Four - feelings




A/N: Hello readers! So I'm really sorry I haven't updated in literally ages and I don't even have a proper excuse I'm so sorry T.T Exams are over since about a week ago and I think they went well, but after that I just didn't have any energy or motivation to write and I just felt awful for a while, and then I lost some of my work so had to start again D: but hopefully I will write more now. Sorry I'm rambling and no one cares about this, sorry again for being literally the absolute worst author ever. m(_ _)m

(I swear my author's notes are longer than the actual chapter)


 'Jungkook! I saw you signed up for Les Mis auditions!'

'Yeah,' he rubbed his nape shyly, 'I thought I'd try since I like to sing and act.'

'You sing? I know everyone hates it when you ask them this, but please can you sing something for me?' Jungkook looked a bit uncomfortable, 'It's ok if you don't want to!' I added.

'No, no it's fine, but...' he trailed off

'Can I at least come to your audition then?'

'Yeah, ok.'

'Yay! I'm sure you'll be amazing.'


'Tae, I don't think I can do it. What if I make a fool of myself? I should just back out now.'

 It was just be for his audition and, yet again, I found myself eavesdropping on Jungkook. I hid behind the lockers and continued to listen in a way that he wouldn't see me. Gosh I need to learn some manners, I thought.

'I know, I know, ok.' He took a deep breath in and then let it out. 'I can do this. You'll be there with me though, right Tae?'

'Thank you so much. Ah, I better get going. Wish me luck, and you better not leave me!'


For the hundredth time I found myself wondering who Jungkook could be talking to as I still had not found the time or courgage to ask, and he had not said anything of his own accord, even though it had been a couple of weeks. I shook away the thoughts and focused instead on his audition. Right. I wasn't even sure if I was allowed to watch his audition since I wasn't auditioning myself, so I snuck in to the back of the theatre. I was just in time; Jungkook was just getting up on stage.

As soon as he began, I was frozen. He was absolutely breathtaking. Who knew such a soft-spoken and shy person could sing and act like that? I couldn't take my eyes off him through the entire performance, and I'm pretty sure my mouth was hanging open like a goldfish. He gave a polite bow as he finished before walking off stage.


'Jungkook that was incredible!' I breathed out when I saw him after. He looked down, modestly.

'You really think so?' 

'Of course! They'd be stupid not to give you a part. You were amazing; it was almost like you were a different person altogether!'

Jungkook blushed lightly. He blushes quite easily, I noticed, not that that was very important or useful information.

'Hey, by the way, Lina and I were gonna go to that ice cream parlour down the road, wanna come with?'

'Yeah sure, I'd love to.'


Once we got our ice creams - Lina mint choc chip, Jungkook chocolate and vanilla, and me cookies and cream - I decided to use the opportunity to get to know Jungkook better. Turns out, Jungkook was actually a year younger than us as he moved up a year so is now a year ahead (clever kid). More (useless) info about Jungkook: his favourite ice cream flavour is chocolate, He listens to BigBang and they are his favourite group, he sings, acts and plays piano a bit.

'So, um, Jungkook, I've been meaning to ask you about something for a while but it's kind of a weird question so please don't think I'm being rude or anything I'm just curious.' Jungkook looked at me with a puzzled expression before telling me to go on. 'Well, basically, I'm gonna seem really creepy and stalker-ish now but anyway, right, so a couple of times I've seen you talking to someone but there's no one actually there? I mean I'm probably just over thinking it but I was just curious of who you were talking to or if it's just to yourself or what. I don't know, I'm sorry.'

'Oh, you saw?' He looked a bit nervous, 'I always thought there was no one else there. Um, I don't really know how to tell you right now, it's kind of a long story and I doubt you'll believe me.'

'Please tell! I won't judge, I swear. And neither will Lina, Right Lina?'

'Of course not. Whatever the real story is has to be better than the crap Jaya says all the time,' she said, earning her a smack on the arm.

Jungkook spoke up, 'I know you guys won't judge, I do trust you but I don't think I can tell you right now. I will tell you, just in time.'

'What could it be that you can't even say?' Lina elbowed me, 'Sorry I didn't mean it like that, it's just interesting.'

'I know, I'm sorry I'm being awkward. It's not even anything really I just don't want to share yet.' Jungkook replied.

'It's ok, it's your business anyway. I'm just being nosy.'


I didn't press Jungkook to tell us in the time that followed. I knew it wasn't my place to stick my nose in his business. Apart from this though, the three of us grew closer together as friends until Jungkook was more comfortable and we finally managed to get him to drop the formal bowing and such. Somewhere along the way I began to like him as well, as in like like. (And now I sound like an elementary school kid). I guess Lina was right though when she said it before. I wouldn't go as far to say that I was in love yet, but the feeling was definitely there. 




 A/N: Hello! Thank you anyone who is still reading this far, I know I'm not the best writer. Please leave comments, they give my weak heart motivation :)

Until next time! ^_^


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kawaiiotaku #1
Chapter 5: It's been really long since you last posted on this pic, but it was worth the wait! The way Jungkook acts is really different in this story compared to other stories, which makes this story so unique! I really appreciate it that you finally posted some chaps again! ^v^
kawaiiotaku #2
Chapter 3: Please post the next chapter already ( ^ω^ )! I really like this story so I wanna continue reading!! (^з^)-☆
Seems interesting even though I really don't know jungkook I think i'll read it ^^
Chapter 1: I love it please update soon ^^