Chap 1

Woollim Love Story

October 5, 2016 at 10:00 pm 

Sungyeol came back from Los Angeles California to South Korea.He was tired and nervous.He was thinking about how it will be at his new school. 

October 5, 2016 at 10:30 pm

Sungyeol went to sleep

October 6, 2016 at 6:00 am he woke up and got ready to go to school. He was really nervous. His mom was waiting for him to take him to school. His mom was afraid Sungyeol wouldn't like it here.

7:00 am 

they got to school.

Sungyeol: "bye mom, see you later"

LSY mom: "bye honey,take care"

Yeol: " I will, bye" Waves hand

she left

7:10 am

Yeol:"I hope nobody notices I am new" he walks nervously to the office to get his schedule.

Lee Pil-mo: "you are the new student right, here is you schedule, Good Luck"

Yeol:bows "thank you bye" he goes to his first period which is korean history. He enters nervously.He goes to the teacher and asks where he will be sitting.

7:20 am

han soo yeon: "O new students, What is your name?"

Yeol: "Sungyeol"

han soo yeon:"okay Sungyeol, you will be sitting next to Myungsoo, but first you will introduce yourself to the class."

Yeol:" My name is Lee Sung Yeol, and I just move here from Los Angeles California, I hope we get along and become friend." 

7:25 am

He went to sit down next to Myunsoo. Myunsoo turned to look at him. Sungyeol didn't notice. Woohyun, and Sungjong thought he was cute. Some guys and girls were talking about how they were jealous that Sungyeol was sitting next to Myungsoo, and others were talking about how Sungyeol was cute. The teacher was talking about Korea in War. Sungyeol and some students were taking notes, other just kept talking.

8:20 am the end of 1st period

Sungyeol was walking to his locker, while he was taking out his books when he someone covered his eyes. He turned around but didn't recognize the guy.

Yeol: "Who are you?"

Person:"its me Gongchan"

Yeol:"Gongchan?" He looked at him for 10 seconds.  It's really you! I am happy I know someone in this school."

Gongchan: " It took you so long to recognize me, I thought you had already forgotten about your childhood friend. So how is your first day?

Yeol: "It's okay; I don't know anyone"

Gongchan: "well you know me, we can sit together at lunch, if you want to.

Yeol: "that will be great, I will see you there, what class are you going next?"

Gongchan: "Statistics."

Yeol: "I have that class too next also"

Gongchan:" wow, that is amazing, we will be together."

Yeol:"yeah it will, do you like that class?"

Gongchan:" no,it's hard and I hate some guy named Myungsoo; he thinks his better than everyone."

Yeol: " Myungsoo? he is in my history class, I have to sit next to him, he didn't seem like that"

Gongchan:" trust me you will not like how he is."

the bell ring for students to go to their 2nd period

8:35 am

Sung Yeol and Gongchan walk to Statistics, they enter and since the sit next to Gongchan is free, Sung Yeol was happy because they will be together.  The class was pretty easy to Sungyeol and he was also showing Gongchan how to solve most of the worksheet because he diddn't know what to do. Class ended after 45 minutes. The students were putting their things away, and they were going to their next period.

Gongchan: so what class do you have next?

Sungyeol: I have AP literature? O good I love reading

Gongchan: Ugh, I hate that class, it's so boring and I don't like the teacher

Sungyeol: why? is she strict

Gongchan: she is so strict, and doesn't let us talk, but you might not have a problem with that, I still remember when in elementary school you were the best student,and you were really quiet.

Sungyeol: yeah I remember, I also remember that you talk to much and did't listen to the teacher and you always felt asleep on my lap, I remember you were heavy 

Gongchan: Yah! I wasn't that heavy (while making a pouting face)

Sungyeol: oh you're so cute.

Gongchan: Yah! I look manlier than you  

Sungyeol: haaaa haaaaa, you really are cute

Gongchan pouted againg and playfully punched Sungyeol on his shoulder and started running away

Sungyeol: started running after him.

Gongchan was waiting for Sungyeol to catch up to him, he was walking backward without looking behind, until he felt someone behind him. He turned around, to say sorry to guy, he froze and got nervous because it was the most Kim Myung Soo the guy he hated the most, but also the guy he and everyone should be afraid of. MyungSoo can ruin your life and make you suffer.

Gongchan: Sorry for hitting you, I didn't ment to, (he bowed 90 degree angle and stayed like that for at 20 seconds.)

Myungsoo: I will not accept your apology, look what you did, you made me spill soda on my clothes, and I was talking to someone, you will regret this, I will me you pay for this.

Myungoo got started punching Gongchan, Gongchan just stayed there because he couldn't do anything, he didn't wanted to make it worse. His firends were looking for Myungsoo, and they went to see if he was near his locker, they heard screams and they went to see what was happening, they saw Myungsoo beating up someone, and they went to stop him.

Woohyun, Sungjong, Dongwoo, Hoya, and Sunggyu: stop Myungsoo you're going to kill him, and you are going to get in trouble again

Myungsoo: No, this idiot made me spilled soda on myself and ruined my make out session.

Woohyun, Sungjong, Dongwoo, Hoya, and Sunggyu: that doesn't matter you can change and can you stop making out with anyone you find, can you just find someone you like and have a decent relationship. We are always worrying about you. You are a and if you keep doing this you are going to end lonely with no one by your side

Sungyeol was at the corner of the lockers and he saw six students arguing he thought Gongchan was one of them so he went to see what was happening, he walked to them and saw Gongchan on the ground bleeding and probably with broken bones. He kneeled down to check on him, and he put his head up to look at the six students who were standing there

Sungyeol: what happened Gongchan, who did this to you? (he got up) who did this to him, he was really angry at the six students, who were just standing there looking at him.

Woohyun, Sungjong, Dongwoo, Hoya, and Sunggyu: it wasn't us it was him, everyone pointed at Myungsoo, Myungsoo couldn't believe that his friends would betray him like that

Myungsoo: Wow I really do have good friend, who care about me (said sarcastically)

Sungyeol kneeled down again to help Gongchan get up, Gongchan was in pain so he did it really slow. He went to the nurse and he was going to call his mom so Gongchan could go to the hospital. When they got to the nurse they clean the blood from his face. Sungyeol always gets sad when someone gets bullied and hurt, and when they are in pain. Sungyeol eyes had tears, he didn't wanted to cry.

Gongchan: Why are you crying, it not that bad. I'm fine. 

Sungyeol: you're not fine, you are in pain, how can you say you are fine 

Gongchan: because I am; I remember when we were toddlers and you used to cry when I got hurt, or tripped. I remember when I got hospitilized and you went to the see me, you cried for 2 consecutive hours. I didn't wanted to cry because I didn't wanted you to cry, ut seeing you like that it made me cry. I remember we both started crying and then you felt asleep next to me. 

Sungyeol: I remember that, but you never told me why you were on the hospital and for why did you stayed there a one year, I thought it was just a minor injury.

Gongchan stayed silent, he can't tell him it was because of Leukemia and that it came back and that this time their won't be a surgery to cure it and that he only has about six months left.

Sungyeol: he was still waiting for an anwser, so he asked again so why did you stayed for a long time?

Gongchan: I twisted my foot and I got surgery to fix it, and my mom decided I had to stayed there so I could get better, because she knew that when I got out of the hospital I wasn't going to follow the instructions they gave me, so she made me stayed their.

Sungyeol: I really missed you, 

Sungyeol started crying again

Gongchan: why are you crying,  you are such a crybaby.

Sungyeol: You are so mean (while pouting) 

Gongchan: you are so cute when you pout, and you say you aren't

Sungyeol: aish, you are also cute, oh do you want to go to my house, I have to talk to you about something. It's about what happened, and my memory.


Gongchan: wait did you get your memories back?Do you remember everything.

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Serenaaayye #1
Chapter 3: This is so good ! Omg update soon please (:
Chapter 3: It's good...
su_j85 #3
I think its interesting...please update regularly author. .