitating ever so slightly. That's when she knows her anxiety is beginning to kick in but she isn't ready to give in just yet. Keeping a hold of herself, she calms her drumming heart as she turns to the front once more.

"I'm Woohyun." It takes Sierra a couple of seconds to realise he is talking to her but once she does, she smiles and introduces herself. Hearing her name, his eyebrow raises slightly and she knows the question that lays on the tip of his tongue so before he is able to voice it out, she beats him to it.

"I'm from the States." 

"I'm guessing you get asked that question a lot?" he asks to which she nods. Seeing that the conversation has ended, she turns away once more. Seconds later, she sees him turning to the guys behind saying, "Guys, I've made a new friend and she's from the States."

Turning to him, she raises a brow and in response, he gives her a toothy smile. He turns to the guys behind once more before saying, "Whoops, I mean, best friend."

Upon saying this, he meets her confused gaze and shoots her a wink before forming half a heart with his right arm. Sierra remains staring at the person before her, utterly at lost of what is going on.

"Come on, complete the heart."

This guy is no longer Prince Charming. Instead, he has turned into the cutest human being she has ever met.

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