The Chameleon Chronicles

One Shot Collection
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Jongin gets home that day more tired than ever. The work day was no more stressful than usual, which meant it was still quiet stressful, however the peak of it was while he was on his break. Simultaneously having a costumer shouting at him for a messed up order (which he wasn't responsible for) and Kyungsoo whining at him over the phone to bring things home for him to eat had grated tremendously on Jongin's already frayed nerves. Something bubbled up inside him and before he knew it he was snapping at Kyungsoo over the phone, slamming it down, and yelling back at his customer. Both sides went quiet, and being the repentant person he was, Jongin immediately felt bad. He wasn't usually this easily irritated, one could even say that he was known for his mild personality, but something about that day caused an outburst to happen, surprising him and the (finally) silenced customer. The rarity of such an outburst (along with having such a sweet boss as Joonmyun) is what saved his job and earned him the rest of the day to cool off. 

He did so immediately on the way home and along with it beat himself up for being so insensitive to his roommate. 

He opens the front door slowly, peeking his way in and calling out a cautious "Soo?" He steps in fully upon hearing no answer. "Kyungsoo?" Again, no answer. 

Jongin checks the kitchen first, silently praying that the other will be there only to find it empty as well. At this point, Jongin decides that it's probably best to give up the hide and seek method. If Kyungsoo didn't want to be found, he would not be found- one of the perks that come with being a chameleon hybrid. Rather than waste time looking around, Jongin takes some of the leftovers from work and settles on the couch, trying hard not to look for changes in his surroundings. Popping off the styrofoam lid he lets out a loud (if not overexaggerated) 'ahhhh'. 

"Kale chips and a sweet potato veggie burger." He hears a shuffle from behind him, but decides to stay in character a bit longer. "If only Kyungsoo was here to enjoy it with me since I know it's his favorite. I even removed the avocado for him..." He hears a whimper from the same area, closer now, and chooses to investigate. There's the top of a scruffy black head peaking over the back of the couch, followed by longing wide eyes zeroed in on the styrofoam box, ending with green scaled fingers creeping over the edge. Kyungsoo watches the burger in Jongin's hands with concentration until the other lets out a chuckle and he jumps, catching Jongin's eyes staring at him and immediately vanishes. Jongin snorts at this and sets the burger down, "Got you, Soo~" 

There's a pause, then a sigh, "...I know, Jongin." Comes Kyungsoo's weak voice, infintely less enthusiastic. 

"You mind revealing yourself se we can talk?" 

Kyungsoo sighs again and the scenery behind the couch shifts a bit. Kyungsoo's form is revealed more and more as he walks around the furniture and sits gingerly on the couch next to Jongin, his feet brought up onto

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Chapter 4: Ahhh! This is how the become housemates... mamabyun is foxy and kaisoo is cute.
Chapter 3: All is good. Each chapter is a whole kaisoo universe by itself and I love it. I'm into hybrid fics and this is the first ever him being a chameleon. Such novelty to have found your little pocket of drabbles.
Chapter 3: Chameleon Kyungsoo is the cutest thing I need moreeee
drowninfic #4
Chapter 2: It's nice and refreshing to find plot like this
I love it
Chapter 1: Awwwwww, that was so damn cute. I meant the part where Kyungsoo and Jongin busy blushing for each other. Sehun was such an . He's lucky that Kyungsoo didn't go all SANTANSOO on him.. I'm not even sure if I want to be his friend after all that humiliation if I were Kyungsoo.

Anyway, thanks for the cute one shot.
--ohreos #6
Chapter 1: sehun was a but oh my god i loved this to bits im actually in tears