Chap 3

Woollim Love Story

In Gongchan's house

Gongchan: Do you want something to drink?

Sungyeol:Do you have coffee?

Gongchan:always coffee, but I do have some, S's mom would you like something?

S's: coffee, please

Gongchan: now I know why Sungyeol likes coffee.

Gongchan went to serve the coffee

Sungyeol: Do you need help getting your stuff, or something.

Gongchan: sure can you get me some clothes,

Sungyeol was getting some clothes from the drawers when he opened the second drawer he noticed a lot of pill containers, Gongchan turn around and noticed what Sungyeol was looking at, and without sounding suspicious he asked hi if he could get his toothbrush and  tooth paste.

Gongchan: Sungyeol can you get me my toothbrush and tooth paste?

Sungyeol wanted to ask why he had so many pill containers but he didn't

Sungyeol: okay

Gongchan was relieved that Sungyeol didn't ask about the pills

Gongchan: okay Sungyeol, lets go, I can't wait to do different activities, and play video games

Sungyeol:Yeah, we will have a great time, and you will not be lonely.

they arrived to Sungyeol's house after 30 minutes

At Sungyeol's house at 8:00 pm, dinner time

S's mom: Sungyeol, Gongchan dinner is ready!

Sungyeol & Gongchan: we a re going

S's: so how are you going to spend time your "time together?"

 S's mom emphasize time together because she wanted to know if they were going to be doing something else, and she wanted to know if they were more than friends, but Sungyeol being innocent didn't get it, Gongchan did but he ignore it,( S's mom knows Gongchan is in love with Sungyeol)

Sungyeol: We are going to play video games, go play outside,and watch movies until 1:00 am

S's: that sound really fun, just don't sleep to late, I don't want either of you to lower your grades, and be sleepy at school

Sungyeol: we won't, I will make Gongchan sleep early, even if he doesn't want to

S's:okay, now go wash and go to sleep

Sungyeol:it's too early, I want to watch horror movies with Gongchan.

S's: you know you can't, you are afraid of horror movies and you won't be able to sleep

Sungyeol: don't worry, Gongchan can take care of me, he isn't afraid of horror movies, he can hug me if I need to, right Gongchan?

Gongchan: no I won't  (Sungyeol pouted) of course I will, whenever you want

Sungyeol: okay let's go before it gets more late, we should watch The Grudge

Gongchan; okay, I bet you are going to be afraid and ask me to hug you 

Sungyeol kept jumping every time during the movie, Gongchan was only laughing at Sungyeol


the movie finish, and Sungyeol was really scared, and asked Gongchan to hug him, they got into bed and fell asleep

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Serenaaayye #1
Chapter 3: This is so good ! Omg update soon please (:
Chapter 3: It's good...
su_j85 #3
I think its interesting...please update regularly author. .