"Nice underwear you got there, Mingyu."



I woke up to the sound of my buzzing alarm clock, and sunlight seeping through my bedroom curtains.

I lay there in my bed not wanting to get up and just go back to sleep. I mean its not like I actually want to go to school. I don't even do anything there. It would be pointless.

I then remembered that on Friday I agreed to meet with Mr. Kim about getting me a tutor.
I internally groaned at the thought of having to work with some nerd after school. But after-all I need this to be able to graduate. And if I don't graduate... I am stuck in high-school.

I looked over at the clock sitting on my nightstand. The big red numbers read 7:50. I have 5 minutes to get to school or I'll be late.

I cursed at myself, and threw on a pair of jeans and a random shirt laying on the floor. I skipped brushing my hair and teeth. 

What its just school? Not like I have anybody to impress.

I huffed as I made it into the school... 10 minutes late.

I asked the Office lady for a pass so I could skip 1st period to meet Mr.Kim and my tutor.

I skipped down the hallway to Mr. Kim's room. I rapped on the door so he would let me in.

"Jeon Wonwoo, Why are you late?" Mr.Kim said giving me a bitter look. Dude, I'm practically late to everything, Its nothing new. I wanted to say it but that would result in me getting a detention.

"Don't answer..Okay, I got a tutor for you. He is in your grade, and y'all are going to have to workout the schedule. Your tutor is Kim MIngyu, go find him he's in room 180. Here a pass. Leave." Mr.Kim said rather fast I was barely able to under stand.

He quickly shoved a pass into my hand and pushed me out the door.

Wait. Wait. Kim Mingyu is going to be my tutor? At least it isn't some nerd.

I shrugged and made my way to the room Mingyu was in.

180.. 180? That's the library I thought to myself.

"Is Kim Mingyu in here, Ma'am?" I asked the librarian. I honestly don't even know here name. I never even go to the library. Lucky that I even know where it is.
"He's in the back, Wonwoo." She smiled sweetly at me. 
Oh my gosh. Kim Mingyu is a goody too shoes that helps out in the library. How cute.
"Hey, Mingyu. You're my tutor correct?" He whipped around and his eyes widened in shock.
"What? You're Jeon Wonwoo? Your the guy that saw me.. ya know.." Mingyu said avoiding my eye contact.
"Yup.. I'm Joen Wonwoo. The one he witness you i-" My mouth was suddenly cover by a large hand.
Mingyu angry eyes looked deeply into mine. He pulled me over to a table and sat me down. I couldn't help but laugh at how easily he got angry.
"Look that's agree on something, okay? I tutor you, and you don't say a damn word about what you saw in the locker room. You don't understand how badly that would ruin my reputation." Mingyu said gripping onto my arm tightly. Jesus, dude let go.
"Okay. Okay, Bruh I promise. Let go. Let go." I whined. He quickly lets go of my arm realizing that it was hurting me.
"Okay, everyday during this period and after school on Fridays  I can tutor you. Let's get started." He said. 
I got up from his chair and went over to his book bag, but when he bent over I caught a glimpse of something...
Just when I thought I had all the dirt on Kim Mingyu...
Kim ing Mingyu wears pink frilly .
"Nice underwear you got there, Mingyu." I shout towards him.
You can see him his body become stiff. He pulls his shirt to wear its covering his , and slowly gets up and walks out the door.
I walk into my last period of the day. The only class period I have with Mingyu. 
This whole thing is going to be hilarious. I can all I want. And he won't do anything about it cause we all know the only reason why he is tutoring me is so that it looks good for the college that he's applying for.
I take my seat that's in front of Mingyu, and wait for the class to begin.
After a few minutes Mr.Kim walks in. I should atleast start to pay attention, maybe I could learn a few things.
"Class today we are doing a project which requires a partner. And don't worry I already choose everyone's partners."
He started telling who's partners with who and of course y'all can guess who my partner is. 
He groaned as he heard that me and him were going to be partners. This is going to be so much fun.
I turned my chair so that I was facing Mingyu. 
"We both know that Im going to be doing all the work. So don't even try to do it." Mingyu said rolling his eyes as he took the paper away from me.
Damn, salty aren't we?
I guess he isn't going to say anything about the .
"So, how about those of yours?" I say in a whisper tone.
"Leave me alone!" Mingyu shouted at me causing everyone to look our way. Mr. Kim got from his chair and stared angrily at us.
"Detention. Both of you." 
Mingyu gasped at the word ' Detention'.  Aw, has goody too shoes never had detention before?
"B-But sir..I -" Mingyu started stuttering. But was immediately cut off and told to get back to work.
"Awe, have you never been to detention before? How cute." 
"This is all your fault." He said pointing a finger at me accusingly.
I put my hands up in surrender. 
"I 'll make it up to you. Give your number." I say
"Mingyu, please." I pouted and tried to sound sincere.
"Fine." He huffed sounding defeated and started typing his number in my phone.
Detention is a bore. And it hasn't even started yet.
I look up on the board and see the word in bold black letters


I sigh. I can't even talk? Ptff like I going to be doing work either.
I put my head down on the cold hard table, closing my eyes. Might as well catch up on some sleep I guess.
"Wonwoo get your head up and work." I hear the strict teacher say.
Dafaq? I can't even sleep... I have no work. Nobody to talk to. I decide to open a book and pretend that Im reading.

But then an idea popped in my head and I silently take my phone out of my pocket to text Mingyu.

W: Hey Princess :)))))

I see Mingyu's hand reach into his pocket and take out his phone. Making sure the teacher isn't looking.
He turns around to face me and shakes his head 'no'
'Just answer' I mouth at him

M: Don't call me that and don't text me 

W: Would you rather be called 'Mingyu the quarter back er that wear '?

W: Oh come on let's have some fun ;)

M: just call me Mingyu bruh

M: ew no homo bro

W: rely no homo? so is that why u ?

W:Fine let me ask you a question

M: ugh..fine

An Idea pops into my head. This detention need some excitement. I laugh mischievously to myself.
Let's tease Kim Mingyu.

W: Why exactly do u like to ?

W: Is it because you like the feel of another boys in ur mouth?

W: Or do u like they way it tastes?

W: Do u like the way he pulls on hair wanting more and more?

W: Or

I see Mingyu's back straighten and I can tell that he's holding his breath. Is out little Mingyu getting that easily? Im just getting started.

M: Stop stop im not playing ur little game Wonwoo

M: And im not gay 

M: im not answering you anymore

W: If u don't answer me i will tell everyone ur secret

Minutes pass and he still doesn't reply. Okay tell everyone your secret it is. Just as I was about to come up with a plan to tell everyone about his little secret. He messages me.

M: Fine I will do what ever you want just plz don't tell anyone

Im so sorry if this chapter is y i honestly don't know what to write. Next chapter will include a little more sooo..
 btw Im not that good at so i will try my hardest.
Im trying to improve my writing so please.. don't expect this to be like a freaking Stephen King book lol
I would really like to know what i can d oto make this better.
More detail?Need to be longer? I feel like this doesn't have a lot of detail so ill try to fix that
Thank you for reading! I will try to improve this story!! :))))))))
( and tbh i actually didn't even revise this chapter. Ooops.)

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Chapter 3: e w e ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 2: yiz bottom mingyu on the wayyyy~
Exoticfangirl2011 #3
Chapter 2: It's great! I love it so far and the cliffhanger is a good way to get readers into your story! Ha like me lol. The story was a bit short. I don't mind since the content was great so keep up the good work :)))
MysteryW #4
Chapter 1: Awh .. short for me authornim
Anyway, thanks for the update !
annyeong_bunny #5
Mingyu better be top