Give a boy some flowers

One Shot Collection
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*shameless kyungsoo and potty mouthed author but y'all been know this lmao enjoy 


Kyungsoo spent two hours getting dressed for his date. Technically, he was just going to watch the guy dance, but the thought of things progressing further made his heart flutter all the same. He had been watching the other boy for the longest time and when he approached the other and was given a chance to prove himself through a date, he was practically through the roof with joy. 

Of course, not everything was as picture perfect as it would seem. Alas, his crush was still in the closet and very secretive about their relationship, somewhat of a shock for Kyungsoo who was out and had spent the majority of his life as such. He didn't really care for the haters, just did his own thing. However he understood that not everyone was so ready off the bat, that some people needed time to grow into themselves and become comfortable putting themselves in the spotlight in such a manner, especially when put under as much harsh scrutiny as his crush.

That being said, this would be nearing their sixth week "together" and although he said he could be patient, Kyungsoo was reaching his limit. He had figured that by the six week mark, the other boy might be more willing to get close emotionally, share things about himself, text him sweet things, go out to eat together, but all they had done was order in take out, watch movies and have (lots and lots of ). Not to mention the other man was pretty distant and closed off, not as if he was purposely trying to shut Kyungsoo out, but more like he didn't really care to share any details about himself, as if Kyungsoo didn't need to know. Not to mention the fact that it was taking a bit long for the other to even tell his best friend about his interest in men, let alone the rest of the world and although this almost made sense to him, considering the importance of the matter, the reasons the other gave ("I don't really want to stand out, you understand right?" "The guys are kind of weird about...that stuff. Let me ease them into the idea, Soo, I promise I'll tell them soon.") did not make any sense after some investigation; he recently aquired knowledge that there were not one, not two, but three gay members of the dance team. This just did not add up. 

And so being the self-respecting person he was, Kyungsoo decided that if after tonight, he still couldn't get an admission, the other was likely not looking for someone to have a real relationship with and he would dump his . Plain and simple. 


On his way to the venue he picked up some roses as a gift to congratulate the other on a job well done. Walking into the store, he wondered if roses were too large of a statement, but with encouragement from the girl at the counter he asked for a dozen and left the store with a grin on his cheeks and a shout of "fighting!" from behind him. He could only hope for the best. 


The performance was fantastic. It was an end of semester showcase, where every dancer choreographs his own number and performs it as part of their final grade. Every dancer had they're own distinct style and level of skill, but all of them were fantastic, or at least a thousand times better than Kyungsoo could ever hope to be. 

His boyfriend's(?) dance was great, among the best. The way he ed his hips and moved with the beat was impecable, and Kyungsoo was one the first people to start clapping. He was prepared to zone after that, having seen what he came to see, but the next and final dance captured his attention. The next dancer was a tall male, with slightly bronzed skin and the most captizating dance moves he had ever seen. Gently but sharp, slow and quick all at once, he was amazing. Not to mention extremely hot. If Kyungsoo hadn't come for another man he would be on the hunt as soon as the show was over. He sighed at his luck. 

Once the performances were wrapped up he headed backstage to where the other had old him to meet him, and immediately spotted him among the other dancers. 

"Sehun!" Said male looked up, sweaty but grinning at the sight of Kyungsoo, or he was until he saw what he held in his hand. 

At that moment Kyungsoo noticed three things. The first was the confused, look in Sehun's eyes at the sight of the flowers, eyes wide and brows furrowed. the second was the approach of a group of boys from the side, one of them with pink hair calling the others name. The third was t

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Chapter 4: Ahhh! This is how the become housemates... mamabyun is foxy and kaisoo is cute.
Chapter 3: All is good. Each chapter is a whole kaisoo universe by itself and I love it. I'm into hybrid fics and this is the first ever him being a chameleon. Such novelty to have found your little pocket of drabbles.
Chapter 3: Chameleon Kyungsoo is the cutest thing I need moreeee
drowninfic #4
Chapter 2: It's nice and refreshing to find plot like this
I love it
Chapter 1: Awwwwww, that was so damn cute. I meant the part where Kyungsoo and Jongin busy blushing for each other. Sehun was such an . He's lucky that Kyungsoo didn't go all SANTANSOO on him.. I'm not even sure if I want to be his friend after all that humiliation if I were Kyungsoo.

Anyway, thanks for the cute one shot.
--ohreos #6
Chapter 1: sehun was a but oh my god i loved this to bits im actually in tears