Ay Vamos

Ay Vamos [Drabble]

Tao loves Kai more than anything, when he first saw him he knew he would be the one. He completely disregarded everyone's warnings on how Kai just isn't the type to simply be tied down. They survived high school and they both now had steady jobs, they also lived together. 

Honestly Tao didn't think his life could get any better. 

He had the man he wanted. 

Kai was everything in his eyes, he understood him and helped him out from time to time with his pronunciations of words he still couldn't quite get. Of course he always found it embarrassing but Kai assured him that he thought it was adorable when he always asked him for help. However even know people still warned Tao, so much that it put him on edge a lot, even with all of Kai's constant reassurances. 

It got under his skin he couldn't deny, it made him doubt their relationship sometimes, its not like Kai made it obvious that he didn't want him but Tao had recently realized that at certain when he was on the phone he would shoo Tao away. Something he found odd since Kai had made it a point to never keep secrets from Tao for insecurity reasons. He always said he wanted Tao to feel safe and loved but lately Tao had felt he was getting pushed away, although every time it happened the very next day Kai would be apologizing and making a thousand promises for their future together that it made Tao's heart swell and he eventually ignored the small little sign. 




It happened again when he was with Sehun, a close friend of his, he would even call the younger his best friend, but that aside from the point was that while they were talking, just walking around aimlessly while sipping some smoothies Sehun brought up the topic of Kai again. 

"Luhan said he saw him with a friend of Baekhyun." Tao knew of Baekhyun, he was a bit seductive looking and at times could be sensual but everyone knew that when he got into a relationship he was fully committed, adultery was the one thing that Baekhyun couldn't stand or forgive. 

So far the male has been in a faithful relationship for two years with a man named Daehyun, only a few people had ever met him since he didn't work with Baekhyun. It was a wonder how they had met and the latter refused to tell. 

He tensed already knowing what the other was implying but the name Baekhyun helped him relax a bit. "Well he knows Baekhyun...." 

Tao trailed off and Sehun sighed. "Just because he knows Baekhyun doesn't mean he is Baekhyun." Tao bit his lip and looked at Sehun from the corner of his eye. 

"But then....Baekhyun wouldn't still call him a friend now would he?" 

Sehun shrugged and just like that the subject was dropped. 




Their conversation kept floating through Tao's head for weeks after, he couldn't believe that Kai would cheat on him, he just couldn't, didn't want to believe it. Not after all the sweet words Kai whispered into his ear late at night when they were wrapped up in each other waiting for sleep to consume them. 

Sighing tiredly he fell back on his bed, contemplating on whether to actually cook or order something when his phone rang, Baekhyun, he raised a brow not even knowing the older male had his number. Then again all you had to do was ask Sehun and if he found you trustworthy then there you go. 

As soon as he answered the phone he sat up immediately, shocked, he had never heard Baekhyun curse yet hear he was practically saying every swear word in existence, he heard another male voice, deeper than Baekhyun's and one he hadn't heard before so figured it must be his boyfriend. 

After a while he heard the male calm down then hissed his next words out. "Come to the coffee shop." Then he hung up. 

Perplexed and overwhelmed he started getting ready to go to the coffee shop he frequented with Sehun since it was the only place he could think of since he and Baekhyun had never hanged out together let alone had a proper conversation. 



When he got there he saw an unidentified male massaging Baekhyun's shoulders as he whispered into his ear, Baekhyun was biting his lip as his fists were clenched tightly. The male looked at him and smiled raising one of his hands slightly to wave so he walked over. 

"I'm Daehyun nice to meet you." Tao nodded and bowed, so this was Daehyun he looked like a nice guy. 

"Nice to meet you as well hyung, just call me Tao." Daehyun nodded then averted his gaze down to Baekhyun so he did the same and the latter sighed and opened his eyes. 

Not saying a word he stepped away from Daehyun and grabbed Tao's wrist pulling him near to the back of the coffee shop, what he saw shattered his heart and all the promises the other had whispered. 

Kai was with a taller male, they were talking, laughing, their legs bumping into each other's under the table. Holding hands on top of the table, he could see Kai rubbing small circles into the other's palm. 

"CHANYEOL!" The tall male jumped and Kai's eyes widened, even more so when he caught sight of him, he couldn't take it and ran out the only thing he heard were chairs scraping against the floor and Baekhyun scolding Chanyeol, telling him how disgusting his behavior was and to have the impudence to do it in a place where he knew Tao went to almost every day. 

He ran across the street then turned back in time to see Baekhyun slap Chanyeol and Daehyun holding back Kai who stopped struggling when he realized him looking, at first he looked at him sadly then tried mouthing apologizes, Tao could tell.

And he didn't want them, so he his heel, walking back to their shared apartment determined to leave before he saw the other's face and this time he didn't turn around. 

Again....not sure...how this turned out but....I hope you like it~? ^^"

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