jk, this is the real F I N A L.

drift away



I was planning to leave you guys hanging actually, but I don't have the heart to do that hahah, here’s the ending.




“What do you want? I thought I made it clear that you should just walk away from my brother life?”


Seungcheol try to swallow the lump in his throat when seokmin, jisoo’s younger step-brother open the door. Seokmin is a happy virus but, he’ll turn into a very protective guard dog when it’s involved his older step-brother.

And if he’s planning to get jisoo back, he’ll need to be on seokmin’s good side again.


“seokmin-ah, I’m here to talk to you... can you please hear me out?” seungcheol asked, but before seokmin could answer, a melodious voice of jisoo was heard from the kitchen.


“Who’s that seokmin?? Is that a guest? Do I need to prepare a drink?” jisoo asked.


Seokmin looks at seungcheol with serious face, and seungcheol looks back into the younger eyes, hoping that he look confident enough to make seokmin agree on talking to him, seungcheol was relief when seokmin sighs, and his body look less tense.


“no one hyung! It’s just a salesman!” he answers, looking back to seungcheol he hissed “we’re not talking here, I’ll take my jacket, and you wait in your car”


And seungcheol nods furiously, walking to his car and waits for the younger. He gonna fix this thing, because he realised that this all is his fault. He gonna fix this and he’ll make sure that he’ll got his precious jisoo back in his arms before the graduation.




Seungcheol and seokmin is sitting on a coffee shop together, looking rather awkward with two cup of Americano and seokmin endless glare.


“spill it”


Seungcheol looks up, looking confuse.


“I said spill it hyung, whatever you want to say...” seokmin said, looking uninterested.

“I... I need your help seokmin-ah” seungcheol said. “I can’t live without jisoo, I’m so lost okay, and a week without your hyung feels like hell...”


Seungcheol freeze when seokmin let out a mocking chuckle.


“you looks fine when you ignoring him almost every day for 3 months, and here you say you’re suffering without him for a week?” seokmin asked, scowling.


“hyung, you let him suffer for 3 months, you know what? I told him to break up with you when he first say that you start to ignoring him for a month... but still, he hold on tight on you for another two months, and let himself hurting because you look happy playing with that jeonghan guy, he said he’s happy looking at you happy, he pushed away his insecurities and jealousy because you’re laughing but then you being oblivious guy you’re, you hurt him, sometimes I hate him for being so selfless you know?... sometimes I hope that he will get tired fall in love so he will never got hurt again, but what can I do? He always have this loving nature and his loyal heart is not helping at all, fall in love for one guy, until his heart bleed, trying to let go and move on, and there’ll be another jerk came up, making him love again, and the break up cycle repeated...” seokmin said, letting out his thought and frustration.


Seungcheol have his eyes casted down on the table as seokmin speak, it’s not that he don’t know that, he was jisoo’s bestfriend before he confess.


“I thought, you could be the one who end that break up cycle hyung, and yet, you’re the most painful one for him. He can’t even fake a smile like he usually do after break up” seokmin said.


Seungcheol sighs and looks at seokmin in the eyes.


“and I’m here to fix this, I really can’t without him, seokmin-ah... I know it’s my fault that I he break up with me, I spend too much time with jeonghan without thinking about his feeling, jeonghan was... he was like a different kind of fun you know? I find persona that jisoo never have and it excite me and makes me comfortable to be friends with him, we’re somehow twins, have same taste on almost everything, and that’s why I think we clicked” seungcheol said, smiling a little, thinking about how his friendship with jeonghan.


Seokmin on the other side listen to the older well, waiting for the next explanation patiently, he knows that seungcheol is somehow mature about things like this, and that’s why, maybe... just maybe he can forgive the older one.


“I admit it sounds like I like jeonghan but, I can assure you that was just a mere small attraction, he’s perfect, beyond perfect even...” seungcheol said, and there’s a pause... “But the thing is he’s jeonghan, he’s not jisoo...”


Seokmin observe the longing smile on seungcheol face when the older said his brother’s name.


“jeonghan, don’t know when to stop me but jisoo know the right time to stop me before I do something stupid, jeonghan don’t know how to keep me in line but jisoo know how to keep me out from trouble. Jeonghan don’t know how to love me because he don't, but jisoo know, because I know he loves me, he know what I need, not what I want... that’s why I said I’m so lost without him, and imagining him, move on and have another guy hugging him makes me feel like I’m going to die...” seungcheol said, his voice cracking but he can’t cry because he promises himself, because he supposed to be the one who wipes jisoo’s tears away, and not the other way around.


“hyung...” seokmin eyes softened.


“I know I haven’t given him anything and keep receiving from him, so please give me another chance seokmin, I need to love him... I need to pamper him with love, or else my heart gonna explode, I need to love him seokmin-ah... I need to hug him, says sorry—” seungcheol sobs a little thinking about how bad he hurt jisoo back then. Burying his face on his arms on the table, his shoulder shows a little tremor because he’s now sobbing. It was out of his plan to cry infront of seokmin but, it happens anyway.



Seokmin never see seungcheol like this, he always look so strong, he always look capable of doing everything, he always have that ‘alpha of the pack’ aura glowing from him, but now? He looks like a sad puppy that begs to be adopted.

Seokmin is not stupid, he knows jisoo and seungcheol love each other so much, he was the one who hugs jisoo after break up listening to his cries of “I should never said that! I should have just waited! He was just having fun with friends, what if he hates me”, he always caught jisoo looking at his phone, hoping that seungcheol will call or at least text him after the break up, and caught seungcheol looking at his hyung during lunch break or seungcheol actually follows jisoo home to make sure jisoo come home safe.


“hyung... stop crying, it’ll looks like I bullied you” seokmin sighs and seungcheol lift his head, wiping his tears away.

“ah, what to do?” seokmin says. “I want to see you suffer a little bit more, you deserve more than one week of misery, but I can’t afford to hurt my hyung more too...” seokmin continues.


“what?” seungcheol asked.


“go, talk to jisoo hyung... I’ll be going home a little later, and my parents won’t be home until next week, you got a chance to talk to him now...” seokmin said, sipping on his Americano.


“but hyung, remember... trust is like a paper, once it crumpled, you can’t make it looks perfect again... I have my eyes on you hyung, if my hyung spill even just a single teardrop because of you, I’ll hunt you down...” seokmin said, standing up. “oh, and the coffees are on me okay, just go to jisoo hyung and clean the mess you made...” with that seokmin walks to the cashier and pay, before leaving.


Without even thinking seungcheol dashed out the coffee shop, shouting his thanks to the younger.


“ignore him, he’s weird” seokmin smiles to the shocked cashier girl.






Seungcheol was sweating, not because he ran all the way here (he have a car okay?), but because he’s nervous, standing in front of jisoo’s house and thinking about how to talk to him make him nervous he know this won’t be easy, he hurt the younger so much that seokmin was actually right, he deserve more suffer than just a week.


But, it’s now or never, it’s trying to get him back or not at all. So there, seungcheol finally push the doorbell, and not long after that a sweet voice of jisoo was heard through the intercom, even he sounded souless, his voice is still beautiful.




Seungcheol gulps.



 “jisoo-ya, it’s me...”




Seungcheol don’t know what to do, is jisoo don't even want to see him again? , or jisoo really trying to move on so he’ll even reject seungcheol on his door like this? All the negative thoughts was swimming on his head, but then the door opens, revealing his angel, wearing a loose wifebeater and sweatpants, even in this attire, jisoo looks like an angel. How can someone looks good in anything?.


“what are you doing here?” jisoo asked, his voice void of emotion, and sounded tired, his eyes dull and dark, showing that he didn’t sleep well.

“I... um... we need to talk...”

“about what exactly?”

“about us?”

“no, there’s nothing to talk about, go to jeonghan...”

“jisoo-ya... just please let me explain?”


“let me apologize?”

“tired of your ‘sorry’...”

“just... let me in—”


“for a cup of coffee?”

“no, I’m not in mood to brew a coffee...”



Seungcheol sighs, because this call for dramatic measure, seungcheol take a step back, and jisoo looks confused.


“HONG JISOO!” seungcheol shouted, and jisoo eyes widened.





“seungcheol!! Ssshhhh!! What are you—”



Jisoo jumped out and cover seungcheol’s mouth with his palm and drag the older boy into the house, to his room.



“what the hell were you doing?! Are you crazy?!” jisoo asked once they’re in his room, pushing seungcheol towards his bed, until seungcheol sat on it.

“yeah! I’m almost crazy because you don’t even give me a chance to say sorry and fix this mess that happened between us sooner!” seungcheol said, voice thick with frustration.


Jisoo closes his eyes and sighs, leaning on the closed door.


“I’m sorry for being a jerk okay, I know I hurt you badly, I know you probably hate me now, but I love you” seungcheol said, looking down.

“I’m sorry I made you jealous, I’m sorry that I actually neglecting you because of a new friend, I’m sorry I was a jerk, I’m sorry I called you y...” seungcheol said, while slowly standing up and walk towards the younger guy.

“I know, it’s all my fault, and it’s your right to be jealous... Maybe jeonghan was fun to be with, maybe he’s pretty, maybe like what people said, he’s perfect...” seungcheol continues, now he’s standing infront of the shorter one.

“but he’s not you, he’s not Hong Jisoo that I fall in love with, he’s not Hong Jisoo that make me laughs or make me sulky, he’s not Hong Jisoo that willingly stay by my side even I’m not in my best shape, he’s not the naggy Hong Jisoo who will get angry when I don't touch my broccoli, he’s from every side, is not Hong Jisoo that I want to tease until he get annoyed...”


Jisoo can feel that seungcheol is cupping his face right now, but he still refuse to open his eyes.


“jeonghan is not Hong Jisoo that I want to cuddle every night, jeonghan is not Hong Jisoo that I want to wake up to every morning... jeonghan is not you, who I want to kiss right now...” seungcheol said, leaving a small peck on jisoo’s lips, and there jisoo slowly opens his eyes, looking at seungcheol with watery eyes.

“I love you Hong Jisoo, only you okay? I know it’s my fault to neglecting you back then, but me being close to jeonghan, doesn’t mean I fall in love with him and I want to replace you... he’s just a fun guy to be friend with... but he’s not you, the one who I want to spend the rest of my life with...”


With that last word, seungcheol leans in and kiss jisoo softly. Showing how much he miss the younger, how much he loves him, how much he’s sorry for hurting him. and once they parting, jisoo pulls seungcheol into a hug, crying his heart out.


“I was so afraid, that you find him more attractive, I was so afraid that you’ll leave me so— so, I think I should be the one who let you go, I was so afraid that you will leave me for him” jisoo said in his cries, face buried on seungcheol chest.

“it was so scary to think you finally get bored of me and love somebody else...”



Seungcheol smiles, and hugs the younger tighter.



“never, I’ll never get bored of you... and for the love of God, jeonghan can’t cook! He can’t speak 5 languages, he hates reading... see you’re better than him! you’re still 1000x better than him! he looks pretty because of his long hair, but look at my boyfriend here...” there’s a pause where seungcheol let go of the hug and cups jisoo’s face in his hands.


“... beautiful” seungcheol said, making the younger blush. “are you sure you’re not an angel?” he asked.



“SO CHEESY!” And jisoo blushed even more, shoving seungcheol away before run towards his bed and hides under the blanket.


Seungcheol just smiles and joins the younger in the bed, back hugging him and snuggle his face to the younger back.



“we’re okay now, right?” seungcheol asked, and jisoo nods with a light hum.

“I can call you my boyfriend again, right?” seungcheol asked again, and again jisoo nods and hums.

“I was hoping of a ‘make up’ actually” seungcheol said, and seungcheol can feel jisoo try to turn around, thinking that he’ll get it, seungcheol closes his eyes, waiting for a kiss, but—





A baymax plushie hit him on his face instead of a kiss, and jisoo getting out of the bed muttering ‘ert is forever a ert’



But seungcheol can get the hint that jisoo actually smiling, saying that.

And he can’t be more thankful and grateful for the pleasant feeling.



being loved is great, but loving is even more so.






a/n : okayyy what was that, 2k words of nonsense HAHAHAHAHA... thanks for reading and commenting! I’ll find time to reply your comments one by one! ^^ and duh, I’m not a pro on fluff fic, so... if it’s bad and you don’t like it....................................... you gotta deal with it, because I was suffering from trying to hold back squealing when I imagining seungcheol do all of those thing up there and I can’t stop laughing when re-read this thing, I made seungcheol so goddamn cheesy I can’t— HAHAHAHAHAHA...


and if you don’t mind ehehe, follow my instagram and twitter! @seomyunghow

don’t sue me for making seungcheol that cheesy, he looks like a cheesy boyfriend actually.


#teambottomjisoo #ishashtagevenworkhere? #iturneddumb #mybrainburned #damncheesyseungcheol

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ExoWei #1
But so cute my Cheolsoo <3
seunghanim #3
Can I translate it into Vietnamese, please?
Chapter 2: Omfg yasss amother cheolsoo fic! Ohhhh I love them alot haha
Cheolsoo fic is so rare I'm sad ;-; so I'm super glad you make one! Ahhhhh they are so adorable ;-; and I could feel for every momment they make :3
Chapter 2: honestly i want that makeup hahaaaaajhaahaahahah
Chapter 2: lol I want that make up too hahaha
Chapter 2: #teambottomjisoo here! I love this fic so much! Cheesy Seungcheol is cute and a happy ending Cheolsoo is better!
sorry for abusing the caps lock button but thank you so much for writing this ending <3 <3 <3
now I can go and sleep in peace x)