When things get serious

Pretty Boy Misfits
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Stage Names - Names

Block B

Zico - Jiho

Taeil - Taeil

Jaehyo - Jaehyo

B-Bomb - Minhyuk

U-Kwon - Yukwon

Kyung - Kyung

P.O - Jihoon


Yongguk - Yongguk

Himchan - Himchan

Daehyun - Daehyun

Youngjae - Youngjae

Jongup - Jongup

Zelo - Junhong




1st week of the second month. We are now in the tall forest. Fire trails are at our sides and we have been following this trail with nothing coming to surprise us… yet.


This BTS’ Min Suga! I will be your host for the meantime, and I have been your narrator since the last chapter. You can choose to ignore my cussing and my constant sarcasm on the way. 


I shall now report that I will call everyone by stage names because I don’t have time to make code names. It’s obvious that there will be other people waiting for us somewhere as we walk along so might as well call them something familiar or else we’ll lose count. You know how many we are in this new found group!? I keep confusing people for another person! And for the record, I keep confusing you and myself as well.








Now back to where we left off… OH, SCREW IT ALREADY! What’s with these surprises!? Are we being proposed to or something!!??

It has only been half of the day spent trying to follow these trail leading north. Nothing productive has been happening to us. We just kept on walking forward with our spears and necessary stuff for survival with us.

Rap Monster has been looking up and appreciating the whole view of this forest. Jin hyung has to drag him everywhere just so that he won’t get lost. The walk was very quiet since we wanted to hear something from this forest. It’s really weird though…


We came from a beach then to a jungle then to a waterfalls then through a tunnel, and now, we’re in a tall forest. How could these even make sense?



Are we in some kind of experiment like in Maze Runner or in Hunger Games perhaps, but much more civilized and bearable? I HOPE IT IS CIVILIZED though!! Less blood shedding, juseyo ~ but whatever it is, I still feel like we’re being watched.


I’m not liking it one bit.










Rap Monster stopped his track and made a huge, “OH!” Jin hyung was pulled back, the other leaders looked at him, the rest stared at whatever he was pointing at, and everyone gasps.


There were two semi-huge tree houses above us. They had one hanging bridge connecting them. They were so high up that neither of us could’ve noticed if it weren’t for the dazed Rap Monster. The tree houses didn’t look old, but they did look used. They both had huge “B”s painted on their walls. One had a green colored letter B, the other had black and yellow striped letter B on it.

I wonder what that meant.


We couldn’t see ladders heading up to the houses, there weren’t anything useful near-by to climb up them.

Were the inhabitants of those houses perhaps half monkey or are they the family of Spiderman? BECAUSE THE TREES ARE SLIPPERY AS AND NOBODY HAS THE SLIGHTEST CLUE TO GET UP THERE.


Why am I worked up about going up there?

Well, folks, it’s because there’s a huge pile of canned foods in a fish net sitting at the middle of the hanging bridge, and we all would like to taste something that’s NOT fruit for once.









But I swear if it’s all just a can of peaches, I’m gonna murder someone.








Our stomachs were growling. The wind was cool against our necks. There was only sounds of trees rustling against the wind. We were gathered in one spot in order to figure out a plan to get those canned foods because what if we ran out of food as we go along? What if there was more useful stuff within the houses?

Why else would they be put here if they’d just be useless designs?


S.Coups, Jackson, Jungkook, and Shownu hyung volunteered to use our spears in order to get up there. Since you couldn’t put pressure on the trees if you step on it, it’d be useless to just use two spears for support climbing up like mountain climbing.

They placed spearheads at the bottom of their shoes with the spearheads sticking out up front just so that they could stab the bark in order to stick to the tree. I couldn’t describe it well since I was too busy looking at those cans and trying to read the label… or even try to make sense of the pictures on it.

It was successful though, the climb.


They looked like real mountain-climbers from down here except they’re on trees… and their materials are made from sharp rocks. Jungkook was successful up front and was able to reach the bottom of the tree house until we heard gun fire from the distance.


Everybody froze except Jungkook.


He still kept climbing up and reached the tree house without delay and ran for the pile of canned foods, but got stopped when a man in an all-black attire pointed a long shot gun behind his head. The man wore a motor cycle helmet and he had company. He was shorter than the maknae but looked quite built even from under his clothes.

Soon sticking out of the tall trees were men with the same gun, same outfit, and pointed their weapons at us.


As far we know, before we could move an inch, we got trapped in fishnets and got hung in small groups next to trees like trapped animals. It’s like we were fishes that got caught by a huge fishing boat and now we’re hanging up in the air with our bodies mushed together and struggling to get air. Some were hung upside down from the ankles of the feet.

Few were just simply the target of the men with guns.


One man in particular had red stripes on his outfits. He looks a like potential danger, but then again, they might end being like Monsta X and Seventeen.

They must be idols, but I’ll give it a 45% probability since maybe not all idols could look that sure to shoot a kid.


“Raise your hands where I could see them!” those who didn’t got hung raised their hands up not knowing who said it, but they didn’t want to risk it anyway

We already dropped our weapons and our stuff on the ground when we got caught, they might not kill us if they see that we’re not threat. But all those fruits though! IT’LL ALL GET SQUASHED AND GO TO WASTE! Let us live for Pete’s sakes.





Four of them were already on the ground so they circled around the others who weren't trapped, and one of them coincidently stopped right in front of Seungkwan.

Seungkwan looked like he was holding up his tears and wanted to scream, but Vernon kept an eye on him.






When the man just scratched his own arm harmlessly, Seungkwan cried, “YAH!!! WE’RE JUST KPOP IDOLS FROM KOREA! We’re Seventeen, GOT7, Monsta X and BTS! THIS KIND OF THING IS BAD! Ah, seriously don’t do this kind of thing! Who are you!? Let me see your face!”





We all looked at Seungkwan in disbelief. The opposite groups were very confused and were just looking at him as well.


The man in front of Seungkwan just tilted his head a little, but even by that little action, Seungkwan scram and cried again, “I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THIS! AH, EOMMA!!! I’M SORRY! I’M SCARED!”






“Alright, guys, we know they’re not a threat, take down your helmets and paintball guns,” a familiar deep raspy voice echoed across the tall forest.


Paintball guns!?


A man emerged from one of the houses that had a green B on it. The familiar gummy smile sent relief down our spines. He also had the same all-black outfit, but his had red stripes similar to the other men on the trees. Yongguk sunbae-nim?


They took off their helmets one by one and we all sighed in relief. We got released as soon as possible and embraced our stuff as if they were our long lost relative.


The one pointing a gun at Jungkook took his off his helmet and revealed a very innocent looking guy who gave off the same vibe as a small puppy would. He bowed and apologized then gave a big smile at our maknae. I later knew his name was Jongup.

The man in front of Seungkwan got hit on the chest a lot of times by the smaller one. Seungkwan shouted, “DAEHYUN HYUNG, THIS KIND OF THING IS BAD!”

“APPA!” V jumped in glee and embraced the other one like a koala. He wouldn’t let go and squished their faces together.


“ARMY our Taehyung, it’s so good to see you and other idols!” Daehyun sunbae-nim lifted V off his feet and carried him like a little kid

“BABY Daehyun, it’s been a long time!” V responded

The little nicknames they give each other, I swear! B.A.P sunbae-nims aren’t the only ones here. Block B hyung were also with us. The dropped from the trees using ropes, and came to greet us personally.



They were our hyungs. We performed with them many times already to the point where we performed together in MAMA awards, and they grew fond of us. If it weren’t for Rap Monster and Zico hyung, and V and Kyung hyung being close, we couldn’t be calling them hyungs at all.



Why are we always found in pairs though?












“Call us hyung, it looks like we’ll be working together until the end of the month,” Yongguk ‘hyung’ shook hands with the other leaders as we all gathered under their tree houses.


It was very traditional for all of us to build a huge fire now.

All of us somehow got used to this way of living, but the thing that was new to us were the canned foods. They were canned tunas, luncheon meats, spam, kimchi in a jar, corned beef, sausages, and pork n’ beans. We were eating as if there was no tomorrow. We couldn’t talk munch since we were busy filling our mouths with food and drinking fresh water.

We slowly learned that eating fast would either choke us or upset our stomach since we haven’t eaten a lot of food in weeks. But that surely didn’t stop us.


Unlike other nights, we were actually more interested with our food rather than talking right now.


We looked like hungry angry squirrels at this point with our cheeks so full.

Yeah, not a good idea to take this food away from us now.






Yongguk hyung jogged next to me, and the group of leaders right next to me. It was a coincidence that I sat down next to them since Rap Monster might set something on fire if I wasn’t looking.

Zico hyung, who looked damn intimidating while looking around and circling before sitting down right in front of us, bowed respectfully and began, “So tell us about your whole Island experience,”


“Island experience, as if that’s supposed to make me laugh,” Rap Monster answered, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“How you got here, what’s your purpose, how long have you guys been here, what’s it like for you?” Zico hyung passed another jar of kimchi to us, “I mean, I’ve talked with some of your friends, it’s basically a whole lot different experience from ours,”

“What do you mean? You guys never experienced walking for days and only surviving on fruits where even fresh water was hard to find?” Rap Monster asked


“We woke up in those tree houses with only the clothes on your backs, a cue card that said to head north w

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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 15: Ok I have laughed my of at the storyline, so much so that my cheeks actually hurt. Please don't abandon this fic. it's funny and amazing. Kudos
Chapter 15: Hahahahahahhaha istg you never fail to make me laugh in each chapter authournim XD thank you for the update! Its okay. Take ur time!
Baa-llama #3
Chapter 15: I love this so much, I don't mind waiting if it's for a good update.

Plus you added SJ which by the way my ultimate bias group since SorrySorry practiccaly introduced me to kpop in the first place (☆^ー^☆)

Lol anyways thank you for updating and not abandoning this fic. My cheeks hurt from grinning and I had to stop myself from laughing out loud cause I was reading this in public ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)

Can't wait for the next update! And all the best on your studies! You'll do awesome. Fighting!