Phobia Town

∞ Lee Sungyeol ∞

I stared down at the shiny key in my palm. After the little introductory session, Kim Jonghyun had passed the key to Kim Myungsoo's room over to me. Slowly and cautiously, I slid the key into position and counted.

"Three to the left, one to the right ... " I muttered, letting out a sigh of relief as the lock was released and the door was pushed open with ease. 

Immediately, I was greeted with the overwhelming room. 

There was a bed directly up against one of the walls, in a black and white fashion, with two dimmer lights on both sides of the bed on the wall. Beside it was a bedside table with rosary beads, a small booklet and a Mother Mary statue made out of plastic, the type that held Holy Water in it.  On the other wall was a wide screen T.V, a black couch, clear glass top table and white rug. Two guitars were propped up near a fireplace which was burnt out. A whole two shelves of books and a study desk lined with stationary, open textbooks and a reading lamp. In a small space provided, a kitchen had managed to squeeze itself in.

"What the hell could a kid do with a kitchen?" I wondered out loud, looking for the "Kim Myungsoo". He was no where in sight.

The dimmers were on, the lights on, the work on his table half done, a part eaten dinner, but no Myungsoo. Huh ... wasn't this a school meant for psychotic students? The room looked perfectly normal to me. I hesitantly sat myself down on the couch and pulled out the list to keep an eye on that Jonghyun had also given me.

'It isn't perfect, but it's accurate enough. So far it has a list that you should be careful of. This kid has a lot of phobias. They're common but crazy. And his OCD gets out of hand sometimes. For example: if you're cooking a meal for him, or eating a dinner with him, the rice must always go first. If in a bowl, it must be in a mountain sort of style. If it's on a plate, it must be piled and flattened. The meat must be spread on the top, the vegetables on the left side, the fish eaten separately from the rice. If you put the fish on the rice, he'll go crazy. Also, don't but the vegetables anywhere else. That's only a small part of it. So be careful'

So far, there was only a list of phobias.

  • Agoraphobia [Fear of Crowds]
  • Somniphobia [Fear of Sleep]
  • Katsaridaphobia [Fear of Cockroaches]
  • Xanthophobia [Fear of the Colour 'Yellow' or the Word 'Yellow'
  • There may be another phobia that he has, one that can't be named yet. It has something to do with the fear of being killed ... or mere pessimism ... ?
  • Either way, you still have to-

"Lee Sungyeol?"

"EEP!" was my reply to the calm voice. Immediately, the list was stuffed right back into my pocket and I stood up to face him. "Uhm ... y-yes" I bowed down my head the slightest bit and when I lifted it again I was a little shocked to see what I ... did see. 

There, standing at the door to the bathroom which I had obviously missed, was a male with a blank beautiful angelic face, dark wet hair and a perfectly well sculpted chest ...

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GO PUT A SHIRT ON NOW!" I half screamed at him, my hands flashing up to my eyes, covering my vision to Kim Myungsoo that was half with only a towel around his waist. I was partly terrified.

My God. What the hell would I do if that towel accidentally came off? Then I'd see ... see ... oh what the hell, I wasn't about to see anything ... And what the hell am I thinking right now? As if that towel would come off! Like if it did, they'd be nothing to see ... why am I even thinking of what I could see? 

"Shoo shoo, go away" I scrunched up my face in frustration.

"Are you talking to me or your dirty thoughts?" he chuckled. I opened one eye and then the other, relieved to find that he had slipped on a pair of shorts and a new shirt. 

"Oh nothing ... I'm your new cleaner ... ta-da!" I weakly smiled, holding out a hand. At least he had clothes on. 

"Oh ..." he sighed and then ruffled his hair, sending cold droplets every where. "Well ... I guess I can manage ... "

I watched carefully as he calmly walked about the room, turning the lights off, slapping textbooks closed, dropping pencils and erasers to their cups and finally, dimming the lights until the bed was almost completely shadowed. 

"If you agree to sleep with me"


Its 8.59 PM ^_^ Have a good night <3


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omg so short? you can't do this to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh!T.T
HELLLOOOOO! Hey! Really sorry this late comment! But yay I read three chapters in one go its freaking awesome whooooohoo. OMG I can totally imagine L's in only a towel. NO BABE I WONT UNSUBSCRIBE. The three of us are gna live in this town happily ever after hahaha.<br />